< Carmine's Deal | Ex Pulplogs | They Switch Sides >

ST After Shinebright's party, a success in some ways and startling in many, the Circle retired, cleaned themselves and enjoyed a short rest filled with speculation and planning. They would remain in Heaven, it was agreed, for a few days so as not to offend Shinebright. Xeth insisted on a stay of polite duration, at least three full days further. And during that time they could use the facilities of his Sanctum and Yu-Shan at large to refresh

ST After all, the god of volcanoes noted, anything they needed in the mortal would could be got here in Yu-Shan with more ease and far better quality. Even the cheapest Heavenly goods are better then mortal items.

ST But their stay in Heaven was still shadowed by Corve's impending duel and the unspoken secrets revealed to Carmine by the god Anum-Ihk. Twice more the Red Coated Lady found the Circle to interrogate Corve for further details, but never offered more help then she had already given other then referring Myrrh to a few texts in the Great Library.

Corve is resting on one of Shinebright's rather comfortable couches. Well, resting perhaps isn't the best word to describe it. His foot is tapping, his eyes are shifty, and he's all together impatient. He understands staying to be polite, but they're losing precious time.

Xeth "So, Carmine, do you still wish to find your memories?" Xeth asks, glancing over at the woman.

Carmine "I ... think so." she says, not at all sure, from her seat beside Corve

Myrrh sits at one of Shine's tables, staring intently at the texts copied from the library. He has that strange look of detached concentration on his face again.

Xeth "Well, let me know when you are sure you do. We have time, still."

Corve slides his arm around Carmine's shoulders and pulls her closer, kissing the top of her head. He still hasn't had time to talk to her about what she did find out, and is obviously bothered by it.

Myrrh "No that's not it...anyone good with sub dialects of Firetongue?"

Xeth looks over at Myrrh, "I created two, actually."

Corve doesn't even know Firetongue, so he keeps quiet, playing with Carmine's hair idly.

Carmine leans comfortably on Corve, relaxing as he plays with her hair, trying not to think about the worrying things for the moment

Myrrh "Good, could you help me please? I can't figure out if this is supposed to be "Snake" or "legless lizard"

Corve raises a brow. "if I didn't know better I'd ask what the difference is..."

Xeth rises liquidly and approaches Myrrh, looking over the books arrayed before him, "Where?"

Carmine "There is?"

Myrrh points out the odd caligraphy and then thinks. "It could be another language i'm not familiar with. it is a large part old realm but...it's so encoded it might as well be hobgoblin gibberish."

Xeth "There are some legless lizards that have serrated teeth and lay eggs, unlike the snakes that have fangs and give birth live." he notes idly.

Corve waves a hand and looks over to Carmine. "See. This is why I don't ask."

Xeth takes the tome from Myrrh's hands, and studies it from all angles, even turning the book upside down to see if he can recognize the patterns within the words, before delving into the complexities of the words themselves, seeking common roots, patterns in the rhythm and so forth.

Myrrh glances at Xeth's studying of the book, with no text to look at Myrrh finds himself drawn to studying the strange tentacle patterns on the cover. He then narrows his eyes. "Xeth, can I see the text? I think the tentacles are a clue or some kind." Traces the pattern of one branch and then flips back to the front page, following the path of the tentacle as it would have been in the text.

ST While on a totally insane and wrong tangent, Myrrh's eyes do start to notice certain connections as he views the words out of order. Certainly not arranged with meaning related to the cover illustration, but their meaning is hidden inside sentences structured to a grammar not part of Old Realm and using meanings of the words that would hardly ever apply in context.

Corve leans over to Carmine. "Do you want to leave them alone... so we can talk? We haven't had the chance."

Carmine nods, a little reluctantly and stands

Corve stands with her and leads her out of the room, closing the door behind them to let Xar and Myrrh study in peace, since he and Carmine wouldn't be able to help at all.

ST It takes only a few pages for Myrrh to break the code and start reading the actual meaning of the words. A meaning which is profoundly disappointing. This seems to be a tome of thaumaturgical rituals designed to placate and, possibly, communicate with the behemoth below the city. From what Myrrh learned in the other books on Shajumani from the Great Library and from being inside the beast, most of the rituals are complete hogwash.

ST There is no mention of the Black Viper Cult or anything related to it.

Myrrh "Hmph...so much effort."

Xeth "Disappointed, are you?

