< Return To The Land Of Giants | Ex Pulplogs | Flaming Volcano God >

ST After the minor incident with the (formerly) bold giant and the man-eating plant, Corve and everyone else follows Normid back to Tonidra's home and seat themselves around a long, low table made of some sandy-colored wood with lots of hypnotic whorls and curves in the grain. Seated on blue silk cushions, everyone waits for the food.

Carmine leans lightly on Corve as they wait for the food

ST Shortly Tonidra and Kukulak enter the tent carrying huge trays of food. As promised there is roast dikdik, fried tortoise served in its shell, yab-yab fruit jam and jelly over dark bread, some kind of stringy grey roots, a stew of meat-bits, vegetable-matter, spices and well-cooked sunspiders. And more! There are little flat biscuits with a dark, shiny coating that reflects the light, but none of the Circle knows what they are.

Corve stretches his arm over the back of Carmine's chair as they wait, his eyes sliding over the giants and giantesses in the room. He looks at Myrrh and Xar when the food comes- and though it looks strange, it also looks delicious.

ST Normid and Kukulak, once having finished preparing, dig into the food with a hearty appetite. Umak is somewhat more reserved because of his recently ordeal and Tonidra is downright dainty.

Xar`Rex watches Tonidra admiringly as he takes some yab-yab jam, some weird roots, vegetable matter and one of those funny biscuits.

Myrrh glances at the strange food set before him. Not sure exactly what all of this stuff is...still, it looks alright. he takes some roasted Didik and some yab-yab jam.

Corve begins to eat with the rest of them, taking some dikdik and fried tortoise for starters, with a spoonful of yab-yab fruit jam to the side.

Xar`Rex considers whether eating enough yab-yab will make him more attractive or not

Myrrh "Hm. So tell us Umak, how did you wind up in such a dangerous situation? You certainly look like you can take care of yourself.

Carmine eats along with the rest, avoiding the yab-yab jam for the moment instead trying the spider and the tortoise.

ST Umak looks up from his spider stew "I was trading silks in the city, but I grew ill and went in search of a healer. At the temple, they offered to help Umak, but instead they drugged Umak. I woke in the beast where you found me." He looks angry, but Tonidra lays a hand on his arm and he forces a smile. "I offer thanks for the rescue."

Myrrh smears the jam on some of the bread, odd how this stuff is so common here...must have something to do with their god. "Well it was no trouble at all Umak. It was the least we could do after Tonidra's hospitality."

Corve nods slightly at Umak's tale. "Yeah, that entire city needs to be cracked down on," he says, popping some fried tortoise in his mouth, swallowing. "We're happy to have been able to help, Umak," he says calmly.

Xar`Rex "You are very welcome, Umak. We took care of the temple, hopefully it will not happen again."

ST Umak frowns, looking sad. "But my silks and money, they are gone. The temple-folk stole them from me."

Corve coughs a little, and takes a drink. "Unfortunately, we can't do anything about that at the moment. Neither can we do anything about the gigantic beast that they had swallow you. We have to take care of the priorities first... our own country's about to be crushed onto Creation, after all." He smiles a little, but he's obviously worried.

Xar`Rex crunches into the shiny biscuit, pauses, surprised and licks the roof of his mouth for a bit.

Carmine glances over at Xar, curious

ST The big man nods. "I will get better and return to take back what was stolen." He sounds resolved. You also notice his accent is more..civilized then Tonidra's, Normid's or Umak. And he is somewhat shorter, less handsome, less muscular. Maybe he's a yab-yab convert or just from another tribe?

Xar`Rex "It is sweet, very sweet. Like..." he glances at Corve, "Like... a whole hive of honey."

Myrrh "Speaking of silk, I think Corve had a proposition for you.." Glances at Xar's strange reaction.

Carmine tries one of the biscuits, even more curious

Xar`Rex finishes the biscuit, having decided it's quite good, although it makes his teeth ache

Corve nods slowly. "I've already spoken to Tonidra about it," he says. "Tonidra, Myrrh is the best artist I know, next to Xar- and he knows my daughter almost as well as I do. Any measurements you need, or drawings, you should ask him. I can't draw to save my life."

ST Tonidra looks at the taller of the two men and nods. "Tonidra will ask if help needed."

Corve chews on some more fried tortoise and smiles. "Thank you again, Tonidra."

Carmine "Mmmmm. These are good."

ST The big woman nods as she swallows a bit of dikdik. She notices everyone looking at Xar "The darkbuns are good? Tonidra worked hard on them."

