Maia>so I think something that isn't really discussed is magical play
 Maia>or at least, I haven't heard much about it
 Mese>unpack "magical"
 Maia>here's something that came up in SI
 Maia>most of us in SI are basically, uh
 Maia>kind of evil
 Maia>we've done a lot to change this for various reasons
 Maia>one of the interesting and fun things about SI, and in fact what I have called the POINT of SI is Maia>"let's explore the essential madness of ultimate power"
 Maia>"and how we become separated from humanity even as we are responsible for humanity"
 Maia>so evil is probably the wrong word
 Maia>because I wouldn't say spring is evil, but he is pretty nuts
 Maia>because we have the power not to compromise in the face of reality
 Mese nodnods
 Maia>so when you say to spring "sometimes people get hurt in the pursuit of a noble goal" he can say "no, I don't think so" and make it stick
 Maia>there was one discussion we had with dan, though, which was interesting
 Maia>dan has a quite different view of exalted than the rest of us
 Maia>well, by that I mean, like, shreyas/quin/me/probably char
 Maia>and dan said, essentially
 Maia>"yes, solars are the good guys, the revolutionaries, and all the other stuff is the evil of the establishment and how it oppresses and destroys people"
 Maia>because dan lives in brazil, where there is a lot of that going on (I think; I don't know enough)
 Maia>"and the story of exalted is the story of the powerful people saving the world from evil"
 Maia>so while this has some correspondences with our perspective it's not really a fit
 Mese nods, thinking that from what he knows of Exalted, that is only potentially true; solars are or at least were terrible people
 Maia>it's a bible
 Maia>you can read whatever you want in it
 Mese>there was a whole curse, and stuff, and the solars were all decadent and shit in the um
 Mese>first age
 Mese>or whichever one it was where they ran shit
 Maia>I know all that
 Maia>I'm not really arguing over whether dan's reading is accurate or not
 Mese>of course you do :) I am just trying to express what I think I know about exalted
 Mese>but carry one, yes
 Mese>*carry on
 Maia>I think that the text is complex enough that you can have multiple views of it which aren't congruent without having one be inaccurate
 Maia>anyway yeah
 Maia>there's a difference, I'm trying to say
 Maia>between "I am playing this to see what happens if I were put in these narrative straits"
 Maia>and "I am playing this to make the world the way I think it ought to be"
 Maia>but it's really pretty subtle
 Maia>and I don't think one or the other is necessarily BETTER
 Maia>but I think (I am not sure) that they both lead to making artistic statements, but of very different types
 Maia>any thoughts
 Mese>what's um
 Mese>magical about this?
 Maia>it's by analogy with magical thinking
 Maia>which is kind of
 Maia>"doing things that express your desire to the world to be different in the hopes that it will become so"
 Maia>I would probably make that sound a lot less negative if I had time to phrase it better
 Maia>so this kind of play is magical play
 Maia>because you are playing in order to create a fictional world that is more like the world you think should exist
 Mese>not sure I quite see that
 Maia>what part
 Mese>I mean I am pretty sure none of you actually want the real world to be like SI?
 Maia>oh oh oh
 Maia>here's the big distinction
 Maia>me/shreyas/etc. ALREADY think the real world is like SI in the relevant ways
 Maia>that's why we play it
 Maia>if it was disconnected from reality in the relevant ways then it wouldn't be an interesting exploration
 Maia>in this case the relevant ways are like
 Mese>so it's almost an allegory for you?
 Mese>you draw analogies between your solars and other entites with nigh-absolute power?
 Maia>solars are protagonist people
 Maia>the relevant characteristic of a solar is that they are a human who is gifted with abilities that set them apart from the other people
 Maia>people who have the power to make a difference
 Mese>so you draw analogies between you SI characters and "people who ahve the power to make a difference"
 Mese>so your human issue, as it were, is like "can one have the power to change humanity while remaing part of it?" and you answerring, largely "no"
 Maia>something like that
 Mese is now known as Gazelle.
 Maia>I think a big bit of that is like "how do you grapple with being different"
 Gazelle>sort of the same issue in H So S, n'est pas
 Maia>well, that's a little different
 Maia>I guess the questions are more like
 Maia>"how do you grapple with being different and powerful" vs "how do you grapple with being different and powerless"