Myrrh "It's just nonsense rituals to try and communicate with the behemoth.

Myrrh Although I suppose they're not all useless but...they're not related to the cult."

Xeth "Hmm well perhaps it will come in handy some day. We may be able to summon the behemoth to aid us or some such."

Myrrh "I don't know, it did threaten us with "doom" if we talked to it again."

Xeth shrugs. "Indeed."

Xeth "Well, is there anything else you would like to do in Heaven now that you have cracked your code?"

Myrrh "Well i'd like to go home...we can get to Brume from here can't we?

Xeth "Why Brume? I thought we had a mission in the East."

Myrrh "Well if we have time i'd like to check on my family. And i'm sure Corve would as well."

Xeth "Ah yes, the family you are trying to save, with the mission in the East. Have you ever considered moving?"

Myrrh "From Brume? Why? Lookshy is filthy and the blessed isle is full of the Dragonblooded. What other place is there to live with as much excitment?"

Xeth "Well, for one, they are not going to be destroyed by an insane cult for at least a year or two."

Myrrh "...at least?" Gives Xeth a curious look.

Xeth "You never know."

Xeth "And they usually give you some warning, to extort money and such."

ST After three days of various passtimes, including a trip to Brume and its unexpected results, the Circle departs Heaven for the mortal world, leaving by the 16th Gateway. As Xeth told them, this Gateway leaves them in a large stand of heavily mossed trees not far from a small town on the banks of the Yellow River.

ST And according to the information of the Red Coated Lady, it is the Yellow River that will take them to the Meander and the Meander that will take them to the information they desire.

ST Once actually inside the small town, Yellow Docks as its sign proclaims, Piss Water as the merchants' guards call it, the Circle has no trouble locating the docks and finding that about two thirds of the traffic stopping here is going up-river towards more profitable locations, including the Guild Plantations at the line between Yellow and Meander

Xar`Rex "Shall we find a boat, then, to take us?"

Myrrh "Unless you want to stay here. I suppose we could make one but I don't think we need the attention."

Xar`Rex "Well, that or we could fly and ride."

Myrrh "I don't know...is Jaks really a woodland mount?"

Xar`Rex points to a large boat that looks like the addition of two large saurians will not sink it. "That one, then. It is sturdy."

Corve "Jaks is an everywhere mount."

Xar`Rex gets on the boat, after making proper arrangments has been accomplished by somebody else, and they travel up the river, uneventfully!

ST The river trip is, mostly, uneventful. And relaxing, a small time to take in the sights of the Yellow River, eat fresh-caught river-fish, etc etc.

ST The problem is, of course, that their riverboat plans to make several stops along the way. The first being in Nathir, for three days and the second being at the Guild Plantations where the Meander starts.

ST At the Guild Plantations, where fae-eaten and normal slaves work to grow marijuana, cannabis and Bright Morning, the boat will take on its cargo and then head back down river, to sell in Nexus.

ST However, for the moment, the captain is a jolly man of great girth and his crew are competent and share their captain's good nature. Of course they've also mentioned carrying goods to the Plantation and some comments hint those goods at times may be alive.

Xar`Rex takes a moment one night, after most are asleep, to approach the hold, curious as to whether or not there are indeed living creatures inside it

ST A sleepy crewman notes the Dragon-King but simply nods to the giant lizard as Xar passes. From outside he can hear no sounds from the hold that would indicate a cargo of slaves. That of course, is no real evidence either way.

Xar`Rex knocks on the hold

Xar`Rex (door)

ST There is no response.

Crewman walks over to the Dragon-King "Is there a problem, master lizard?"

Xar`Rex "What cargo do you carry?" Xar addresses the guard. "My friends, too, are traders from the South."

Crewman "Food, mostly. But don't go a-knockin on the doors, it'll make folk think we've an intruder."

Xar`Rex "Folk inside?"

Crewman "Inside the ship you mean? Course there's folk inside the ship, Master Lizard. Passengers, crewmembers, your friends. Don't wanna be wakin everyone up, do you?"

Xar`Rex "I mean in there." he points. "Slaves, like the ones that work in the plantation. Do you have any good ones?"

Crewman frowns at the Lizard, abandoning his pose of lazy drunkenness. Tall and strongly built, the boatsmen on this ship double as guards against river pirates and the like. And this one is well-armed with a hefty spear and a good sword. "Not this trip, Master Lizard. I think you should get your rest, we make port in the mornin."

