< Polyamory Solves Everything | Ex Pulplogs | Jungle Fe-... Lizards >

ST After a happy greeting at the docks when Corve and Carmine arrived on their stolen river boat, Myrrh lead his friend off into town to get a seat at the nice little establishment he and Xar had found their first day here, after Rivers had kicked them out for interrupting him.

Myrrh "So how did the trip go? You're still breathing so I assume you beat the Mummy?"

Corve leans back against his chair and rubs his eyes slowly, chuckling a little at his friend's comment. "Something like that. We met Falling Darkness at the docks in Great Forks... and yeah, I beat him. Blew a hole in his gut... he ran off a bit after. Then we went to Brume."

Myrrh perks up at that. "Oh? Have a nice visit with Sun? She hasn't seen you in awhile..."

Corve "Eh, I only saw her for a bit. Had a talk with Muriel, who told me that I'm wanted in Great Forks for six murders- probably Falling Darkness' doing, the guy's more than likely a little bitter- and that I should leave as soon as possible until that could be cleared. Then I paid your wife a visit. Or rather, her new boy-toy."

Myrrh "The Southerner...was it who I think it was?"

Corve "Yeah," he says, nodding a little bit. "I found him sleeping in one of the big rooms. Gave him a hell of a scare- and made him promise to get the hell out of there soon. I don't think he'll be making much more trouble."

Myrrh "I can't believe they'd send HIM...what did they want him to do?"

Corve "Just gain information. He didn't even know she was -your- wife, man. The guy's about as dumb as his namesake."

Myrrh "Well atleast they aren't hiring the best and brightest...so after Brume you came here?"

Corve shakes his head a little. "No... not exactly. We went back to Chiaroscuro."

Myrrh looks at Corve oddly for a moment and then shrugs. They had certainly taken stranger trips..."Why, what did you need to do in Chiaro?"

Corve sighs a little. "Carmine... had a dream... needed to do something. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about it, so, yeah." He shrugs a little. Some things are private- she should tell Xar and Myrrh if she feels they need to or should know. Or if she wants to.

Corve "If you want to know the details, you'll have to ask her," he adds.

Myrrh nods. "Got it. We had an...interesting trip ourselves although most of it involved not being bludgeoned by our instructor or his estranged wife..."

Corve "Oh? Tough." He waves for the waitress to bring them two beers. After all, they went out to have a drink, didn't they? "How'd you manage?"

Myrrh "Well...it wasn't starting out so badly but in the initial talks with Rivers, Xeth got a bit...lippy. Let's just say we were chased out of the appartment for awhile."

Corve chuckles a little bit and shakes his head. "Man, between Carmine's 'hit first and don't ask questions at all,' and Xeth's irreperable ego about being a god..." he smirks. "Guess it's up to us to keep things somewhat civil?"

Myrrh "Well Xar did more than me. It was his idea to go and visit Crystal and that's how we wound up fixing it again. Apparently they had both been seeing other people...which is apparently a large to do in the east...or atleast with them."

Corve shrugs a little. "I prefer monogamy myself. It makes fighting with your spouse a hell of a lot simpler... especially since, you know, there's only -one.-" He winks. "By the way, I have a favor to ask of you, old buddy old pal..."

Myrrh "Oh? What do you need?"

Corve waits for the beers to settle down on their table and grabs his, lifting it at his friend. "Be my best man?" He grins wide, tilting his head a little.

Myrrh quirks a brow, this definitely isn't a move he thought he'd see Corve...or Carmine especialy, making. "Of course! Has Carmine set a date yet or have you found some pretty young thing in Chiaro?" He grins and raises his beer.

Corve taps his friend's mug with his own and then takes a drink. "No date yet, no... I think she's still trying to wrap her mind around the entire, full concept of marriage, so I'm not pressing... not that I would anyway. But so far, she's said yes."

Myrrh "Hmm...maybe we should get her some books on the subject. Too bad we can't go to greatforks, i'm sure they know a thing or two they can tell her." Gets that distant look for a moment. "Unless...although she might have to leave her things here. I can only shift three hundred pounds in the whirlwind."

Corve raises a brow as he takes another drink of his draft. "Whirlwind? Really I just need someone who can explain it a bit more objectively. I feel like it's unfair to tell her what marriage is, when I'm trying to convince her marrying me is a good thing- you know?"

