
Saturn is a person of many faces, it seems. Quite often he appears to be the straight laced archon... the brujah with the even temper.

And then other times, he appears to be a clubbing teenager... a brujah with a very quick temper.

I think having Shari, his childe, around used to help us avoid his temper because he seemed forever trying to make up for something with her. From what Shari had confided in me, she was embraced in one of his particularly weaker moments... and apparently he had regrets. Or just wanted to get back in her good favor so he could better use her as a tool. Whichever.

Saturn accompanied us to Romania, which is where we all thought he died when werewolves attacked us. He ran one direction, we ran the other, and the wolves followed him. We assumed he was dead.

But when we returned to Detroit, it was quickly learned that the brujah were just awaiting his return... afraid to make any political moves without his guidance. Afraid most of all to offend him.

It was a good thing, in retrospect, that Mai, emboldened with the idea of playing harpy, did not get in touch with Louise and tell her that Saturn was dead and there was no worry in offending him anymore... because it turns out Saturn was not really dead. Just emancipated. (giggles)

He returned to Detroit with Jennifer Morgan and had the two Jennies meet. Then he explained his work for the Archons was done and he would now be seeking the role of Brujah Primogen.

Saturn has a known conflict with Traci Casoli, an enmity that apparently is quite old... no one yet knows the exact nature of the conflict, though it appears the prince is trying to play this out and see who comes out on top.