Xar`Rex "I do not wish to fight you. I am told that injuring people on this boat will make people unhappy, but why does my question make you so angry?"

Crewman "I been around this river a long time, master Lizard. Questions like that mean people dont like our trade. People might get ideas about breakin into the hold. And that'd be bad for business."

Xar`Rex "Do you treat them well?"

Crewman "Master Lizard, I think you need some sleep. I don't got time to be answerin your questions now." The boatsman is still being polite, but very firmly indicating Xar needs to move along and stop asking nosy questions.

Xar`Rex frowns, and goes back to his room thoughtfully

ST True to the boatsman's word, the riverboat makes port in Nathir the next morning. And, according to the somewhat-less-jolly Captain, intends to stay for three days, taking on further supplies and trade goods before heading on.

ST That leaves the Circle with the choice of a three-day delay or finding another boat. And several are in port. Nathir is much larger and more important then Yellow Docks was.

Corve is pretty pissed. They're losing a lot of time by spending these days in repose in these places. "We need to find another boat."

Xar`Rex "You do not want to remain on the slave-ship?"

Corve "No. And I also don't want to stay here for another three days. We're losing time."

Xar`Rex shrugs. "Then hire another boat, but we will not get our money back for what we did not travel."

Myrrh "I don't know if there is another ship though..."

ST Of the boats at dock currently, one is a massive three-story cruise affair with two towering smokestacks and a fancifully colored hull, propelled through the water by a giant paddle-wheel at the rear. Expensive, but fast. This ship makes no further stops, taking people to the supposed location of legendary Mist Island before turning North towards the Hundred Kingdoms where it ports at the Amethyst Fields

ST While it will get them to the guild plantation and let them off, it will be expensive and...crowded.

Xar`Rex "There is the fast one."

Corve sighs slightly, scratching his chin. "This is annoying," he says slowly, biting his bottom lip. "We need to get a move on..."

Xar`Rex "Or we could fly."

ST There are also slower boats up river, less crowded and most making at least one stop between Nathir and the Plantation

Corve raises a brow at Xar. "How do you figure that? Are you going to carry all of us?"

Xar`Rex "I could, but only if I had a platform of some sort for you to stand on, I think. I have not enough limbs to hold each of you.

Carmine "Would it really slow us that much to walk like we did in the desert?"

Corve ponders for a moment. "We'd move far slower. And I don't want to charge Xar with carrying us all."

Myrrh "I'm not sure. We still don't know when they're going to do whatever it is they're planning."

ST Of course, for even more money then it could cost to take the steampowered paddleboat, the Circle could hire a smaller boat's captain to take them beyond the plantation into the Meander where they could walk to the headwaters

Xar`Rex "It is no problem, really. By the time we decide, though, the slave ship will be sailing again, so we may as well stay on it."

Corve nods slowly. "I suppose so."

Xar`Rex "So, then? Hire a boat, wait, or I will carry you. I am getting some food while you decide." he wanders off into the town to scare up some dinner.

Xar`Rex returns, some hours later, to see if they have made a decision.

Xar`Rex "Well?"

Myrrh "We just continue."

Myrrh "I can only afford a trip for two on a fast boat.

Xar`Rex "Hmmm I found a nice inn."

Xar`Rex "Why don't we hire a slow boat, and I will make it go faster."

ST After much debate the Circle decides that they would like to leave town today. And since Xar hasn't told anyone that, thanks to Xeth's quickly forged money, he's rich, they bypass the two more expensive methods of travel. The end result is that before another hour is up the Circle is aboard a small rivership heading up to the Guild Plantation.

Xar`Rex takes a rope tied to the bow and launches himself into the air. Shortly, they are moving much faster than the boat could have hoped to before taking them on as passengers, to the surprise of the captain.

ST Knowing better then to protest, the captain goes along with this, telling his crewmen to do their best to keep up with this new strain on their boat. He hopes that he won't have to deal with these people if they should break his boat..

ST The boat trip aboard their new transportation is less friendly then it was aboard the first. Mostly because this crew is hard-faced, mean-spirited and unclean. In several ways, that is. Xar's first night aboard confirmed that this ship is carrying a cargo of slaves from the Ten Tribes up to the Guild. They are drugged heavily to prevent problems.

ST The crew and captain made it clear the Circle could swim their way up the river if they attempted to interfere, after Xar's questions angered a guardsman.

