< Born Again Lizard | Ex Pulplogs | Barnacle Dreams >

ST After being released from the underground chamber in which he'd been temporarily captured by demons and undead, not to mention informed of Falling Darkness' dastardly plan to force Corve to turn over the artifacts taken from the Solar Tomb on Abundance, Corve wandered the island looking for his friends.

ST He was fairly certain that Darkness and Scarlet Poppy weren't on the island anymore, that they'd scurried off somewhere else lest he or his friends find them too soon. But still, he found it fairly distressing that he was alone. As far as his investigative skills could tell him, the others had been on the island for a while after he disappeared, but had met someone else..there hadn't been a scuffle, but the rest of his Circle had left.

Corve is, needless to say, summarily pissed at the outcome of their hunt for Falling Darkness. On the other hand, had he not come, he wouldn't have known the bastard had kidnapped his daughter. Still, he's fuming, shoes laced together and tossed over his shoulder, bare feet plodding through the sands. On a whim, he reaches into himself, calling to his memory of his past.

ST And now, he was alone. He couldn't even find a trace of the missing Xar on the island aside from a few footprints.

Sixth stands under the hot sun of the Southern desert atop a lonely dune, looking out over a sea of bright golden sands. Casually, the huge Night flicks slender blades of golden metal into the distance, not seeming to care where they land.

Sixth doesn't immediately acknowledge that Corve is standing near him.

Corve steps over to Sixth, standing next to the-- what would Myrrh call it?-- projection, and sighs irately, watching the golden blades vanish into the distance. "I'm going to kill him. Very slowly." It's a matter-of-fact statement.

Sixth "You've been thinking that for a while." The big man continues to throw knives, clearly giving Corve only a tiny bit of attention.

Corve "Yeah. But this time I'm saying it." He drops his shoes on the sand, curling his toes and taking off his coat. It's getting warm. There is something different about the thought process, about the meaning of the words. It's no longer a possibility, it's a fact, in Corve's mind, that he will reap bloody, cruel vengeance on Falling Darkness for this. "And if he hurts her in any way..." It'll just get worse, histone implies.

Sixth "I'm sure you'll do just that. But what are you going to do before all that? The world still needs saving and so forth.":

Corve "I need to get my daughter back," Corve says irately, hands twitching. It's a new priority. Some things just come first. "But first I have to find the others. Any ideas?"

Sixth "I imagine you'll just have to wait for them. I'm sure they'll come back for you. I was referring to the items you took from Blossom's tomb. You need them to save the world. Are you going to turn them over?"

Corve "I'm not sure. Not if I can find another way to save Sun." He worrie the inside of his cheek with his teeth a little, scowling. "And anyway, we got them once, we can get them again. He's going to die either way, I'll just pry them from his cold dead fingers."

Sixth "And if once he gets them, he drops them into the Well?"

Corve "Will just have to find another way, I guess." Corve doesn't seem too concerned about this. There's always another way. It's just a matter of finding it.

ST While Corve grumbles to a figment, the others are aboard the Ill Omen, considering the best course of action now that Xar has been returned to them and Corve is still missing..

Xar`Rex is actually not considering anything. rather, he is still sunning himself and snoring.

Captain Oteki paces around. "Would any of you lovely folks mind if'n I tried to, y'know, talk our way out o'this? 'Cause that be the essential nature o'what I do, aye?"

Carmine is pacing the deck nervously, the long red ribbons that hang from her wrist trailing almost trailing on the deck. She whirls as Oteki talks. "As long as we get Corve back, I don't care."

Captain Oteki frowns. "Ye really are fond o'the surly lad, ain't ye?"

Carmine "Yes!" She exclaims. Was the man a fool or something?

Xar`Rex opens one eye, all the shouting making his head hurt. He heaves a sigh and pries himself off the deck.

Captain Oteki continues pacing, tapping his chin with a finger. "Okay, here be the plan. I steer th'Omen back to our friendly island. If'n we find Corve wanderin' around on th'beach an' no resistance to be seen, we scoop 'im up an' I claim th'isle in the name o'spain. If'n we do find resistance, I give it a stern talkin' to. An' if that fails, ye folks use yer obvious martial prowess to keep said resistance busy while I free Corve an' we

Captain Oteki an' we flee like... something that flees very quickly and effectively. Any objections?"

Xar`Rex "You say he went into the earth. I can do that."

Captain Oteki points and nods. "Good t'know, good t'know. It be easier to develop a proper tactical response when I be aware of yer abilities."

Xar`Rex "Spain? What is Spain?"

Carmine "Yes, what is spain?"

Myrrh "Let's hope those lightning tossers aren't on the island." Myrrh has been staring off the side of the boat the the island ever since they left.

Captain Oteki pauses for a moment. "Eh... Somethin' I made up as a child. A country in a world that friends an' I pretended we lived in." he mutters, momentarily lost in reminiscence. "Anyhow, anyone else have any ideas?"

Myrrh "Well since his ship seems to be able to go underwater I doubt we can scuttle him and then leave."