Myrrh "Well I can take her to visit the priests in greatforks if you want. Would only take a bit of effort but the transports a bit..showy."

Corve shakes his head. "I'll need to return to Great Forks anyway. I have to clear my name before it gets out of hand."

Myrrh "Oh, well I suppose you can ride the Agatta. Unless you've lost weight..."

Corve rolls his eyes. "We can all just go together, maybe?"

Myrrh "Welll...how much does Carmine weight? I'd ask her directly but I think she'd take a swing at me."

Corve "Probably. So... what did you guys learn, anyway? You keep mentioning all these things..."

Myrrh "Well I could give you the "Powers beyond your ken" speech but that's a bit showy for here...Xar and I have become Sorcerers. I have learned a number of spells, including demon summoning, being able to travel under water and through the air in a whirlwind."

Corve raises a brow a little bit. "Sounds interesting. I should really read up on this stuff- I feel illiterate whenever we talk about it." He smirks.

Myrrh "Well so did I at first...but during training it all just...meshed somehow. I feel like I've opened a door...we could teach you as well but you'd need a certain level of knowledge in the nature of Essence."

Corve nods and waves his hand. "Yeah, I'll learn eventually. Got more pressing matter at the time, if you know what I mean," he says, chuckling and taking another sip. "Oh, by the way, Muriel provided me with the times, places, and amounts of where Brume's money drops for the Cult are going to be. So I think we've got some leads to follow."

Myrrh "Hmm. Where are they taking their money? I thought they were based in the south."

Corve "The drops are different place. I don't know where they're taking the money, really."

Myrrh "Well I suppose I could have them followed by a Morray or something...Well, if you want to go to Greatforks let me know. It only should take a days travel."

Myrrh "You should talk to Xar, he'd be interested in hearing the good news."

Corve "Yeah, we'll all talk later, I'm sure. It's just been a while since you and I had damn drink, you know?"

Myrrh "Isn't that the truth, it's always been feasts and shootouts and monsters. We need to find one of these cultists in a bar someday..."

Corve "I know. Just... sit down, have a drink, beat them to submission, get information, finish our drinks... we're too old to be running around Creation."

Myrrh "You're telling me...still, Xar and Carmine seem to like the travel atleast. And I never thought i'd get to see Yu-Shan..."

Corve "Yeah, there is that." He shrugs a little and finishes his beer, giving the tip a flick as he lights a cigarette and puffs the smoke out the window. "I just miss my routine life sometimes... though I don't think that we'll get much of one for a while. Even if we survive this whole thing... can you imagine?" He shakes his head. "People still have problems... we still have the means to fix them..."

Myrrh "I don't think we can have our routine lives anymore...I mean...aren't we going to live for centuries? Assuming we don't get killed on some other crusade to save the world..."

Corve "Yeah, but... you know, we've been Chosen for a while now, but it hasn't been until we started this whole thing that I actually -felt- it. Like... really noticed how different we are... how much our lives are -not- like mortals'."

Myrrh "Well being digested and passing through a giant snail monster does tend to give you a different perspective..."

Myrrh "Still, we're not so different that we're different people...atleast not to ourselves."

Corve snorts a little. "I guess. And no, I still feel like myself- just... more of myself." He grins a little and shrugs, shaking his head. It's weird."

Myrrh "I think I understand. You just sort of feel...completed somehow. Like you've been able to meet your ultimate potential."

Corve isn't sure that's the best way to put it, but explaining things like this to Myrrh has always been hard, so he just nods. "Yeah, I guess you could put it that way."

Myrrh "Well it's not like it's all good...I still remember things that I did. Atleast I think I did them. That was a long time ago."

Corve nods slowly and rubs his chin a little. "Yeah... I've had things like that happen to me," he says softly. "It's weird... this past life stuff..."

Myrrh "I wonder if Carmine gets any of those flashes..."

Corve blinks. "Carmine probably couldn't tell them apart from the other dreams she has..." he says, sighing a little.

Myrrh "Hmm...maybe I should talk to her about that. It might be connected to her problems..."

Corve "It might. I'd tread softly, though. She's not exactly happy to talk about it, you know?" Although, considering what happened at the Mesa, things might have changed.

Myrrh nods thoughtfuly, taking a sip of his beer. "I'll keep that in mind."

< Polyamory Solves Everything | Ex Pulplogs | Jungle Fe-... Lizards >