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ST Once more Carmine unleashes her fury against the dark-haired woman and, once again, the woman escapes unscathed. Elsewhere in the room, Snuffles keens in alarm as the plant he was eating bursts into golden flames and flares into ash. The enraged fungus monster makes soft, pained noises as it nurses small burned patches on its pseudopods. Now only the woman and the giant rosebush growing against the wall are left.

ST The other, smaller plants have been reduced to sweet-smelling dust and ash by both Snuffles and Carmine.

Dark Woman "You have slain my children!"

Corve "Deal with it."

Dark Woman "I beg for mercy, please! Do not destroy me!" The woman falls to her knees before Carmine, pleading.

Myrrh "Uhhh I think that was an official surrender.."

Carmine "Why? You've killed all these people. You tried to kill my friend. You tried to kill Corve. Why?" She demands of the woman, towering over her like the southern sun, a heat to wilt any plant.

Dark Woman "I killed no one! Not since I have come into existence have I killed! I grew here, in the shadow of death and grew around the remains they left behind. I would not have killed you!"

Carmine "You send them to sleep and you let them die. I found it feeding on his /wrist/."

Dark Woman "He will wake and be healthy, you will see!"

Corve raises a brow and taps his finger son the side of his rifle. Walking up behind Carmine, he puts a hand on her shoulder to calm her. "Why did you lie to us before?" He still hasn't put his rifle down. Truth's can be as deceptive as lies, sometimes.

Myrrh bends over and picks up poor burnt snuffles.

Dark Woman "I hoped to make you sleep, like your friend. But I would not have killed you!"

Corve "Why did you want to knock us out, lady? If you hadn't lied at all we wouldn't have attacked."

Dark Woman hesitates. "I wished you to spread the flowers, that is all. It would not have killed you."

Dark Woman Snuffles is shaking angrily in Myrrh's arms, but he allows himself to be comforted by the presence and closeness of the Twilight. Occasionally his 'head' turns toward the Dark Woman and he hisses, but for the most part he huddles in Myrrh's embrace.

Carmine "What are you then?"

Dark Woman "I am the Midnight Rose."

Corve sighs and squeezes Carmine's shoulder. "You shouldn't go around knocking people out, lady. It's bound to cause you trouble," he says, gesturing to the smoldering plants that she refered to as her 'children.'

Dark Woman "You would not have helped me any other way!"

Myrrh "...why do you need blood?"

Corve "You didn't ask."

Dark Woman "I do not need blood. I was not "feeding" on your friend. I drink only water and eat only sunshine."

Carmine frowns at the woman, though she does lean back on Corve, Eminence slowly fading into soft muted sunlight once more.

Corve "Then why was it drinking Xar's blood?" He lowers his arm to Carmine's waist as he flips his rifle back, resting it on his shoulder, but still ready to resume their battle should the woman change her mind.

Dark Woman "No midnight rose drinks blood! I do not know what you speak of!"

Corve narrows his eyes. "Well then you've got a problem, lady. Because something that looked like your kids knocked my friend out and was drinking his blood."

Carmine "So what were those thorns doing in his wrist then?"

Dark Woman pauses again, looking uncertain. Her eyes dart to Corve, then drop. "When he wakes, he will spread the roses for me.

Corve tilts his head a little and raises a brow. "You were... -polinating- him?"

Dark Woman "I suppose you could look at it that way."

Myrrh "How is he supposed to polinate when he's unconcious on the ground?

Dark Woman looks exasperated with their denseness. "He wakes up!"

Corve looks at Myrrh, raising a brow..

Corve shakes his head and sighs. "When is he going to wake up, Audry?"

Dark Woman "In a few hours, he will wake from the pollen dreams."

Corve "And he'll be fine?"

Dark Woman "Yes, he will be healthy."

Corve slowly, and then holsters his rifle, looking around. He feels some pity for the woman- they did slaughter her kids- but then she shouldn't have lied if she had no evil intentions. "Next time, just ask."

Dark Woman "I have told you I will not kill you, I have surrendered to your mercy. I ask only that you leave me to mourn"

Corve nods. "Alright. One last thing- is there a control room in this place- where we can shut down some of its security operations, etc?"

Dark Woman nods, slowly. "In the tomb of Floating Blossom."

Corve "Figures. Which way is it?"

Dark Woman "The tomb lays at the center of the labyrinth gardens, in the northern corner of the city."

Corve "Sorry to be a bother, but- are there any traps or anything we should be careful about while going there? I'm sorry... but there are many lives at stake... we -have- to continue..."

Dark Woman "There are many traps in the gardens and inside the tomb, I'm sure. I have never gone there."

Corve nods. "Great. Well, just point us in the general direction and we'll leave you to your mourning..."

Dark Woman "Go through the clear streets to the north wall of the cavern and follow it west until you find the gardens. They are impossible to miss."

Dark Woman "At their center is the tomb."

Corve "Thank you," he says, and then walks away in the direction indicated. No time to lose, after all.

