A wealthy merchant-priest with much political clout.
(Starting dice: d4 d6 d6 d8 d10 d12)
(Write your particular strengths here. Check the boxes that apply, one check per significance, to a max of 4 significance)
Potent [ ] (Doubly Potent [ ]) Broad [X] Consequential [ ] Unique [ ] Far-reaching [ ]
Description: Mezwar got where he is through a vast network of contacts, spies, and informers.
Form used: Directly, For myself.
Die size: d8
He appears uncommonly confident in all things, in no small part because he almost always has some manner of information to use against someone either to coerce for his own aims or to prevent them taking action against him.
(If you get a second particular strength, put it here)
(List them.)
It is CHARACTER_NAME'S best interests:
A character
In A Wicked Age