[22:17] <willows> i want sunlight to be a problem but it can't be a big one because that'd be weird.

[22:17] <Mese> shreeeeeyas :p I loves you but for srs; pls don't play just to greif us k

[22:17] <pigeon> but probably she can't die to sunlight

[22:17] <pigeon> or she would be dead

[22:18] <pigeon> maybe she has to wear suntan lotion

[22:18] <pigeon> just to go outside

[22:18] <willows> i'll take the invitation thing, then it gives me a reason to take that move later

[22:19] <Mese> ot it could just make you real uncomfortable, like an albino or something

[22:19] <willows> yeah totally! like i have to wear shades and can't really drive well during the day and stuff

[22:20] <pigeon> yeah

[22:20] <pigeon> you have an allergy

[22:20] <pigeon> you have to moisturize all the time

[22:20] <willows> yes

[22:20] <willows> i have to make my own bath soap with like weird herbs in it