ST True to the words of Audry the Midnight Rose, following streets clear of forest, moss and rumble leads the three intrepid explorers to the edge of the cavern in which the fallen city is nestled. Evidence of ancient battles waged shows in blasted buildings and scattered bones. Several of Snuffle's brethren gather around the Circle, inspecting them, then scamper off.

ST There are hints of larger plant-creatures hidden from their sight by veils of moss or deadfalls, but none of these creatures makes itself known or offers threat. However the Solars are certain their progress is observed by the plant-beings. Some of the Snuffles-things may even be reporting back. Snuffles himself is content to rest on Myrrh's shoulder.

ST The walk is long and arduous for despite the relative lack of debris in the streets, the roadways are full of holes, chasms, unexpected rises and sharp hills. It's hard to tell if these are the result of warfare or the cavern floor simply being uneven, but whatever the origin of the defects in the road they make the going slow and tiresome.

Myrrh "I wish Xar would wake up...we could certainly do with a bit of flying."

Corve trodges on dutifully, his keeping a sharp eye out for any ambushes or traps. He knows they're being watched, but that doesn't bother him all that much. It's happened before- he's more worried about the labyrinth. He just hopes Blossom was less effective with the traps there than the ones back at the galleries.

Carmine walks along beside Corve, hefting Xar over her still.

Corve "No kidding," he replies to Myrrh's comment, rolling his shoulders. "How much longer do you figure it is?" He looks at Carmine, frowning. "You alright, love?"

Carmine nods and smiles at him

Myrrh "Not sure. Could be a bit longer. I'm not too well schooled in Dragon King anatomy or physiology."

Corve "Not that. The walk to the labyrinth..." he says. "For the Sun's sake... I really wish we had Jaks around..." he mutters.

Myrrh "Well who can say? This is massive and the plants haven't helped much. A few centuries of uncontroled growth will do that."

ST With a flash of Essence and a loud roar a familiar-looking dinosaur appears, standing in front of Corve. Looking somewhat surprised, the raptor lets out another, softer, roar and hurries toward Corve for reassurance, butting Corve in the belly with his head in his haste to be reunited with his master. Jaks looks a bit pale from his sudden arrival but otherwise, it's him!

Corve is surprised, to say the least. "Jaks? Jaks!" He says, wrapping his arms around the dinosaurts neck as he gets butted, and hugging his companion. "Buddy... what are you doin- no, wait- how did you get here, hmm?" He asks, knowing that the dinosaur isn't going to answer him. Turning to Myrrh, he raises a brow. "You didn't tinker with my dinosaur when I wasn't looking, did you?"

ST The dinosaur rubs its head against Corve's chest, basking in the Solar's presence. He makes eager huffing noises, happy to be back with his master.

Myrrh "Tinker? No! I have been trying to get him on a more effecient diet. Meat's hard to come by out here."

Corve pets his dinosaur, incredibly happy to have with him again. "Hey buddy..." he says, chuckling. "You wanna help us out, Jaks?"

ST The raptor huffs happily, looking eager and ready to be helpful

Corve smiles, looking at Carmine and then back at Jaks. "Right on time buddy, right on time." He turns to his lover and waves her over. "Jaks can carry Xar without issue, love."

Carmine "So can I!" Carmine semi-snaps at Corve

Corve raises a brow at her, tilting his head. "I wasn't implying you couldn't, love. Just that you might want a break since Jaks showed up out of the blue."

Corve "I think the fact that you -can- is obvious to all of us."

Carmine blinks as she looks at him

Corve looks back, waiting for her to make a decision. If she wants to keep carrying the gigantic Dragon King, fine by him.

Carmine lays the lizard across Jak's back

Corve pats Jaks' neck softly and nods. "Come on," he says, letting the dinosaur begin walking as they continue. He nears Carmine, taking her hand and leaning over, whispering. "Are you okay?"

ST Jaks looks proud to be so useful, carrying his fellow lizard without hesitation, stomping along at Corve's side.

Myrrh gives Corve and Carmine a look but minds his own business...don't want to get in the way of those two!

Myrrh instead chooses to examine Jaks...he hadn't been with them above.

ST The dinosaur looks fine and happy with no alterations that Myrrh can detect. He seems a bit warm to the touch and excitable, but there really isn't anything off about him. He's still the same color, size, shape. And he's stomping along as Corve and Carmine lead the way to the Labyrinth Gardens.

Myrrh thinks it's worth mentioning but now while they're fighting...

Carmine whispers back to Corve "I'm just ...." then shakes her head

Corve "What is it, love? Just tell me..."

Carmine shakes her head again, then takes a few steps away from him

Corve frowns and furrows his brow, walking to her again. "Carmine? What's going on?"

Carmine starts to whisper, "Just ..." She leans and kisses corve then whispers some more "...let me have some space."

Corve kisses her back, nodding a little, and then heads back towards the two lizards and his friend, looking more like a chastised puppy than anything else.

