
6/17/2006⚠ <p>

or Game Date 10/19/1999 ⚠ <p>

Mai: You can't yank my chain, dumbass.⚠ <p>

Manfred: Why are you acting so violent?⚠ <br> Randolf: He grabbed me!⚠ <p>

Mai: (using boatloads of presence) Nothing to see... just a normal moving scene. It's customary to stake people when moving. Uhhhh... Greeks do this when they're moving. It's normal...⚠ <p>

Mai: (to ghouled Wolfhound with authority) Aiden said it's all right. (giggles at her use of authority).⚠ <br> TJ: Ok that worked until you giggled.⚠ <p>

Aiden: (whining) I don't wanna go to the yacht!⚠ <p>

Manfred: Loot the bodies? What are you a viking? ⚠ <p>

Allie: Dude, when you argue with the GM you should argue ⚠ <i>your⚠ </i> case... not the worst case scenario!⚠ <p>

Randolf: (to border patrol) We're gonna go steal another u-haul. Be back in 10 minutes!⚠ <p>

Randolf: Is the gay queen... (cut off by laughter)⚠ <p>

Randolf: Randolf using the mighty Ventrue power of obfuscate puts his suit coat over his head so no one can see him!⚠ <p>

Randolf: I stroll up there. I'm dripping with confidence.⚠ <br> TJ: No, that was the eel in your suitpocket.⚠ <br> Allie: Did you remember to remove your suit coat from your head?⚠ <p>

Randolf: It's my distraction technique.⚠ <br> Aiden: You plan to bore them to death?⚠ <br> JT: We'll arrive and they'll be all "kill me!"⚠ <p>

JT: I open the door. I walk in.⚠ <br> (Tim smiles smugly)⚠ <br> Dan: "It's locked!" "I open the door anyway!" We've played out this scene 1600 times!⚠ <p>

TJ: No he doesn't do the angry koala bear. That's ⚠ <i>your⚠ </i> trademark.⚠ <p>

JT: The prince has of Detroit issued an edict to destroy you.⚠ <br> Manfred: Did he just say the princess of Detroit?⚠ <p>

TJ: (mocking Manfred's fun with levitation) Hey, the ghoul is puking again! Manfred! Get in here! If you want to use your telekinesis, wick the vomit off of the ceiling fan! Geez!⚠ <p>

Dan: Stop kicking me!⚠ <br> Len: Sorry. I thought you were a pillow.⚠ <p>

Manfred: (meaning the opposite, we hope) You'd be surprised what's beyond our abilities.⚠ <p>

Mai: I light a cigarette. Here, you want one? They're the pretty, slim, vanilla flavoured ones. In a pretty package. (holds out cigarettes to Aiden)⚠ <br> Aiden: Who left me on the shore with the girly girly fuck?⚠ <p>

Dan: (from the living room) Drain him dry!⚠ <p>

Mai: (out of her body) I think it's time to go home now.⚠ <p>

Aiden: How much of Randolf is in Jon Starr? Why don't I ever want to say that!⚠ <p>

Manfred: My clothes are screwed up but I'm still pretty!⚠ <p>

Mai and Aiden: You can't have a chantry with just one Tremere!⚠ <p>

"Black on Black, brought to you by Tim"⚠ <p>

Manfred: That whole concept of crowd control thing... you rock!⚠ <br> Len: Without showing her titties!⚠ <p>

