As Far As You Know


I'm More Earthier Than Organic

Dan: My job rocks. We're the ones that go down on people.⚠ <p>

Dan: Oh, this is a blowjob.⚠ <p>

Manfred: Hey! I have plenty of humanity! I ate three of them this morning!⚠ <p>

JT: I'm sorry Jenny is not herself tonight.⚠ <br> Usuri: Who IS herself?⚠ <p>

Aiden: Wait a sec... Usuri's a Tchochke!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Jenny, what year is it?⚠ <br> Jenny: 19... no 20...? 20 nothing?⚠ <p>

JT: Don't mix it up.⚠ <br> Aiden: Yes, don't eat Malkavians and then go to sunlight.⚠ <p>

"More earthier than organic"⚠ <p>

Step 1: Steal the blood.⚠ <br> Step 2: ?⚠ <br> Step 3: PROFIT!⚠ <p>

Jenny: Because where ever Mai goes, so does Strauss.⚠ <p>

Aiden: She's offering small children...⚠ <p>

Randolf: So whatever Archadocrazymos...⚠ <p>