ST But aside from that, there have been no real problems. No river pirates or hungry ghosts or angry gods. And so, the Circle sails along on the river barge.

Corve is pondering why they don't just hijack the thing and get on with their own timetable. Saving Brume is many times more important than these idiots' business deals.

Corve approaches his friends with small clap of his hands. "Hey... I've got an idea."

Carmine "Yes?"

Xar`Rex "What is this idea of yours?" Xar asks, as he is on a break from pulling the boat.

Corve "Let's just take it."

Xar`Rex "Take what?"

Corve "The ship."

Xar`Rex blinks at Corve

Carmine "But..."

Corve "We're running out of time, and it's making me impatient."

Xar`Rex "Are you not a police- man?"

Corve "In Brume."

Xar`Rex "Will we have to pay?"

Corve "Not if nobody finds out."

Myrrh "Yes but I think running around and beating people to death and taking their things is a bit much..."

Xar`Rex shrugs. "We could ask them to take us without pay."'

Xar`Rex "Then if they say no, we will tell them the result."

Corve "I never said anyone had to be harmed. How much trouble can a bunch of mortals be?"

Carmine "Not one of them could hurt me."

Myrrh "Well alright..."

Myrrh "I just don't want to get caught and then found out as Anathema."

Xar`Rex "There is no one around to see us, up here."

Corve "I suggest we simply put them where they keep the slaves, and ask the slaves to help us in exchange for freedom.

Xar`Rex "Fine, then let us proceed."

Xar`Rex gestures for Corve to go talk to the captain.

Corve nods and straightens his coat, checking to make sure he's got his six-shooters, rifle, and machete with him, as long as all his other normal gear. "Let's go," he mutters, turning around and walking towards the captain.

Corve approaches the captain with a serious face, stopping just a few feet away. "Captain... we have a problem."

Captain acknowledges Corve's approach with a grunt. "I told you, be stayin in yer quarters. We aint go no problems for you to be out on my deck"

Corve "Oh, you don't seem to understand, Captain. For us to actually do what you say without due reason, we'd have to either like, respect, or fear you. Unfortunately for you... none of those are true. However, the opposite could well become a reality. Thus... you see, there -is- a problem."

Captain glares at Corve and moves a hand to the hilt of his heavy cutlass. "Now boy, I told you how you'd be gettin up river if you troubled me"

Carmine "You'll be going up there far quicker if you so much as try to scratch him."

Corve tilts his head at the captain, still several feet away, and pulls his coat back, revealing one of his six-shooters holstered at his waist. "You -still- don't seem to understand, captain."

Xar`Rex steps up behind Corve, and looks imposing.

Captain glares around furiously. "What are ya gunna do? Toss us in the river and sail yourselves? You even know HOW to sail, boy?"

Corve "I do. And my friend knows how to -better.- But no, we weren't going to -toss- you in the river. We don't want to -harm- you, captain. But our endeavour is much more important than your business."

Captain "And where you think we're going to go? Just sit quietly in our rooms?"

Corve narrows his eyes a little, frowning. "And if you call me 'boy' again, you'll wish you were still at home, with your mother, sitting quietly in your room."

Captain does not reply

Corve "So, you see, it would be much more appreciable if you simply cooperated, without any incident."

Xar`Rex grunts expressively.

Captain "You want us just sit in our rooms then? I'll be going to tell the crew."

Carmine smiles "I'm going to get to fight them, arn't I?"

Corve smiles at his lover, shrugging. "Not if our friend the captain is as smart as he's attempting to sound," he says in a rather loud voice.

Captain "Can ya hurry this hijacking up? Either ya gunna toss us into the river and let us swim for shore or lock us up in our rooms. Either way, I better be tellin my crew."

Captain seems bored with this whole experience.

Xar`Rex "Tell them to go to their rooms, or jump off themselves."

Corve "Go." He nods to the captain.

Xar`Rex "Or they can continue to sail for us."

Captain laughs at the Dragon-King as he passes.

Captain has, in short order, collected his crew and used their two small shore-boats to evacuate his crew and some fraction of the ship's cargo secreted amongst the crew's clothes. So laden, the two ships make their way to the shore, leaving the Circle alone on their newly hijacked ship...full of slaves.

Corve designates Myrrh as captain, due to his, erm, higher knowledge of sailing!

Xar`Rex "Well that was easy enough."

< Carmine's Deal | Ex Pulplogs | They Switch Sides >