To describe the true image of this being would be a couple of chapters by itself. Irving is perhaps the most developed character of Eyes That Burn that the player's encountered (Strauss would be right next to Irving) and while developed and revealed, he is still one of the most mysterious and intriguing characters in Detroit's history. I would say that only Archimedes himself would even come close to the complexity of and involvement in the progession (degression) of Detroit.

If Irving is truthfully (permanently) dead at the moment much of his tale will die with him as much of Irving's past and may never really understood. Much of what is going to be stated about Irving is confusing to say the least because (a) he impersonated so many people (b) many rumors of his past haunt all Detroit to this night and (c) well to be a Kindred of his age, you have to have a past.

Irving is...well...for a later time when I have more time.

Eyes That Burn