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Lore-Speaking Method

  Cost: 3 motes
  Duration: Varies
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Intelligence: 2
  Minimum Essence: 1
  Prerequisite Charms: None

The Lunar who purchases this charm restructures his memories in a more efficient framework, especially with regard to how well the Lunar can retrieve information on command. In order to retrieve information from this memory, the Lunar must spend 3 motes for this charm. An Intelligence roll is required to retrieve the information, depending on the nature of the information that the Lunar seeks. One success can locate routine bits of information, three successes are needed for obscure information, and five successes can retrieve any bit of knowledge that the Lunar might be said to somehow know.

If activated as an instant charm, the Lunar may roll his Intelligence rating. If the Lunar wishes extra dice on this charm, he can spend more time going over his memories. Every minute that the Lunar spends in a trance-like state allows him to gain one extra die on the Intelligence roll, though he cannot more than double his dice pool. If the Lunar fails to get enough successes to retrieve the memory in question, the charm fails. Extra successes increase the quality of the memory and give the Lunar more precise and accurate information.

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