Myrrh tries one of the buns. "Darkbuns? What's in them?"

Xar`Rex "They are wonderful, Tonidra! I have never tasted any like them."

Corve tries one, too, and munches happily. "Very delicious."

ST Tonidra blushes a little. "Old secret things of Tonidra's family. Must say no more as to ingredients."

Myrrh "Very sweet though."?

Corve looks at Myrrh and smirks. "You leave Tonidra's secrets alone, buddy."

Xar`Rex takes a couple more, and crunches them down enthusiastically. And some more of that lovely yab yab

Myrrh has some more Yab-yab and then thinks for a moment. "Hmm...do you have many people who know how to read in your villiage Tonidra?

ST Tonidra considers. "Shaman speaks with the lines on dry skins."

Carmine nibbles on another one as she leans a little closer to Corve

Corve eats heartily, speaking between mouthfuls. His mother raised him properly, with a skillet for a 'manners instructor.' "Anyway... I think tomorrow around noon we should be probably heading out. These last four days have significantly slowed us down. We really need to get a move on." He smiles, kissing Carmine's temple, and pops some yab-yab in his mouth.

Myrrh "Move on where? We don't know where this city under the sands IS..."

Xar`Rex "Well, we will find it. We must."

Corve looks at Myrrh. "We didn't know where anything was when we started. If we don't go now, we're just going to lose more time. We really need to get a move on. We -do- have a deadline."

Myrrh "I know but...I need time to study the book. It might let us know something.:

Xar`Rex "You can read on the way, when the wind is not so bad."

ST Normid raises his head from his plate and considers the, to him, slight and delicate-looking (minus Xar) Circle. "Where will you go? Nothing but sand for days and weeks from here, but for Stzang."

Corve nods a little, knowing that Myrrh is making sense. "If you want you can ride on Jaks... it might make it easier for you to concentrate if you're sitting, not hanging."

Myrrh "Good idea...I swear some days I wish I was a Savant. I could probably get some sort of impish demoic book holder."

Xar`Rex "Or you could make one."

Corve raises a brow at Myrrh and snorts. "Build one."

Myrrh "Not alot of gears out here...I suppose I could make some from the sand..."

ST Normid clears his throat, a loud, attention getting noise. "Nothing but sand for many days in all directions but Stzang's. Where you go from here?"

Carmine "To The City With No Name." says Carmine

Xar`Rex "We must find the black viper cult. It is south. Do you know where it is?"

ST The big man shakes his head, as do the other three giants. "We know nothing of it. We hear tales of it, but not of its home."

Xar`Rex "Tell us what you have heard"

ST The barbarians repeat the common rumors about the cult, worried tales of their power and the death of Abundance. Nothing new, of course. They are so very isolated that even Abundance's fall is news to them, the newest thing.

Xar`Rex "Hmmm thank you. Well, south then. We will ask the Gods along the way, if they know of the City."

ST Normid looks disapprovingly at the circle. "Foolish to go into sand-seas with no direction, no place to go."

Myrrh "Well we don't have alot to go on at this point...we can't go back to the city."

Xar`Rex "We have no choice."

Corve sighs a little and nods in agreement with Normid. "Yes, but it's also foolish not to take an initiative. If your entire land was in jeapordy, dozens of thousands of people on the line depending on what you do- wouldn't you follow even the slightest of clues, Normid?"

Xar`Rex "Unless you tell us where is best to go."

ST The big man snorts. "Best go where you can learn to find this...place. Then come back." Tonidra and Umak are nodding. Kukulak is still eating.

Xar`Rex "Where can we learn? Stzang?"

ST He looks at Xar "If you not learn last visit, will you when you visit next?"

Corve shakes his head. "I don't think we're going to get any more information from Sztang- not unless we somehow subdue one of the more powerful gods."

Xar`Rex "No time for that."

Corve nods. "My point exactly."

ST "Glass City is only few days from here." he offers helpfully.

Xar`Rex "Why did you not say that earlier?"

ST "Everyone know where Chiaroscuro is."

Corve shakes his head. "We're banned from Chiaroscuro for the next year."

Xar`Rex "Oh. I thought it was a different place."

Normid shakes his head. "Harborhead to the east and Lap or Gem to the west. I think you not find this place you seek without looking elsewhere first. Or we find you, all dry and dead of thirst and water-stealers."

Myrrh "Well...maybe Harborhead knows? I don't think Gem is known for being full of occult sages."

