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Zhakain's Rest

the Hearthstone

Level 3 Solar-aspected Hearthstone
Trigger: Speaking
Usage Limit: Once per day

The Truthstone (or "Truth" for short) appears as a clear diamond that occasionally shines with inner light. It is very beautiful, and it's appearance calming.

"Truth" allows the bearer to speak one truthful thing per day. This can either be something that he knows to be true, or a bit of wisdom unbidden that comes to her lips. In the first case, he adds three automatic successes on any social roll to convince others that he is telling the truth. In order to use this aspect of the power, what the character is communicating must actually be true.

In the second case, what the character actually says is up to the Storyteller, but is always strictly truthful and has some bearing on the situation. It will also make some sense within the context of the conversation to date (though it might be a little confusing or unexpected, it won't be completely out of left field). If not used in the context of a larger situation, the character just speaks some random truthful fact that may or may not be useful.