
Real date: 11/5/05. ⚠ <p>

Game date: June 5, 1999.⚠ <p>

Randolf: You talk too illiterately... aliterally... unliterally?⚠ <p>

James: So, JT and Mai.. have they burned us down yet? ⚠ <br> Tim: No, but they're burning each other verbally.⚠ <p>

Jenny: You tell no one of this. No one!⚠ <br> Randolf: This is going in my diary!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Nightmare... she call it.⚠ <br> Mai: *I* would.⚠ <p>

Tim: Jenny and Manfred both start screaming.⚠ <br> Manfred: Nope! The contract still works. OW!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Aiden, can we test you for your fuckslutability?⚠ <p>

TJ: Now he's talking like a real ventrue.⚠ <br> Everyone: finally.⚠ <p>

Manfred: You just ate a thousand earthworms!⚠ <br> Aiden: And you're complaining about veins?⚠ <br> JT: You just squeeze 'em!⚠ <br> Manfred: That's what you do with the children too.⚠ <br> Randolf: (angrily) Ok, back in the car with all of you!⚠ <p>

Jeanie: (to Allie) You injured yourself on ice cream??⚠ <p>

Randolf: What are we talking about?⚠ <br> Jeanie and James: Earthworms!⚠ <br> Randolf: Bleed into this.⚠ <p>

Randolf: There's secrets about me you'll never comprehend!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Yes, Mai, you are oddly wrinkly.⚠ <br> Aiden: Is that how you pick up girls?⚠ <p>

Randolf: Mai's blood is kung fu with Marcellus's.⚠ <p>

Randolf: No, no! 5 of them run away and one of them runs at it!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Oh, wow! My sharpie covered book is now wet! Oh oh! Oh darn!⚠ <p>

Manfred: Did Strauss take us to Ravenloft? That ASSHOLE!⚠ <p>

Mai: You can ghoul a rosebush? (gasp) That would be MUCH easier than humans!⚠ <p>

Jeanie: You can't believe it's not vitae.⚠ <p>

Manfred: Whose coffin is that?⚠ <br> Durgan: Akrodomenos.⚠ <br> Everyone: Ahhh!!!! Don't say that name!!⚠ <br> Randolf: Dun dun DUN.⚠ <p>

Manfred: (shocked) Are you ok?⚠ <br> Randolf: Wow! That was a random drive by staking!⚠ <p>

Randolf: (mocking Manfred)No Venice is the mighty tower of the tremere! And I can explode you cuz I can do that!⚠ <p>