Xar`Rex "Both the Lap and Gem are west, though, they are close to each other"

Xar`Rex "Well. Closer than Harborhead."

Carmine looks lost at all this mention of geography, quietly nibbling on a darkbun.

Myrrh "Well we also have to be concerned about involvement with the Realm...we're on a deadline and I don't think we can get into a fight with the legions."

Corve sighs. "Harborhead's farther away, but it's is it closer or father than Gem or The Lap to our destination?"

Xar`Rex "We do not know what our destination is."

Corve sighs a little bit and finishes his second- or third? he can't remember anymore- plate of the delicious feast. "We need a shortcut."

Xar`Rex goes through his now-familiar change, and laughs, "You wish to find out about a God? Why are you here, then?"

Corve looks up at Xar- now Xeth- and tilts his head.

Xar`Rex raises a scaley brow at Corve, "Well?"

Corve suddenly brightens up, splitting his lips into a wide smile and tapping the table. "Xeth... you're brilliant. If we want to speak with gods... we go to them- not a god... -the- gods." Then he stretches his eyes up a little, and looks back to his friends with a raised brow.

Carmine looks blank

Myrrh "Well I suppose...but...isn't it a bit difficult to get into Yu-Shan?"

Xar`Rex "Ahh, you're smarter than you look."

Myrrh "I mean all the stories of beautiful god lions at the gates..."

Corve looks at Myrrh and grins. "That's where our brilliant resident god comes in. Xeth... would you be willing to get us in, if we promise to behave?"

Xar`Rex "It will take better behavior than the last several cities we have been in. I will not have my reputation tarnished by your foolish antics." he warns

Corve nods slightly, feeling like a schoolboy. "Of course."

Xar`Rex "And what do you plan to offer in return for my patronage?"

Myrrh glances at Corve, not sure if this is a good idea with Carmine...she isn't always...calm.

Myrrh "I'm sure the people of Brume would be greatful. Might even turn to pray to such an influential god in the salvation of their nation?"

Corve looks at Xeth and pauses. Caught in the moment, the Night Caste hadn't thought that they would have to figure a way to pay the god back- but it was completely logical, at least from Xeth's point of view. He thinks quickly. "For starters, we will most definitely put you in our prayers, and yes, as Myrrh said, use as much influence as we can to make Brume just as appreciative... is there something specific that you are thinking of, Xeth?"

Xar`Rex taps his claw against his chin, "That will be acceptable, unless you cause trouble. I will detail appropriate chiminage when we return."

Corve nods silently. It's dangerous to give a god- especially one like Xeth- so much influence over them... but he also knows that there's no choice in the matter. They -have- to get into Yu-Shan.

Xar`Rex "I am mostly doing this for Xar's sake. He seems to like you all, probably more than is good for him."

Xar`Rex "Well. Shall we go, then?"

Normid and the other giants clear the table and retreat into another room of the tent-house, not really comfortable talking to gods. Even if they are inside friendly dinosaur-men.

Corve stands up. "We should. Now that we have a plan, there's no need to wait for it. We can come back here when we have time- right now we should be making the best of the time we -do- have."

Carmine whispers in Corve's ear "Where are we going?"

Myrrh "Is it...safe to take our things?"

Corve looks to Xeth for the answer of Myrrh's question, and takes Carmine's hand, looking into her eyes. "We're going to Yu-Shan, love. Heaven."

Xar`Rex "What you can carry. You will not need much when we are there."

Carmine "...Heaven?" Carmine sounds surprised and more than a little awed

Corve nods at her. "Yes. Where the gods live. Don't worry- it's a first for all of us, save Xeth."

Myrrh "Hm. I've heard mention of it. Crystal wasn't too specific on the details."

Myrrh "I was never sure we'd be able to make it past the gate. I mean it is heaven. Must have tighter security than the empresses harem."

Xar`Rex "It does. And don't even think about trying to enter harems you are not invited into."

Corve smirks at Xeth and shakes his head. "No worries from my end."

Corve clutches Carmine's hands tighter, squeezing them softly.

Carmine squeezes back

Myrrh "So how will we know where to go? I mean are there guides in Heaven?"

Corve ponders. "There probably are- but with Xeth with us, I don't think we're need one."

Xar`Rex "While I do not reside there, I have been there often. If you get lost, I suggest you ask one of the guards."

Xar`Rex sighs, "I suppose you can ask for directions to Shinebright's sanctum if you do. We will be meeting with her."

Myrrh "Who's Shinebright?"

Xar`Rex smiles, "She is a good friend of mine. I think you will like her."