Captain Oteki "Not until ye build me my blasty cannon type things, no."

Xar`Rex "Let us go, before they notice we are not running away."

Captain Oteki glances at Xar, and then nods. Turning to his crew, he shouts orders, ending with something that sounds suspiciously like "For blood, sex, and fire!", though with the severe piratey accent it's hard to tell.

ST Having only gone a few miles from the island, it's only a few minutes before the Omen is circling the desolate spit of land once again. This time, the featureless black beach holds a welcome sight: Corve, sitting on a rock, talking to himself.

Carmine "Corve!" Carmine runs and jumps from the side of the ship, landing lightly in the sand and running over to corve

Xar`Rex leaps over the side as well, but does not land, in case the ground were to attempt to swallow him up too.

Corve waves his hands emphatically in the low distance, saying something to someone sitting next to him that is, apparently, non-existant. Upon hearing Carmine's call, he turns, giving her a smile and standing up. He's barefoot and coatless, his things bundled near him. "Hey," he tells her.

Carmine hugs him. "You're okay?"

Captain Oteki grins. "Well, we did find Corve wanderin' around on th'beach." he says with a quiet grin, before leaping off the side to land with a thud in the sand. "I be claimin' this island! If anyone be arguin' me claim, I highly suggest ye speak now!" he shouts.

Corve "I'm fine. We have a problem," he declares, scowl molified only vaguely and momentarily by Carmine's presence. "He has Sun." No preambles.

Xar`Rex blinks

Xar`Rex "How?"

Corve "He kidnapped her. Good to see you're all right, Xar."

Captain Oteki picks himself up and dusts sand off of his trousers. "Fill me in, here, lads. I be assumin' "Sun" is a person? An' of some importance, aye?"

Xar`Rex "Yes, I was going to chew out of him, but he let go before I finished."

Carmine "He has Sun?!"

Corve looks at Oteki. "She's... she's my daughter." He's anxious, bouncing a little irately on his feet. "Yes," he tells Carmine. "He wants to trade her for the artifacts we retrieved." His eyes are darkcast. He's not happy at all. "I'm going to kill him. Very slowly."

Myrrh stays on board the ship, rifle trained at the brush and trees as if they could phsyicaly revolt and attack them.

Captain Oteki 's eye twitches a few times. "An... how old be yer daughter, lad." he asks gravely.

Corve "She's ten years old, last Ascending Fire."

Xar`Rex "We should go back to the ship."

Xar`Rex eyes the island balefully

Captain Oteki 's eye twitches again. "Aye." he replies mirthlessly. "I'll be returnin' to explore me island after I be done teachin' folks the proper engagement rules for underage non-combatants, if any of ye want to come along."

Xar`Rex does so, carrying anyone who does not get up there on their own.

Captain Oteki climbs back onto the ship. "I be needin' a headin', lads."

Xar`Rex "We need to find her. We cannot give up the artifacts - or everyone will die."

Myrrh "If it's one thing we've gotten good at over the years it's dramatic rescues. We'll just have to be much more careful with this one."

Myrrh "But I don't like the woman. She's too much of a wildcard. I'm sure Carmine can handle the mummy but...i'd feel better if I knew what she was capable of."

Xar`Rex "It is not just the Mummy. It is the whole Cult." he observes quietly.

Myrrh "A cult is just a rabble of people. We can handle people. Monsters are what i'm worried about.

Carmine jumps up to the ship with Corve

Xar`Rex "Where would they take her? Not the temple we destroyed..."

Xar`Rex frowns and leans on the railing, looking out into the air, "And where does Sands fit in?

Myrrh "Maybe he didn't get out on his own? He could just be in it for the money.

Myrrh "Or perhaps he's indebted to them somehow."

Xar`Rex "He said he wanted to keep us away from this island. So we would not know about Sun? Or to save us from the Dark One?"

Myrrh "Well that's an angle I hadn't thought of...maybe the island is the territory of some ancient chosen of luna."

Captain Oteki perches on the edge of the railing, watching and listening to the conversation.

Myrrh "But if it is why didn't he wake up and chase us off?"

Xar`Rex "He took Corve."

Xar`Rex "Someone did. Who was there, when you found out?

Corve "Falling Darkness," Corve says, quiet now that he's back with them. "He's the one that told me. I was overwhelmed by demons and zombies; couldn't... fight."

Carmine sits next to corve, wrapping an arm around him

Xar`Rex looks at the recently returned man thoughtfully. "Sometimes you cannot."

Xar`Rex "Where else do they hide?"

Myrrh "We know they have an ancient citadel to the far south but that doesn't help us much."

Xar`Rex "Why would they not be there?"

Myrrh Because that's where the monster itself sleeps."

Myrrh "Hmmm...Corve, do you have anything of Suns on you? Something deeply personal?"

Xar`Rex "What safer place to keep someone that does not belong to you?"

Corve nods to Myrrh, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small bracelet- too small for him, but it'd fit Sun. He hands it over to his friend wearily. "He said we have to give him what we retrieved at the Island of the Spider, on the next dark moon."

