The dangerous gentleman the happy girl is promised to. Also the Jealous and vengeful rival with the terrible temper.
(Starting dice: d4 d6 d6 d8 d10 d12)
(Write your particular strengths here. Check the boxes that apply, one check per significance, to a max of 4 significance)
Swordsmanship (Significance: X)
Potent [ ] (Doubly Potent [ ]) Broad [ ] Consequential [x] Unique [ ] Far-reaching [ ]
Description: A master duelist, Morgause is not above a bit of dirty fighting in the alleys.
Form used: With Violence
Die size: d8 (d8 normally, d10 for Potent, d12 Doubly Potent)
I hit people with swords! It damages their love.
(Describe what it does. Include the form and NPC form it damages if it is Consequential, and just how it is Far-Reaching, if it is)
(If you get a second particular strength, put it here)
(List them.)
It is Morgause's best interests:
A character
In A Wicked Age