ST Xeth takes the Circle from the village after they have thanked their host, left Tonidra drawings for Sun's dress and gathered their provisions and such things. With everyone prepared, Xeth leads the Circle into the deep desert where he summons forth a massive explosion of Lava to swell up from the sands and consume the Circle. After a few seconds of intense brightness and heat, the Circle finds themselves standing inside a bright, golden c

ST golden corridor. Occupied, of course, by two huge lions made of living Orichalcum. One pads forward, his massive head as large as Xar's entire body. He sniffs at the Circle. "Xethlixocoatlculbialik of the South...and guests?"

Myrrh leans back to take in the massive beast. "So they were true..."

Corve is holding on to Carmine's hand, Jaks standing next to him, the beast as awed by the lions as the Exalts and Dragon Kings. He squeezes Carmine's hand and doesn't flinch, simply staring at the golden beast with respect.

Carmine looks up at the lions with curiousity and a certain amount of sizing them up.

Xar`Rex bows respectfully to the lion. When he rises again, it is apparent that he has changed. Xar's skin seems to have become rather translucent, and veins of molten metal can be seen coursing through them, his scales, though translucent, have transmuted to metal, as have his feathers.

ST The lions look more then a match for the Circle with huge bodies of living metal and fangs longer then Carmine's swordblade. They bow back, bending their front legs. Then the one that sniffed them nods to his partner and the doors at the end of the golden hallway open, allowing the Circle entrance into...Yu-Shan!

Carmine walks forward into Yu-shan, pulling corve along behind her

Corve walks by her, one hand wrapping around her waist and the other laying carefully on Jaks' neck, soothing the animal as they step into Heaven.

Xar`Rex 's eyes, which before had taken on a fiery glow when Xeth was speaking, now literally are afire, and tiny flames course along his scales randomly, highlighting the edges like embers. "Bronze Fang," he smiles and nods, "These are indeed my guests." his voice rings like a hammer on an anvil. As they pass, he gives the lions a "keep an eye on them" look.

Myrrh waits respectfuly for Xeth to lead them in then follows behind him.

ST The city of Heaven spreads before their eyes, a massive patchwork disc of a metropolis. They can quite literally see from one end of Heaven to the other, as the city is many thousands of feet below their entrance point at the top of a cloud. This would seem to be equal parts defense measure against tresspassers and impressive vista.

ST The city seems to be divided into at least twelve major districts, each having a vague color from awnings, bazaar tents, the paint on small buildings and the primary flowers in gardens. The Circle can locate yellow, blue, green, purple, red, orange, brown, silver, gold and grey areas, with several more, smaller locales.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "We should go see Shinebright first. She may have suggestions on who to talk to about this cult of yours."

Myrrh "Hm. Any place we shouldn't go in particular? I mean are there like...gangs in heaven?"

ST The way down from the cloud on which they stand makes itself known as a giant six-winged bat with spheres of coal for eyes flaps its way to their cloud. A large saddle-like thing is attached to the beast's back and it waits patiently for the passengers to settle themselves.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "That is not allowed. But don't bother going to Puce."

Myrrh "Oh? Why?"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "No one goes to Puce."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik wrinkles his nose.

Myrrh "No one? Did something happen there?"

Corve helps Carmine and Jaks to climb onto the bat and then slides on himself, looking back at Myrrh and Xeth, waiting for them to climb aboard.

Myrrh will probably talk Xeth's ear off on the ride over so he gets into the saddle thing on the flying bat.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik shrugs, "The undesireables roam there, in groups.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik ascends the bat, and seats himself neatly in the front.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik directs the bat to Shine's place!

ST The bat whisks its passengers to their destination in a blur of motion that leaves no time for sightseeing. It lands minutes later halfway across the city, in the White District, home to many earth-related beings. The particular dwelling the bat has taken them to is a single spiral staircase of White Jade with a small yard of sand, maybe three yards square. There is nothing else around, except for other estates.

Myrrh "Hmmm...I wonder if Crystal's place is around here..."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Crystal?"

ST Once everyone is off the Bat's back, it leaves, fluttering back into the sky and disappearing quickly from sight. And the circle is left standing atop a large Jade platform at the head of a spiral staircase ending in...sand.

Carmine frowns a little at the sand, curious.

Myrrh "Crystal Fountains. She was a cave goddess who helped me out after I got her back together with her husband."

Myrrh "What's with the sand?"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "You know Crystal Fountains?" he says, surprised. "Well, I'm sure you and Shine will have a lot to talk about, then."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik leads them down the stairs, under the sand, disappearing through it.

