
Dan: What are those snow things called?⚠ <br> James: Snowmobiles?

Winston Macdonald: Strauss is like a very hot coal. He must be handled with very loooong tongs.

Manfred: Any idea what he was doing in the tapestry?⚠ <br> Randolph: slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp.

Randolph: Off she goes to yell and scream at that. Freak out.

JT: Where the hell am I?⚠ <br> TJ: You... are on the sidewalk.

JT: I'm trying to mask my voice right now if that's not rather apparent. It's apparent now.

Prince Godkin: If you would like a private conversation, you can have it in the rear-

Randolph: I haven't implicated anyone but JT at this moment cuz he's my bitch.

Manfred: Um, I resent being goosed. You're not goosing the tremere. We'll goose back.

Mai: My hand is not inside you yet.

Strauss: They're going to kill everybody!⚠ <br> Randolph: Um, I don't think so.
