(Quin: Please note that I have no idea what the appropriate Essence costs and requirements for all of this stuff might be. I took some random guesses but I could be uh wrong.)
This style has no form weapons.
The adept adopts a belligerent aroma, which cannot pass unchallenged. Upon using this Charm, the adept chooses an enemy and grants them a number of reflexive attack actions up to the adept's Valor, which must immediately be used to attack the adept.
The adept gives off a shower of multicolored foliage, turning aside his enemies. For the turn, he may parry all attacks against him with his full Dexterity + Martial Arts die pool. These parries occur without physical contact.
The adept becomes softer, yet brighter. His unarmed Martial Arts parries now have a bonus to Defense equal to his Essence. His minimum attack damage (ping) is now 1 rather than his Essence.
The adept reaches into his heart, and finds it kin to his opponent's; by watching his own waverings, he may read the desires of his enemy. He rolls Compassion + Martial Arts, and applies his successes as a difficulty penalty for one opponent to attack him this turn.
The adept draws his opponent down, pulling the breath from their body and returning it thinner, but suffused with pale sweetness. Upon successfully parrying an attack, the adept drains a number of motes from the attacker equal to the excess successes on the parry, keeping the Essence for himself. This is a counterattack charm.
The adept unfolds like a flower. While this Charm is active, when an enemy attacks the adept, the adept is granted a boon. He may reflexively spend a boon granted by this Charm to gain a Charm activation, which must immediately be used to activate a Charm from this style. Simple Charms may be activated in this manner as though they were reflexive. At the end of each turn, all boons granted by this Charm are lost. This is a Martial Arts Form-type Charm. A character may only have one Form-type Charm active at a time.
The adept watches sadly as his opponent decays like a once-beautiful flower. The targeted opponent suffers -1 success to all their attack rolls for the remainder of the scene, as their skill withers. This is an age penalty, and may be overcome by Charms that explicitly prevent penalties due to age or that restore youth; effects not powered by Charms or spells are not powerful enough to defeat it. This Charm stacks with itself.
The adept finds it within himself to accept even a hopeless attack, guiding it into his own center in order to to nurture it. Attacks made on the adept cannot fail due to incompetence; they will always have at least one success before defenses are rolled.
The adept knows that nobody is perfect. He attempts to apprise his opponent of this. For the remainder of the turn, the opponent may not make perfect attacks; any such attempt results in only standard, workmanlike competence.
The adept is permeated with glory. He is granted a number of boons equal to his Essence. He may spend a boon granted to add a number of automatic successes to a Martial Arts roll equal to his highest Virtue. When this Charm is deactivated, all boons granted by it are lost.
The adept waves his hand, and the world erupts in flowers. Until the end of the turn, environmental effects caused by the use of Essence localize themselves in a shower of countless blossoms. They count as attacks, and may be defended against in any way attacks may normally be defended against. The adept's defensive intentions similarly become manifest; he may choose to treat his parries and dodges as environmental defenses.
The adept cultivates an unapproachable attitude; his sneer tears asunder the weaves of Essence that seek to entrap him. The next time an enemy attempts to use a Charm that affects him without requiring an attack roll, he may defend himself against that Charm by deactivating this Charm.
Upon successfully defending against an attack that would have effects other than damage, the adept draws the force of the attack outwards, inevitably returning it to his erstwhile opponent. The attacker suffers the effects that the attack would have caused, had it hit and dealt one Health Level of damage. Any effects that would be voluntarily controlled by the attacker are instead controlled by the adept. This is a counterattack charm.
The adept draws his enemies close to him, wrapping them together for easy disposition. While this Charm is active, all enemies within (Ess x 10) yards of the adept must end their turns at least his Essence in yards closer to him than they began them, until they are within his Essence in yards. Enemies with greater Essence than the adept are not affected; further, any opponent who successfully hits the adept with an attack is free of this Charm's effects for the remainder of the scene.
The adept's disapproval is made plain. He makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. On a hit it deals no damage, but the target despairs of his affection. Until that opponent redresses the situation by successfully hitting the adept with an attack (causing the deactivation of this Charm), he loses one Health Level on the adept's initiative each turn due to sadness, until becoming incapacitated.