Myrrh "..hm. I think you just..walk below?" Tenatively steps down into the sand.

ST Myrrh watches his feet disappear into the sand as he walks down the staircase.

Carmine follows after Xeth.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Is she still with that Rivers man? I don't know what she sees in him."

Myrrh walks down fully. "Yes, Well I'm not too sure. They're both certainly passionate. Maybe she likes bad boys."

Myrrh "He's a little rough around the edges but they both love each other when they aren't trying to pummel eachother..."

Corve follows after the rest, taking Jaks with him.

Shine is waiting for her guests at the bottom of the staircase. She smiles at them with broad, white teeth of Jade. Her entire body is crafted from precious metals. Orichalcum locks of hair braided into an elaborate coif, Moonsilver skin, White Jade eyes with Starmetal irises. Her clothes are more "mundane" materials, spun gold and platinum, Adamant beads looped around her slim figure this way and that.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik walks over to Shine and embraces her, "Shinebright! It has been too long!"

Carmine blinks at the goddess and tries not to stare.

Shine is the perfect image of a meddlesome mother-in-law or grandmother with more money then taste, despite a naturally lovely face. But her smile is welcoming and she seems genuinely happy to see Xeth, giving him a big hug and kiss on each cheek. "Oh my little Xoco! You have a new partner! A Dragon King! And such WINGS! Well you two are lovely together."

Shine "And who are these...people?" Her smile falls slightly as she takes in the fairly mundane and mortal-looking Circle and Jaks.

Myrrh waits to be introduced, not sure how it is with gods in heaven...

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Yes, this is Xar`Rex. A strong, young one. I have been guiding him along to enlightenment. These are his friends, he gestures to the circle. He has the sense to live with other Chosen, although they are not Ochilike. Carmine, Corve and Myrrh. And Corve's steed and companion, Jaks.

Shine offers shallow bows of greeting to each person in turn. "Chose of, ah, what, may I ask?"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik chuckles. "Of the Sun, as Xar Rex is."

Shine nods to herself. "I welcome to you my home. I am, of course, Shinebright, Queen of the Riches of the Earth, Lady of the Praised Metals."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Myrrh, here, knows your daughter."

Shine widens her eyes. "You know Crystal Fountains? Indeed, is she doing well? Gotten rid of that low-born hanger-on she was infatuated with?"

Myrrh "It's an honor to meet you Shinebright. Yes I know Crystal Fountains. She was doing well although I think she's patched things over with Rivers. Atleast they stopped hitting eachother when I saw them last."

Myrrh "She has a very nice Sanctum in the east. I might go back to visit her when time permits."

Shine gives an angry snort! "She should know better then to "patch things up" with that lout! I know not what Charm he works on her poor addled mind, but would you know she has even asked to bring him HERE?! What ever FOR, I ask you? But I am being impolite. Let us retire to the fourth sitting room."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik pats Shine's shoulder consolingly, "She will grow up, eventually. Wasn't she close to earning her own Sanctum here last time we spoke?"

Shine sweeps her arms out and little men of gold and silver rise from the floor of the cavern in which her palace resides. Quickly scurrying around, they take Jaks and all the luggage to its proper places. They assure Corve Jaks will be well cared for while he stays here.

Shine "She has, didn't you hear? But in Creation, of course. I've told her she can come to visit me whenever she wishes as long as that..MORTAL remains behind!"

Corve nods thankfully to the little metal men, and then to Shinebright, smiling his gratitude. "Your hospitality is much appreciated, Madame Brightshine."

Shine "Shinebright, dear, we aren't Realm barbarians here in Heaven."

Shine "But, do, please, call me Shine. Shinebright is so formal, don't you think?"

Corve smiles again and nods. "Shine it is."

Shine "To the fourth sitting room!"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Oh, wonderful for her. Don't worry, Shine, the mortal will die eventually. They always do, and his kind faster than many."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik follows her to the fourth!

Myrrh heads to the sure to be fantastical FOURTH sitting room!

Carmine wanders through. She really isn't sure if she likes this goddess.

Shine leads the way to the Fourth Sitting Room in her palace, apparently taking great comfort in Xeth's words. In the sitting room, four of nine they are told, the Circle is seated in cushioned chairs of solid gold and offered fresh fruit juice, wine or unicorn milk in diamond glasses and on golden plates. The entire room seems to be made of gold or silver!

