
The Nobility

Chancels And Imperators


The Mythic World?

From The Tree?

The PC's are summoned by the Kujom, the Baronet of Burrowing, one of the Nobles from their allied chancel, Locus Amera. He informs them that there is a visitor at their chancel, and that they have been invited to come and meet with this visitor as the matter at hand concerns them as well.

The PC's arrive at Amera, and are brought to a conference room where Meresjure and Diplomacy are waiting. After introductions are handled, Meresjure impatiently makes his announcement. One of the first casualties of the war with the Excrucians was the Gatekeeper of Heaven, he explains, and ever since then reincarnation has gone wrong; instead of being rewarded with steadily more beautiful (or less so, as the case may be) most souls are being reincarnated right back into the world they came from, whether they deserve it or not. In order to repair this damage, a great miracle is coming from Heaven, a river that will run through all the worlds on the World Ash, which will carry corrupt souls downwards towards hell, and to go with it a great wind that will blow beautiful souls upwards towards heaven. When asked what the Familia will be receiving in return for the use of their Chancel, Justice says, 'The knowledge that you will be supporting a worthwhile cause.' The Familia had arguments with that. Justice made it clear that he was not visiting to make an agreement; he was there to provide the courtesy of announcing what WILL be happening. Before an argument could start, Diplomacy called an end to the conference, and Meresjure was escorted out of Locus Amera. Some discussion ensued between Diplomacy and Familia Ythom, but before much could be said, the chancel came under excrucian attack, and Ythom was escorted from the chancel.