Myrrh "You know...Jak's wasn't on the boat with us. And unless he can breathe underwater..."

Corve "Yeah, I know," he says softly, stroking the back of the dinosaur's neck. "I need you to figure out how he got here," he says. "This isn't normal for him..." Then again, he's the raptor of a Solar Exalted, and so Corve is trying to take all this in stride, as well as Carmine's sudden drop in mood.

Myrrh "Normal? We're under the ocean! He can't turn into a fish or anything can he?"

Corve "... are you kidding me? I don't know! This is why I'm asking you to figure it out!"

Myrrh "Well I can't find anything abnormal...he's a little warm and excitable but that's it." Examines Jak's teeth...maybe he developed...er...aquateeth.

Corve "Come on, he showed up in a flash of light... he's not growing gills."

ST The Labyrinth Gardens are in view now in the form of a towering wall of green up ahead. Once the wall may have been stone but over the centuries the plants within have claimed it and made it their own. Moss, lichen, vines, even a few small trees are growing in the walls that tower yards above the Circle.

ST Jaks teeth, when he lets Myrrh look at them without snapping at the Twilight's fingers, are normal-looking dinosaur teeth. Pointy and sharp.

Myrrh "Well I could disect him but that might be going a bit far in this case...Carmine, you're more medicaly minded, anything different about Jaks?"

Corve "Yeah, best not cut open my familiar, thanks."

ST Jaks hisses at Myrrh's suggestion, again showing the Twilight his pointy teeth.

Carmine turns and looks the lizard over

ST Carmine, as Myrrh, sees nothing odd or strange about the dinosaur. It seems his sudden appearance in a flash of Essence simply can not be explained at the moment. But Jaks, of course, doesn't seem to care. He is still happily accompanying Corve, Xar on his back.

Carmine frowns at the lizard, then shakes her head "He looks just like he used to."

ST As far as any of the three Solars can see, whatever entrance once existed to allow people into the Labyrinth Gardens has been erased by the growth of the plants.

Corve scratches his chin. "We're going to have to make a path," he states.

Myrrh "Hmmm...Snuffles, can you find a way for us to get into the building?"

ST The ever-helpful and brave mossdog climbs down Myrrh's body and scampers off into the overgrown walls. He returns a short time later, making excited noises and waving pseudopods for them to follow!

Corve pets Jaks and then starts walking after the mossdog, sighing.

ST Snuffles leads the Circle to a place where the wall has collapsed and been replaced by a tangle of thick-trunked trees with slick, red-purple bark and bright red leaves. The trees form almost as complete a barrier as the wall did, but Snuffles is apparently able to squeeze himself through the trunks and obviously expects the others to do the same.

Myrrh "Hm. Well it was worth a shot..."

Myrrh "Well Carmine, if you'd do the honors..." Makes sure Snuffles is out of the way and the entire wall isn't going to come down...

Corve shakes his head and scratches the back of his neck. "Your pet's... curious," he says to his friend.

Carmine draws Eminence from Elsewhere in a flash of blinding light, grasps it in two hands and starts to cut at the trees in smooth, powerful strokes.

ST Carmine has little difficulty cutting through the trees, though as she does so she finds something unexpected. The wood within the red-purple bark is a beautiful shade of peachy pink-white with curved texture and whorls of darker reds. As the wood is exposed, thick reddish sap wells from the trees and makes it appear as if they are bleeding.

Carmine frowns at the bleeding trunk, stopping for the moment and tasting the red substance

ST The red sap is thick and sweet, but it tastes coppery like blood. If blood and maple syrup were mixed together, it would probably taste this way. Interesting and disgusting at the same time@

Myrrh "Hmmm...I wonder if all of this fauna is by design or if there's an uncapped demense out here somewhere..."

Carmine continues to slice at the trunks, cutting them a path through the trees big enough for Jaks to go through with Xar

Corve follows Carmine, a worried look on his face.

ST Once Carmine has cut past the bleeding trees, the entrance into the Gardens is unobstructed. Beyond the stumps and fallen trunks of the still-oozing trees lays a dense forest of shrubbery that once, long ago, might have been a carefully cultivated topiary maze. Now it looks like a hideous tangle of branches, brambles and unfamiliar plants.

ST Snuffles retreats onto Myrrh's shoulders, making soft noises of unease.

Myrrh "Hmmm...this place certainly has seen better days.."

Carmine nods, the plant blood boiling off Eminence.

Myrrh looks over the tops of the maze, trying to get a good look at how it's laid out.

ST Myrrh and Corve climb to the top of the nearby shrubbery without difficulty, sending several unseen creatures scattering from their intrusion. Above the general level of plants the two men can see a vast expanse of greenery. The maze, if that is what this place was, has long since disappeared into overgrowth. But to the northwest there stands a tall tower of polished white stone.

ST At the very top of the tower, gold glints.

Myrrh "Hmmmmm...well we either trudge through or we wait for Xar. This place is just too thick to run through."

Myrrh "I don't think even Carmine can hack through all THIS..."

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