Shine is certainly wealthy beyond mortal conception, being the Goddess of Precious Metals. A single room of her mansion would make her Grand Plutarch of any Isle in Brume.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "You've redecorated, haven't you!"

Myrrh gawks in amazement.

Shine "Well, yes, just a bit. The rubies were so passe, I had to replace them."

Corve is amazed- but he hides it, trying not to seem too... obvious. It doesn't work well, but he keeps his mouth shut, at least. He doesn't place that much value on materialistic things, even though he does live in Brume- a paradox in his own homeland.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "It's beautiful. Have I mentioned you have amazing taste lately?" he smiles through molten fangs.

Shine "No, but it's always pleasant to hear. Now, what brings you hear from your volcanos?"

Shine "Did Keukepo get his city destroyed again? Does he need a loan?"

Shine looks concerned

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Ahh, business..." he chuckles, "Poor Keuke, I swear he has the worst luck. But no, not this time. Xar's friends have some concerns.. apparently their city - not Gem, Brume - may be destroyed."

Shine "Brume, yes, I've heard. They're very important to my cult you know." Her brow furrows. "And they wish to stop this? Well I can't say I disagree...how can I help?"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik gestures for the others to speak

Myrrh "We're looking for their city. We had a tip that they had a city buried in the south."

Myrrh "Although I think it might be connected to a book in my things."

Shine "The Black Viper Cult's city, I assume. Well, I haven't heard a thing about it...I didn't even know they HAD a city..but I may be able to get you in touch with the right people."

Shine "There are some parties coming up that I just know I can get you in to. Yes, that will do nicely. There's one tonight even, if you're prepared."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Have you anything more appropriate for Xar's friends to wear?"

Corve looks at Shine with a little more hope now. "The Black Viper Cult has powerful people working for it, Shine. We've faced a powerful Abyssal more than once, who seems bent on keeping us away. Any help you can give us would be much appreciated."

Shine looks over their dusty, desert-stained travel clothing. "I'm not sure that I have much in the men's way, but for the quiet one, yes, of course."

Shine "But I'll put the best tailor in Heaven on the men. Don't worry! Deadly Tailor Onizumi has never failed me, no matter how late the hour."

Myrrh "Deadly Tailor?"

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "You're an absolute Peach of Immortality, Shine darling. I admit I was a little sick at the thought of others seeing them like this. And they really must take a trip to the Saunaplex to clean up."

Shine "A wonderful idea. After the party we will all go together. First thing in the morning! But now, I must get to work. There's a party to prepare for!"

Shine Myrrh's question about "Deadly Tailor" is totally ignored.

Myrrh holds up a finger as if to ask something and then heistates and lowers it...Deadly Tailor?

Shine takes Carmine away with her and sends Xeth and the two men off to see one of her closest, best confidants and friends...the Deadly Tailor Onizumi!

Deadly Tailor? peers at the two men in their tired, dusty, desert-worn attire, his eight massive eyes blinking in distaste. With a few quick snips of one pair of razor-tipped fingers the insectile god summons a helper, the Fearsome Builder of Beauty

Myrrh glances at the giant spider tailor...well that makes sense. he can make his own material...

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Obviously, they need help. We will be attending a party tonight, and they need to look... respectable."

Deadly Tailor? is actually not entirely a spider. Has, for example, twenty arms instead of 8, each tipped with a metal tool of his craft: needles, blades, trimmers, more blades, smaller needles, so forth.

Deadly Tailor? "Yes, respectable. That they certainly do not look. Fearsome Builder of Beauty and I, the Deadly Tailor Onizumi, will cure that! But first, these rags must be...disposed of."

Myrrh "I think i'll keep the coat and goggles...they're hard to replace." He stammers, giant bug tailors...

Deadly Tailor? lunges towards both men at once, moving in a flurry of speed that defies their previous definition of "fast". With a sparkle from his razors and needles, the Deadly Tailor attacks both men with ten arms each, darting, cutting, slashing, lunging! All so fast they aren't quite sure what's going on.

Corve takes off his coat, and puts it aside. The rest of his clothes he doesn't care about. "Yes, I think my coat I'll keep as well."

Deadly Tailor? nods, pleased with himself, when he returns to his sitting position on the floor.

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? clicks into the room on hundreds of insectile legs, and looks the pair up and down, leaning his chin on four sets of arms as he considers the now much less dressed solars.

Deadly Tailor? of course, left Artifacts be. Not that his tools could cut them anyway..

