< A Tomb in the Ice? | Ex Pulp Preludes | Tea and Old Wives >

ST Myrrh's research had led him on a merry chase through the libraries and vaults of public information available to him on Brume before sending him off the flying nation and down to the surface of Creation. The commercial air boat he booked passage on, over his wife's stringent objections he remembered with a grimace, had landed him without incident.

ST Landed him, that is to say, in the most remote Eastern air dock he knew of. The tiny city existed for the sole purpose of supporting the air dock. Almost all industry and commerce in the Village of Indigo Skunks revolved around the vast obelisk dock where airships from Brume, Haslanti and other major airpowers docked to offload shipments and passengers to the Far East.

ST But the Village of Indigo Skunks was not the final destination for Myrrh Nellens, oh no. Instead he had had to get river passage further east, into the forests of the Far Eastern Reaches. And there, in a place build of mud-covered twigs shaped into spheres and domes, he reached his destination. The Forest’s End, as the natives called their city, was a dive by any standard.

ST And Myrrh was in the middle of it.

Myrrh glances around taking in the...er...sights. It's certainly a change from luxury!

ST After being left at the river docks, Myrrh is on his own. Most people ignore him, those that don't eye him suspiciously or with suspicious intent. But Myrrh knows that somewhere in the surrounding forests full of vicious animals and plants lays a small Manse that once held the affairs of the men who built the tomb back on Luxury.

Myrrh studies the architecture for a moment, fascinating design! However there was time for exploring later. Right now he had work to do, especially getting that tomb open! Hmm..maybe he should ask one of the locals.

Myrrh looks for someone not too busy.

ST There are the typical beggars, drunks, lepers and other gutter-trash sitting around the dirty streets of Forest’s End and a few menial workers lounging, shirtless and beer-filled, on their off-shifts. Myrrh could theoretically ask a lot of people, but as to getting a good response, he might need to find someone somewhat more...reputable. If such a person exists here in Forest’s End.

Myrrh looks for a post board of some kind. If the people in town could read, a big if at this point, they might have a thaumaturge or savant in the city!

ST It takes him a good while, several hours of milling, conversing, buying food and drink, bribing...but eventually Myrrh gets two leads on his quest. First off, there's an old woman who lives on the edge of the city named Aunt Sload, she's said to be a wise witch that knows about all sorts of crazy stories. She might know about old Manses, say a few.

ST The other lead Myrrh digs out of the muck is a man named Manosque Rivers, a supposed Outcaste living in the city. He spends a lot of his time out in the wild and even the Wyld. They say he's a bounty hunter and he, far more likely then the old witch, would know where the Manse is.

Myrrh "Thanks for the information." Hands the man an extra chit and heads for Manosque's home.

Myrrh hands the man an extra of whatever he was paying him for info, enough to buy an extra drink at least.

ST The man's information gets Myrrh to the front door of a particularly bloby-looking building in the middle-outskirts of Forest’s End, a private home that belongs to this Manosque Rivers. Painted in an eye-hurting combination of off-whites and peach-shades the house is bizzare, to say the least.

Myrrh knocks on the door, glancing behind him and hoping the man is in. "Interesting decor.." he mutters to himself.

Rivers opens his door, looking out at the man standing there. "I'm not expecting visitors unless you're several hours early.." He eyes you, then shakes his head. "What do you want?" With a yawn that smells heavily of liquor the big Dragon-Blooded exhales a small puff of smoke into your face. His ratty brown dreadlocks hang about a rugged, but not at all attractive, face of a man in his late 30's. Meaning he could be over 100..

Myrrh steps back slightly and looks at the man..they didn't say he'd be so huge. "I was wondering if you'd like to help me with great opportunity to make some money. I'm looking to get into the (manse name!) to study and recover some of the ancient artifacts within and was looking for someone to guide and protect me."

Rivers blinks down at the man on his doorstep. "How much money?"

Myrrh "The job pays well, a bit now any of the artifacts and grave goods you can get away with. However my employers would prefer it if they could aquire a weapon of jade from the tomb."

Myrrh "I had heard you knew the way to the manse as well as the many dangers of the woods in between."

Rivers "I do, right enough. What sort of business is taking a mortal like you out into those dangers?" He eyes you carefully with more intelligence then his demeanor would suggest

Myrrh "I'm considered a savant of no small skill and my employer hired me to look into the manse as he thinks it might have the key to opening another tomb to the north."

