Notable Locations for ArkhamByNight

Arkham SanitariumThe largest and most advanced sanitarium in New England, birthplace of treatments such as malarial therapy and the pre-frontal lobotomy.
Independence SquareThe center of Arkham's politics, home to the courthouse and city hall.
Hibbs' RoadhouseA popular jazz bar and suspected speakeasy. There is dancing every night except on Monday and the Full Moon.
Velma's DinerArkham's most popular after-hours establishment, one of the few places in the city open 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Velma herself is a middle aged woman of color who takes no nonsense and pinches every penny. Many of her workers have a checkered past, and have turned to the diner as a last resort. Velma's serves amazing seafood, sandwiches and malts.
The Curisoitie ShoppeKendra Delacroix's mostly respectable business in Northside that sells exotic items from all around the world. Despite being a woman of color, Kendra has many wealthy clients, especially for teas, spices and herbs. Some are rumored to be nearly magical, and others are medicinal. The police keep a quiet eye on the shop, but have never proven anything.
Unvisited IsleA tiny, rocky island in the Miskatonic River, covered in shrubs and trees. Sometimes lights are seen on the isle, but it's rumored to be haunted. Even in broad daylight, it is often surrounded by fog. On very clear days, a ramshackle hut can be seen on the island's peak.
The UnnameableAn old white home with six rooms, divided into three apartments at the turn of the century. One night, the man in apartment A was murdered. The next night, the family in apartment B committed suicide. The following night, the old woman in apartment C was eaten by her cats when she fell and broke her hip. Since then, every tenant has died if they live in the home for more than three months. Everyone is sure something lives in the Unnameable. Something bad.
The GraveyardKing's Chapel Cemetary, dating back to the 1600s. This is one of the oldest Christian graveyards in North America and contains the remains of some of Arkham's wealthiest and most elite families.
Black CaveA known smuggler's hide out on the south bank of the Miskatonic River. It leads into a deeper cave system that, supposedly, connects to the city's sewers and subways. There are rumors that people who explore the underground of the city often disappear forever.
The Witch HouseThe former residence of Keziah Mason, an elderly woman who supposedly escaped from the Salem witch trials before being hanged.
Silver Twilight LodgeMeeting house of the Grand Order of the Silver Twilight, a secret society dedicated to the study of ancient history. There are rumors they claim to be descened from the people of Atlantis.
Ye Olde Magick ShoppeA low class joint that sells fakes and frauds to gullible tourists and Miskatonic freshmen. The owner, a red-haired Irishman named Rory O'Sullivan, finds the entire business hilarious, and regularly mocks his customers.

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