Vault of the Drow d6
Attribute: Paranoid d8 Skill: Conspire d6 Trait: Craven d6 Relationship: My mistress d4 Equipment: Adamantine dagger d6
Wandering Maniac d6
Attribute: Unpredictable d6 Skill: Many paths walked d6 Trait: Deranged d6 Relationship: Equipment:
Friend to the Severer of Chains d10
Attribute: Unbreakable d10 Skill: Trait: Determined d10 Relationship: My friend, the Severer of Chains d12 Equipment:
Singing and marking Omens d8
Attribute: Skill: Blood for freedom d8 Trait: Led by instinct d8 Relationship: Equipment: Marks left behind d8.
Individuality d4
Attribute: Fed 1d2 Skill: Trait: Relationship: Equipment: My bare hands 1d6 Relationship: Troll escapee 1d4. Quasit friend 1d4.
Intensity: 6