Detroit By Night


The Fellowship Of The Face

The fellowship of the face, as it's members jokingly call it, was formed in May of 1999 of a handful of kindred neonates and ancilla. The existence of this coterie and identity of its members remains unknown to other kindred in Detroit at the moment.

The members of the coterie chose to make their joining into this agreement very formal by allowing their Tremere member to draft up a contract written in blood that they then each signed in blood to be bound mystically to the agreement. It was clearly a move made out of desperation.

The text of the contract is as follows:

The Fellowship of the Face

This contract may be amended by unanimous decision of signors.

Purpose: To form all signors into a functional coterie

Vision: That by this union, we may act as a cohesive force in the political arena and together for personal and group gain. That when we act toward a common goal, we do so in a unified fashion, and act toward the ideals of the camarilla *

Means: We achieve this purpose through trust. Signors hereby agree not to intentionally bring direct harm to one another, under pain of breaking this contract. Signors understand the intent is also to prevent harm to one another, within their abilities.

Goals: There are two types of goals:

Personal Goals: A personal goal is that of an individual, independent from the coterie

-It is not acceptable for a personal goal of a signors to be in conflict with the group goal or contract

-Aside from that, a personal goal is a kindred’s own decision. Signors have no obligation to support one’s personal goal, so long as they also do not interfere negatively.

-In accordance with trust, personal goals, while the kindred’s own business, should be on the table and known to other members of the coterie.

Unified Goals: Goals that we adopt as a coterie and achieve as a coterie. All members must work toward a unified goal.

-Unified goals are to be determined by a vote. Majority rules.

-To purposely thwart a unified goal is to break contract.

Voting: Decisions made by the coterie will be made by democratic vote. Decisions not altering the contract will be reached by majority. Decisions altering the contract must be reached by unanimous decision.

-When there is a vote, all members of the coterie are obliged to a vote. It does not need be in person. The vote can be over the phone, as long as all members are able to have a say.

-When voting, the options are “aye” “nay” and “abstain”. Anyone may abstain.

-In the event of a draw, debate may continue, but no majority will be considered reached until a new vote with majority result is had.

Voting process

It is appropriate to hold a vote on any action you wish to partake in as a coterie, any goals you wish to achieve as a coterie, and any changes to this contract. A vote is not a requirement if everyone is in agreement, but in situations where there is one or more dissenting signor, a vote is advised.

A vote will begin with a motion to vote.

The motion will be followed by an initial vote.

If there is disagreement, discussion may ensue.

When everyone feels like they’ve voiced their opinion, a final vote will be made.

The vote at this time, having followed this process, is binding.

Duress: There may come a time when signors of the contract are in a situation under duress (ie: it is not feasible to hold a vote to decide a course of action or to attempt to find an agreement). The contract recognizes such situations and therefore allows for a signor to act in accordance with the intent of the contract without the trouble of a vote if under duress.

To avoid such situations, it is the intent that the coterie has regular meetings or regroupings. Particularly essential is to meet prior to a court or larger gathering to determine a plan of action and ideals for that situation.

Dissolution clause: Under the same circumstances as making any changes to this contract, this contract may be dissolved. A unanimous vote is required.

Destroying this contract will not destroy the agreement made hereby. Only a formal dissolution will terminate this agreement.

Contract clause: By signing below in my own vitae, I hereby agree and bind myself to the purpose of this contract.

  • footnote: ”Ideals of the camarilla” is pending definition and

thereby not yet binding. By saying we support the camarilla, we are not binding ourselves to support any particular person or court, but rather the abstract idea of what the camarilla should be. We must come to a definition of each tradition if we are to include that sentence as well as “what it means to be camarilla”, so this is a topic open to debate.

