< Tarnished Gold | Ex Pulplogs | Witch Price? >

Carmine wakes up, grasping for something, someone. She finds Corve there and holds him tight.

Corve had actually managed to get some sleep after his own horrifying dream, and Carmine's sharp awakening rouses him with a start. "Carmine? ... You all right?" He wraps his arms around her, furrowing his brow.

Carmine "I ... yes ... no." She presses into him, feeling his warmth, seeming to desperately need the comfort of it.

Corve frowns again. "... what's wrong? Nightmare?" He can relate. His hand digs its fingers into her crimson hair as he holds her close, sighing slowly.

Carmine nods a little, her body relaxing somewhat at the sound of his voice and the feeling of his hand running through her hair. "Nightmare."

Corve nods slowly, his lips pressing against her forehead as he closes his eyes and sighs once again. "Me too. Just a little while ago. Do you want to talk about it?"

Carmine hesitates, then nods.

Corve sighs a little, and smiles reassuringly. "Right then." He sits up a bit, arms enveloping her. "What'd you dream?"

Carmine "It started in a cave ... it was dark ... I tried to call the sunlight to light things ... all I got was a strange darkness. There were bodies there, poppy and falling darkness ... I'd killed them with Eminence." She suddenly seems worried and her narrative starts to become more confused "Eminence ... it burned me. So .. so did the sun. The blood stopped it."

Corve clenches his teeth and tenses noticeably. "... similar to mine." He doesn't like the prophetic edge to these dreams. He kisses her, this time more intimate. "I killed you in my dream," he confesses, with an edge of apology to his voice. "I knew it was a dream..."

Carmine returns his kiss, though her heart isn't all in it. "Perhaps you should. She said I'd already damned myself. She said the darkness was already blooming. She...she was right."

Corve shakes his head, keeping her close. "Don't be stupid, Carmine. I'm not going to kill you." He heaves his chest slowly, sighing once more. "You gave that up; I remember. And if it's coming... we'll deal with it. It's just another one of their games. They're trying to kill our spirit."

Corve furrows his brow a little after a moment. "...who do you mean by 'she'?"

Carmine "Ruby." She pauses. "My sister."

Corve blinks, taken aback by that particular revelation. "Sister? ... did you remember something?"

Carmine "No ... I don't remember her at all! But ... she was just like me ... it seemed so ...right." She says ernestly, then looks down and whispers softly. "Why can't I remember my sister?"

Corve mutters incoherently for a moment, and then sighs. "Maybe you didn't have one. Maybe it's just more of their games, love." He gives her another chary kiss to the forehead, furrowed brow worried. "I have a feeling when we get through all this, we'll find out why you lost your memory."

Carmine "She said we would find each other..." She murmurs. "I should know if I had a sister!" the thought of not seems to have upset her

Corve "Shhh... I agree. You should know if you do. And we'll find out, I promise we will. But you can't let this get to you, Carmine. They're just... playing with our heads." He seems most annoyed by the fact that they think they can rouse them up; and that it seems to be working on her.

Carmine "But what she said was true. I am starting to show the darkness. I do wrap myself in blood."

Corve nods tardily, giving her another soft, reassuring squeeze. "I know. But. But it could be them; who knows what they can do to us, to how we manifest our charms. Carmine, you're you. You decide your fate. And I trust you. I'm not going to lose you; and we're going to get Sun back. I have faith in us. All of us."

Carmine relaxes more, at his squeeze, at the tones of his voice. "We will yes. We will get sun back."

Carmine "...What did you dream?" She asks quietly

Corve "I dreamt... I dreamt that I was in a black place, staring into an army of shadows and the dead. Falling Blackness was there, and Scarlet Poppy; and their leader was there. He taunted me, so I shot him in the face... and when his hood fell back, it was you." Of course, Corve says 'he' because the voice had, initially, been male. It was a weird dream. "...it was strange. Too specific to be a real dream, it had to be

Corve * manufactured by these evil bastards."

Carmine holds him close. "It would be okay, if I turn like that."

Ex Pulp Logs?