
JT: And the meeting is at the Penes Scrobac building.⚠ <br> James: Isn't that JT's building?⚠ <br> JT: No, not the Mendelsohn Butterscotch building.

TJ: You stare dumbfounded as the cars approach the manhole.⚠ <br> Jeanie: I don't stare.⚠ <br> Mai: I'm not dumbfounded.

Len: Wait wait, let me make sure I have this clear. You're standing there holding your pants, in your underwear, turning to the homeless man, who's lusting after you, and you say "get my shoes"?

Mai: How come my zippo is more dangerous than that?

JT: No, it is the Penes Scrobach building!

Ken: Ball sack.⚠ <br> Allie: Baldersack?⚠ <br> Dan: Balls R Us!

Randolph: You can come here and eat my people! Why can't I eat Mai's?⚠ <br> Mai: Because *I* didn't eat your people.

Randolph: I'm not a tool. I'm a screw. I get used by the tool.

Randolph: Do you have any practical knowledge in the manipulation of dimensions?

Randolph: I think we shold stay in the general room so no one gets cornered.⚠ <br> Manfred: why?⚠ <br> Randolph: Cuz otherwise I'm going to get cornered.