Corve blinks, suddenly attacked and then... left alone again. He raises a brow and looks down at himself, feeling just a tad exposed.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik watches them, amused. He is always delighted to see the transformations that Onizumi makes. And their reactions to him are priceless.

Deadly Tailor? nods as Corve's movement causes his clothes to fall to the ground around him in tiny bits. Apparently the attacks were a series of cuts that rendered the garments down to mere bits of cloth, none of which can cling to the bodies they once covered.

Myrrh relaxs...tailors are all the same it seems, mortal or giant bug with metal legs.

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? "Ah, thank you Onizumi." he clacks out, scratching his head. Well, they'd certainly be a ... challenge, he thinks to himself. "What is it that they are to be attending?"

Deadly Tailor? And Myrrh too, at his first movement, finds his clothes in a pile of scraps at his feet. A pile that is shortly removed by a tiny man made of such scraps who devours them and grows about two inches taller.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik Shinebright's party

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "They intend to network a bit, make new acquaintances -- if anyone pays attention to them, at least."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? "Ahhhh, yes, yes, that is good."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "You know the theme of her party, of course?"

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? "I am /quite/ ... sure they will benoticed yes." his voice "Yes ... yes ... a mostinteresting theme."

Myrrh "There's a theme?"

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? clacks further into the room, his long body completely encircling the pair of solars, before the front of his body clicks closer to Myrrh, pulling a length of golden thread from ... somewhere, and starting to measure him. "Ohh..of course."

Deadly Tailor? nods. "Always."

Myrrh "What's the theme for this party then?"

Deadly Tailor? "Southern Personal Warfare, I've been told."

Myrrh "Southern personal warfare? Like the war gods?"

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? nods, giving the same measurement treatment to Corve. "Like ... the wargods."

Deadly Tailor? "A few of them are in attendance, from the commissions I've had. And more general gods from the region."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "The classier ones, of course. We ARE talking about Shine's party."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? sudden pulls away from the pair, his long body vanishing back out of the door he came in through, considering the solars once more

Deadly Tailor? considers Myrrh and Corve critically. "I think these two may be a challenge even for Fearsome Builder."

Myrrh "There are classy war gods? I thought they all had armies of warrior brides...although I don't know alot about the south i'm afraid."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik glares at Myrrh, "Watch your mouth, young one."

Deadly Tailor? "Mere mortal supersition. Why, the War Goddess of the North is the most charming woman I've had occasion to fit."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? starts to draw things on the air, giving Myrrh and Corve occasional, critical glances.

Corve shrugs. "I suppose to be a god you simply need to have the insight and power necessary. I've always suspected that a god represents the concept- but I don't see why it -has- to be that way. In any case, I haven't met many gods in my lifetime. It's all deduction."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "You have your own warrior which you worship, do you not Corve? Her grace and beauty and strength?"

Deadly Tailor? scuttles over towards Fearsome Builder, nodding over his designs. "Are you ready for me to begin?

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "A blade is no less deadly for its beauty."

Corve raises a brow at Xeth, quirking his lips into an amused rictus. "Worship and love are not mutually exclusive, Xeth. I love her- I don't worship her."

Corve looks at Deadly Tailor and nods slightly. "Whenever you're ready."

Deadly Tailor? looks down his proboscis at Corve "I was asking Fearsome Builder of Beauty. But if you insist..."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? tears the strands from the air, and throws them to the floor with a disgusted sigh

Deadly Tailor? pinches Corve's chin between two of his needle-fingers and goes to work..on the man's face!!!

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "As you say." he says, unconvinced.

Deadly Tailor? flashes a flurry of razorblades and tiny knives, quickly and cleanly cutting away at Corve's face until all traces of his customary five-day shadow are excised from his flesh. For the first time they've known him, Xeth, Xar and Myrrh see Corve clean-shaven.

Deadly Tailor? nods and applies the same treatment to Myrrh's face, taking care of the red stubble that has formed during his days inside the Behemoth and then later in the village.

Myrrh tries his best to remain still...rather suprised at Corves transformation!

Corve slides a hand through his face. He'd been scared for a moment that the god was actually going to restructure his face, or something equally invasive. But frankly, having a clean shave feels nice.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Hmmm much better already."

Deadly Tailor? "Fearsome Builder, would your designs necessitate any other changes to their mammal-hair?"

Deadly Tailor? confers quietly with Fearsome Builder, sharing ideas and suchnot.

Deadly Tailor? "Prepare yourself!" The deadly tailor orients himself towards Myrrh.

