< Setting | Roma Lux Aeterna | Equipment >

Into this world we throw the Tagers - humans with extraordinary powers gained from symbiosis with alien life forms. Now sure, the fluff says interdimensional but this is cribbed from Cthulutech, where faster than light and dimensional travel are the same thing. The laws of physics are not reliable, and the very understanding of this is harmful to human existence.

So, Tagers, mostly, don't understand. At least not consciously. And their symbiotes play the game, speaking in riddles that the human dare not understand, though slowly, a small part of them does.

Tagers are 'born' at the Gibraltar Nadir, a thousand feet below sea level where you get close enough to feel the heat of the Earth's Core. There they are tested, trained, and groomed for their joining when, in a process that involves purifying the human spirit, they are lead in meditation to make contact with another plane of existence. The human psyche does not, cannot reach out - but at invitation the Tagers tear, ripping the host apart and exalting them beyond their puny human limitations. Those that survive the process go mad, develop psychic powers, or both - and some become Tagers. At that point, only will matters. The human drive for survival is not enough. The Will to Power, to Control over ones self and ones circumstances is what it takes to subjugate the Tager and make it your equal.

What happens to those that are never seen again is classified. But who become Tagers all share a common experience.

The Tager thought humanity was prey, but though humanity is uneducated and unprepared, it is not as weak as might be expected. Through a period of inner reflection comes modus vivendi, mutual respect, and symbiosis. Even those who see themselves as prey eventually prove to have a certain spark that will not allow itself to be consumed. It is not amplified, but it is always there, and that is what the symbiote respects.

There are a number of types of symbiotes. Something attracted it to to the host as prey, but they are quite opportunistic, and aren't too picky.

Human Form

Average Height:5'6 - 6'2"
Average Weight:135 - 220 lb
Speed:6 squares
Languages:English, One other
	+2 to Fort, Reflex, Will
	+2 to Wisdom
	+2 to any Ability

Regeneration 2 once Bloodied, until no longer Bloodied Choose 4 Skills, 2 Feats

Note: You get everything you get in Huamn Form, plus this. All forms get Nightvision and can Scan vitals in both human and alternate form. Normal range is 100 yards. Tagers are Medium, between 7-8' tall. Nightmare Tagers are Large, and a foot taller than the rest.

Climbing is 1/2 of your normal speed (3) Jumping is 1/10 or 1/5 your normal speed (.6 or 1.2) If you can fly, normal Fly speed is equal to your normal Speed (6 squares)

All get double Climbing and Jumping speed in Tager form. Climbing Speed 6 Jumping Speed 1.2 or 2.4

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Nightmare Form

Wisdom +2Starting HP12+ Con
Dexterity14+4HP / Level5
Constitution14+2Surges6+ Con
	Gives Regeneration 20
	Large size
	Gives AC +2 in all forms
	-4 to Will Defense against your Fear

Natural Weapons

Talons+21d8Light MeleeOff-Hand
Shoulder Pods+31d12Military Ranged 12/34Off-Hand, Load No
Tentacle Sheathe+11d10Military MeleeReach, Grabber
Mythic Blast+62d6Military Artillery 15/40Daily, Close Wall 15/10

Phantom Form

Wisdom +2Starting HP15+ Con
Dexterity12+2HP / Level6
Constitution12+2Surges9+ Con
	Gives Regeneration 10
	Gives AC +2 in all forms

Natural Weapons

Arcane Blast+31d8Ranged 15/40Off-Hand, Load No, Fast
Tentacle Sheathe+31d8Military MeleeReach, Grabber
Howl Phantom Attack 1
Standard Action Close burst 4
 Target: Each enemy in burst 
 Attack: Wisdom vs Fortitude
Must save or become prone.
Tentacle Sheathe Phantom Attack 1
Standard Action Close burst 6
 Target: Each Enemy in Burst
 Attack: Strength vs. AC (each), 
         Strength vs Fortitude (unlucky S.O.B.)
Hit: 1[1d10] + Strength modifier damage (melee)
Special: Select one target at random. He must save or be drawn

into your extradimensional belly and eaten. You may choose to Grab any other target you damage.

Shadow Form

Wisdom12+2Starting HP12+ Con
Dexterity12+2HP / Level5
Constitution12+2Surges6+ Con
Strength +2  
	Gives Regeneration 5
	Gives AC +1 in all forms
	Triple jumping instead of double. Jumping Speed 1.8 or 3.6
	Poison: Save vs Fort or suffer Unconscious.

Natural Weapons

Thorns+11d6Light MeleeOff-Hand, Poisoned
Needle Pods+11d8Ranged 12/34Off-Hand, Load No, Fast, Poisoned
Multiport Shadow Attack 1
Daily ♦ Teleportation
 Standard Action	Ranged 6
 Target: One Creature
 Effect: Attack twice using any weapons you can use, even if 

they are not Fast. Resolve both attacks as Basic Melee Attacks.

You may Teleport as a Free Action at any point

during the turn, so long as you stay adjacent to your target. However, you cannot move this turn besides using this power.

Whisper Form

Wisdom +2Starting HP10+ Con
Dexterity12+3HP / Level4
Constitution +2Surges6+ Con
Strength +1  
	Gives Regeneration 2
	Gives AC +1 in all forms
	Broadband Audio, Long Range, Sonar, Thermal, X-ray
	Triple Climbing instead of double. Climbing Speed 9
	Speed 12, Fly 18

Natural Weapons

Whips+11d6MeleeReach, Grabber
Gossamer Bomb Whisper Attack 1
Standard Action Dropped burst 3
 Target: Each Enemy in Burst
 Attack: Wisdom vs Fortitude
Must save or become blinded.
Razor Wing Phantom Attack 1
Standard Action Close wall 18
 Target: Each Enemy in Wall
 Attack: Strength vs. AC (each)
Hit: [1d8] + Strength modifier damage (melee)
This power involves slamming into each target in your path.

You shift to the endpoint of the Wall, which must be at least 9 squares away from your starting point. You cannot use any other Move in the turn you use this power.

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Additional Terminology:

	Dropped burst [x] : This represents a burst attack from a weapon dropped from above.
	Close wall: The starting square must be adjacent to you. Treat it as "Area Wall 18 within 1 squares"


	Ranged,	Melee: The weapon is always one of these basic types.
	Artillery: Damage scales to bigger targets if they are on a separate damage scale 
	Military: Damage is treated as 2-Handed to represent additional firepower. LOTS of collateral damage.
	Light: Also always an off-hand weapon.


	Load No: This weapon does not have to be reloaded during combat.
	Fast: This note is required for a weapon to be used to attack more than once per turn.
	Grabber: This weapon can be used to make Grab attacks.
	Poisoned: This weapon is always poisoned.