< The Temple of (Xar's) DOOM | Ex Pulplogs | From East To West >

ST Corve rolls as he hits the round after being spat out by the wooden Behemoth and comes to his feet without harm. Once again slumbering, the carved face of the creature is still, frozen in the dark wood of the surrounding chamber.

ST It takes a few moments for Corve to clear his head and assess his surroundings, which include the members of his Circle.

Corve stands up slowly, panting... and then falls back down to his knees, arms hanging limp at his sides, his knuckles grazing the grounds.

Carmine "Corve!" Carmine runs to him almost before he's got his head together, wrapping her arms around him and lifting him up and kissing his lips. "Corve... are you alright? What happened in there?"

Myrrh "Corve! Are you alright?" Rushes to his friends side, looking to see if he's bleeding.

Corve doesn't really react. He simply sits there, stunned. It's taken some time to really set in, but now that whatever had been fueiling his escape is dwindling in his system, he realizes that... his friend is gone. "Xar... I... he... he wouldn't tell me... and then... it was too late..."

Carmine "Xar? Xar is fine ... he went off to get some food. You've been gone hours!"

Myrrh "Yes, he went upstairs. What happened?"

Corve lifts his eyes slowly and then slips his hand into his pocket, feeling for the feather that he -knows- he grabbed back at the temple.

ST The feather is there, bronze and gold as all Xar's feathers have been since Heaven.

Corve pulls it out, and lifts it, looking at them. "I saw him fall. I saw him fall into the living forest... he died... in there... I -saw- it."

Carmine blinks at the feather "...He...he didn't, did he?" She looks at Myrrh.

Corve stands up and breaks through them, his stride demanding and unyielding. His caste mark rips through the darkness and he sprints up the stairs, hoping... praying... that the behemoth was simply testing him. Simply trying to see how dedicated he might be. Hopgin it was just a trick.

Myrrh Glances at the feather. "Not unless the wood dog can swallow someone without us noticing? I'll go check on him, you make sure he's ok." Heads for the stairs without another word.

Carmine "...Corve!" Runs after him, slipping past Myrrh

Xar`Rex is walking down the stairs as they come up, some sort of jungle cat draped over his arm, dead. He looks surprised as Corve rushes at him. "Is something wrong?"

Corve leaps onto the Dragon King, slamming into the hulking lizard and wrapping his arms around the mutated being's head, his arms all but strangling the life out of the saurian.

Xar`Rex blinks, looks down at Corve, and pats him akwardly on the back. "Are you okay?" He gently wraps his wings around Corve, trying to offer comfort.

Corve drops from clinging on to the Dragon King and nods, breathing heavily. "Oh yeah... better than okay," he says, turning around and walking back down the stairs. He grabs his rifle and looks at the behemoth's head... "You... jackass." And then he grabs the rest of his stuff and walks back up the stairs. "Let's go, I know where the Sunken City is."

Carmine "What's so important about the sunken city?"

Carmine "...and what happened in there?"

Corve "Lots of stuff. I learned... a lot. I know what the Shadow Serpent is. I know why it's so powerful. I know what it fears and what it protects. But best of all... I know where the Sunken City is, and I know that that's where we need to go to end this."

Xar`Rex scratches his head a bit, and follows Corve up. "Then we will go there." He nods. "But maybe you should rest, and eat first?"

Corve waves a hand. "Yeah... somewhere else. I don't want to stay here." He's bound to blow the behemoth's head off. Or waste all his ammunition trying.

Myrrh "Alright...but what is it then?"

Corve "A behemoth. A not-dead-enough dead behemoth."

Carmine "...what?"

Corve "The Serpent of Shadows. It's a behemoth. Umm..." he snaps his fingers, like he's trying to remember. "It's 'a shadow of the Ebon Dragon who would not die, and bloated itself on the essence of those that died while defending it, and those who died while killing it,' or something like that. It was caste from Creation when it 'died,' but it was too powerful to be sucked up by the Underworld. So it's like... in

Corve * between."

Carmine "..Who's the Ebon Dragon?" She looks curious

Myrrh "The Ebon Dragon...a Primordial."

Xar`Rex "Is it not like a very powerful demon?"

Corve "Some big-bad. Umm... I don't know about this stuff- yeah, that. One of the BIG ones..."

Corve "Looked like the father of all demons from what I saw."

Myrrh "The Primordials actualy shed the demons. They're...multiple beings. They have many souls and those souls shed lesser souls..."

Myrrh "It's complicated."

Corve "... Right. Anyway," he says, finally pushing his way back out of the cavernous depths and into the forest- gods he missed the light! "I figure we have two choices. One, go to Abundance, see what more ammo we can rack up against these bastards. Two, head straight for the sunken city."

Carmine "Where is the sunken city?"

Xar`Rex "What is IN the sunken city?"

Myrrh "Well if we go to Abundance I can get us under the waves."

Corve "The Sunken City harbors the dead that the serpent ate... they're the ones behind the Cult."

Xar`Rex "So we must kill the dead? How does one do that?"

Corve looks at Myrrh for the answer.

Myrrh scratches his chin for a moment. "Well I might have to do some research but I know it's possible."

Carmine "Well ... we'd better go to abundance then. Maybe there is some clue there on how we can!"

Xar`Rex "I agree. We have time, yet, and it is foolish to rush in without knowing all we can."

Myrrh "Yes, if they sunk it because they were afraid of it, we should find something worthwhile. Might even find out how they sunk it in the first place."

Corve blinks. "You two haven't studied the stone yet?" He looks at Myrrh and Xar.

Myrrh "We've been kind of pressed for time..."

Xar`Rex "We thought we would look tonight, we were worried for you alone in there."

Corve nods. "Yeah... but tonight, you should take a look at it. It might hold more information about what we need to do or find out about the Cult before we take them down."

Myrrh "Too bad we can't go back to Brume, the lab would help. Although I suppose we'll need to head there to follow Abundances fall..."

Xar`Rex "Yes, it is on the way, as Brume is in the middle of the two directions... It will take us long and long to get there though." He frowns.

Corve "We still need to go to Great Forks."

Xar`Rex "Why Great Forks?"

Corve "Eh. I'm wanted for six murders there. But I suppose it can wait..."

Myrrh "Assuming they don't lynch you on sight..."

Xar`Rex "You...want to go to prison?"

Carmine "You're not going to prison."

Xar`Rex "I am not going to prison."

Myrrh "Oh i'm sure we can clear it up if you want Corve. You could probably explain it to them in five minutes."

Corve "The problem is getting them to believe me, buddy."

Myrrh "I can vouch for you. I'm rather persuasive when I need to be.:

Corve "Well, we'll see. I'm not sure I even want to try right now," he says. "I'd rather keep on with what we -have- to do."

< The Temple of (Xar's) DOOM | Ex Pulplogs | From East To West >