Myrrh "Island of the Spider? Have you heard of that Oteki?" Takes the bracelet and examines it carefuly for resonance and emotional ties. If he was going to scry her location he'll need something potent.

Captain Oteki looks overly thoughtful and sort of worried. "It be in the west. Not a pleasant place. Graveyard o'ships, Bloodfish Reef, Lostman's Coast. One isle over from Widow's Redoubt. If'n I remember correctly it be only a few hours from the Plague Spawn Swamp. The food be terrible."

Myrrh "Sounds right up his alley.

Xar`Rex "Maybe we can set up a trap for HIM."

Captain Oteki "Be that where we be headin' then, lads?"

Carmine "When is the next dark moon?"

Myrrh "Yes, set a course but we should be careful. it could be just another trap. I need some time to study this and see if I can find out where Sun is."

Captain Oteki gives orders to the crew, before turning back to Myrrh. "Work on somethin' to keep me ship from bein' exploded while ye be at it. She ain't the stealthiest thing."

Xar`Rex "Where are we to meet him to deliver the artifacts?"

Corve "On the island. He didn't specify."

Xar`Rex "We should find a way to turn this against him."

Corve "Yes, we should." But Corve seems at a loss as to how to this at the moment, worry clouding his judgement.

Xar`Rex "We will get her back." It is not a reassurance. It is a simple fact.

Myrrh "We can think about it on the way. I need some time alone." He looks at Corve. "Don't worry we'll find her and stop them all."

Myrrh then heads for the cabins, there's some magic to be worked.

Captain Oteki "Actually, I think that if we be intendin' to seek out yer daughter in the depths o'the shadowlands an' the like, we'll be needin' to pay a visit t'someone who knows more about that sort o'thing."

Myrrh is heard to be swearing a storm, the hollow thunk of a wooden teacup being thrown against the wall in frustration.

Xar`Rex knocks on Myrrh's door

Xar`Rex "Myrrh? Are you having trouble?"

Myrrh yanks the door open violently. "You could say that. I just can't...get anywhere. it's like she's not HERE in creation."

Captain Oteki taps a finger against his lips. "Most likely she be in the Underworld, then, Myrrh me boy. Which means ye'll be needin' help."

Captain Oteki wracks his brains.

Captain Oteki frowns deeply after a few moments. "Aw... dammit."

Myrrh "What? What else is wrong?"

Captain Oteki rises to his feet. "I be makin' one o'those "the good o'the many" decisions again. Which means we be headin' to visit th'Sea Witch o'the Black Tide Knoll."

Xar`Rex "Who is that?"

Captain Oteki continues frowning. "An old... friend. An' the source o' one o'my best stories, which I be summarily ruinin' for the sake o'you lot."

Xar`Rex "What does that mean?" He stares at Oteki blankly.

Captain Oteki gives the order for a small detour. "The Sea Witch o'the Black Tide Knoll be a lovely lady o'the dead, who will in all likelyhood be quite able t'aid Myrrh in his quest t'magic out the location o' the bonnie Sun. However, none who've gone to seek th'wisdom o'the Sea Witch 'ave survived intact to tell th'tale. Save for yer charmin' Captain."

Xar`Rex "You...what did you do?"

Captain Oteki paces about, muttering. "I...cough... made her feel like a woman. An' then broke 'er heart." he explains. "An' now I be goin' back to 'er, just as she said I would. All these years an' she still manages to get her slimy tentacles wrapped around me."

Xar`Rex raises a reptilian brow.

Myrrh "Tentacles?"

Captain Oteki leans against a mast. "Aye. She be a lady o'the Dark Moon, an' when she isn't a beautiful lass wit' raven hair and skin the color o'new milk, she be sportin' the lower half of a rather... dextrous black-skinned octopus."

Xar`Rex "Is that why you left?"

Captain Oteki laughs suddenly. "No, me boy, that be why I very nearly stayed. But I learned long ago that I ain't too good at stayin' in one place for long." he explains. "Anyhow, she be a sorceress of some great power, an' it be quite likely that she'll be able to help us. For a price. There be always a price. An' I highly suggest that ye think that price over long an' hard once she tells you what it be, for she be a cunning one."

Xar`Rex "Hmmnh. Then we must go to meet her."

Captain Oteki nods. "That be where we're headed, aye. If she eats me skull or somethin' I expect ye to come back to this island an' erect a bloody monument to me awesomeness after all this be over, aye?"

Xar`Rex "Will you go in alone, then?"

Captain Oteki "I'll be goin' in t'ask fer the Witch's aid. Ye lot will 'ave to do the sorcelatin', however, as I be lackin' in that respect, much to me chagrin. I've always wanted to be able t'summon demons."

Captain Oteki shakes his head to clear up his sidetracking. "Anyhow. Prepare yerselves in whatever way it is ye must, for we ride into th'unknown, an' all that rot. I intend t'retire to me quarters wit' a good strong bottle o'rum an' see how long it takes b'fore I'm unconscious."

< Born Again Lizard | Ex Pulplogs | Barnacle Dreams >