Rivers grunts. "Well, see, if I'm to take you there I can gather what I wish just the same as if I went myself, so that ain't being much incentive. How much are we talking about in payment?"

Myrrh "10 obols." Glances at his feet for a moment cursing his lack of an expense account! How's he expected to save the world on 100 dinar's a month?

Rivers "25." The ruddy-skinned Exalt looks up and down the taller but much slighter Myrrh with disdain. "You'll be hard to keep out of trouble."

Myrrh "18, I assure you I can take care of myself against any troublesome beasts and i'm sure the defenses are long since innert."

Rivers frowns, then spits on his broad hand and offers it to Myrrh. "To the tomb and back for 19."

Myrrh "Done." Spits on his hand and shakes with Rivers. Good! This should work out quite well...

Rivers "Come back tomorrow morning. I have previous engagements tonight."

Myrrh "Alright! I look forward to tommorow morning then!" Goes to find a place to rest since he's down to his last few dinars...

Rivers was true to his word and, after stowing 75% of his payment within his dwelling, began leading Myrrh into the jungles that surround Forest’s End. Almost due East is their course, moving along semi-maintained paths for a few miles before the jungles take over completely. Around noon the big Terrestrial halts in a clearing and sets himself down on a convenient stone. He wipes the sweat from his brow with a bit of rag that he careless

Rivers carelessly tosses into the underbrush.

Myrrh stumbles after Rivers before flopping into a sitting position on the ground. Covered in sweat and panting, Myrrh wonders who in their right mind would build a tomb out in the middle of a hellish jungle! He wipesoff the sweat on his forehead and takes a drink from his waterskin. "I thought the east was supposed to be more temperate."

Rivers gives a deep chuckle. "It's a wonderful day out. You mortals just can't be expected to keep up." He chuckles again and produces a small loaf of meat-filled bread, which he promptly devours.

Myrrh "I suppose it's easier for you to say since you're close to a fire elemental but I'm rather glad I brought some extra waterskins." Takes out the package of rations from his bag and starts eatting.

Myrrh "So is it true you go exploring in the wyld? You don't look like you have any extra arms or heads..."

Rivers snorts as he munches. "Sometimes, but I ain't stupid enough to stay long or touch nothing I shouldn't be touching." He stretches, laying back on his rock. "I'm gunna rest a few minutes, then we start again. The rapids aren't far away."

Myrrh "Good...I could use a soak." Finishes his rations.

Rivers "You'll get one, worry not!" He laughs again

Rivers rouses himself some half hour later and returns to the march through the jungle. He stops after several more long, tiring hours, standing in front of a stand of giant mushrooms. These fungi have caps with a diameter of nearly seven feet and, if poked or otherwise touched, feel rubbery, though and sturdy. The fact that they glow vaguely green is not that reassuring.

Rivers "Alright, get yourself one of these. They're the best natural raft you'll ever find.

Myrrh "Should they be glowing like that?"

Rivers "Yes, they do that."

Myrrh gets out a machette to hack the top off from the stem!

Rivers eyes Myrrh's lean body critically. "You think you can stay on that in the water?"

Myrrh "I've piloted my fair share of ships. Although they all looked a bit more sturdy."

Rivers frowns. "Well, if you fall off and get lost, I won't be having no trouble from anyone, hear? You think you might have problems, I'll carry you on my shroom." He grunts as he heaves the mushroom cap onto his back and starts for the audible but not yet visible rapids to the north.

Myrrh "I hear..." gets a cap of his own and follows Rivers towards the...river.

Rivers The river is not a pleasant sight to the already tired and sweat-soaked Brumian. Rapids rush across smooth masses of black stone and huge fish the size of Myrrh's wife jump and leap their way down stream, singing a rather pleasant song. Aside from the fish and the rapids, the river looks fairly pleasant. Of course there's not much to it but the fish and the hideously swirrling, smashing, spraying rapids.

Rivers "We're going to ride the mushrooms about three miles down, because otherwise we have to cross an area claimed by some rather nasty trees. Then I'll get off and haul you out and we continue across the river."

Myrrh stares at the rapids for a moment. "I think i'll ride with you on this one..."

Rivers "Smarter then I'd taken you for. Alright, come over here and climb on my back. And hold on, damnit. Hesieh's big flaming balls if I'll lose a paying customer who does what I say...horrible things to my credibility."

Myrrh "Just don't do that...fire thing."

< A Tomb in the Ice? | Ex Pulp Preludes | Tea and Old Wives >