Deadly Tailor? launches into a flurry of activity, pulling bolts of cloth from his shelves and throwing them into the air. As the cloth flutters around Myrrh, he is temporarily blinded and obscured from the vision of everyone else in the room.

Deadly Tailor? cuts, snips, needles and sews the cloth as it is still in the air, allowing it to fit itself as it falls onto Myrrh's body, then whipping it back off and making changes needed so Myrrh is constantly barraged by flying bits of fabric.

Myrrh stays absolutely still, not wanting to wind up with his sleeves stitched into his wrists.

Deadly Tailor? contrives a layered appearance for Myrrh, starting with a tightly-applied silk bodystocking of deep forest green to offset his red hair. Building from that, the Deadly Tailor forcefully applies further shades of green to Myrrh until the tall, lean Twilight is swathed in green, leaving him looking a bit like a tree with a red bird perched in its crown. Browns are woven in here and there, and the greens eventually start to

Deadly Tailor? Finally Myrrh is left standing in fine white leather boots, the silk stocking he started out in, a heavy, mail-reinforced vest of some sort of naturally green leather with whitewashed mail and an interesting assortment of silk and velvet belts holding the whole thing in place. Considering he's wrapped more tightly then the ropes on a prisoner's wrists...he has amazing freedom of motion!

Myrrh "It's...very green."

Deadly Tailor? finishes up by giving Myrrh a haircut.

Deadly Tailor? trims the ill-kempt, longish red hair down to a few fingers widths and applies some sort of material to make the whole hairdo maintain its desert-cactus-thorn-fuzz appearance for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow.

Myrrh "Hmmm....what did you use on the hair?"

Deadly Tailor? "Quintessence. You may, of course, resume breathing and motion at this time."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? clicks his hands and clacks his claws on the side of his face, looking once more at corve.

Myrrh tries moving in the outfit.

Deadly Tailor? Myrrh, of course, finds himself able to move any way he wants. A creature of Onizumi's skill would not be so crude as to make it hard to breathe or walk!

Deadly Tailor? confers with Fearsome Builder again, over Corve. "I believe his partner will be attending in Chiascuro formal dress, with proper adaptations."

Myrrh "Carmine? Formal?"

Deadly Tailor? begins his work on Corve, this time, with the hair cut. Somehow the tailor is able to grow Corve's hair as well as trimming it, leaving the man with a neat braid down to his shoulders in Southern fashion. Then he produces a jaunty hat of harsh-woven gold and Yellow Jade, placing it atop Corve's head. Then, to work!

Deadly Tailor? leaves Corve alone moments later, the formerly naked Brumish police officer now clad in blues and golds, heavy combat-style boots with Orichalcum runes running up the sides and formal tassles of gold and silver on each side. Blue pants, a blue shirt open down to his navel covered with a golden vest of what seems an alloy between Gold and Orichalcum covering his shoulders, leaving his arms bare. Then atop that goes another

Deadly Tailor? applies the suit-like jacket with its elaborate golden embroidery of flames and sandstorms and then stands back to inspect his work.

Deadly Tailor? "You as well may resume breathing and motion."

Corve resumes breathing and moving, inspecting himself. Not exactly his style, but it's quite impressive. "Thank you, Deadly Tailor." He bows.

Deadly Tailor? "I was honored to deal with such a unique challenge. It has been a long time since my skills were so taxed."

Deadly Tailor? offers a bow to both men and Xeth. "And your designs were masterful as always, Fearsome Builder of Beauty"

Myrrh "Er...happy to help."

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? nods his heartfelt agreement, with much clacking of his carapace

Xethlixocoatlculbialik applauds, "A wonder as always, Deadly Tailor Onizumi!"

Myrrh "Wait, shouldn't we get Xar something?"

Deadly Tailor? shakes his head. "His current attire is acceptable."

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Hmmm perhaps a trim, and sharpen, though, if you would."

Deadly Tailor? unleashes an attack of rasps and files against the metallic Dragon King and settles back to rest amidst a small storm of metal splinters and dust. Xeth looks much better. He shines more, his feathers are straighter and better alligned and his claws and teeth sharper.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik inspects himself, "Ahh, much better. Thank you kindly."

Deadly Tailor? nods and bows.

Fearsome Builder Of Beauty? "Farwell, Xeth, Onizumi." says the strange centipoidal tailor, and then scuttles backwards out of the room.

Xethlixocoatlculbialik "Farewell, Fearsome Builder Of Beauty?. Your work will please Shine, I am certain!"

Corve bows to both Fearsome Builder and Onizumi.

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