⚠ <pre> Abilities Scores Modifier Defense Value Strength 10 +0 Fortitude 11 Constitution 13 +1 Reflex 15 Dexterity 16 +3 Will 14 Intelligence 14 +2 AC 15 Wisdom 13 +1 Insight 11 Charisma 18 +4 Perception 16

Health: 25 (Bloodied @ 12hp) Healing Surges: 7, 6hp

Rogue Class Features

 Armor:  Cloth, leather
 Weapons:  Dagger, crossbow, shuriken, sling, short sword
 Defense:  +2 Reflex
 Hit Points at First Level:  12 + Constitution
 Hit Points gained per level:  5
 Healing Surges:  6 + Constitution modifier
 First Strike:  You gain combat advantage against anyone who has not yet acted in the encounter.
 Rogue Tactics (Artful Dodger):  Add Charisma bonus to AC vs. opportunity attacks.
 Rogue Weapon Talent (Shuriken):  Increase damage by one size category.
 Rogue Weapon Talent (Dagger):  Gain +1 to attack rolls.
 Sneak Attack (2d8):  Once per round.
  - Extra damage while you have combat advantage.  Must be using light blades, crossbows or slings.

Tiefling Racial Traits

 Move 6, Medium, Low-light Vision
 Languages:  Common, one other
 Skill Bonuses:  +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
 Bloodhunt:  You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls made against bloodied foes.
 Fire Resistance:  5 (5+1/2 level)
 Infernal Wrath:  Minor encounter power.
  - Gain +1 attack bonus against enemy made after your last turn.  Add Charisma bonus to damage.

Trained Skills

 Acrobatics (Dex) 8, Bluff (Cha) 11, Streetwise (Cha) 9, Perception (Wis) 6, Stealth (Dex) 10, Thievery (Dex) 8 


 Backstabber:  Increase bonus Sneak Attack damage from d6 to d8.


 Leather Armor (+2 AC, 25g)
 Concealed Daggers (+3 AB, 1d4 damage, off-hand - light - thrown 5/10, 2g)
 5 Shuriken (+3, 1d6 damage, thrown 6/12, 1g)
 Hand Crossbow (+2 AB, 1d6 damage, 10/20, 25g)
 Standard Adventurer Kit (15g)
 Lantern (7g)
 Thieves Tools (+2 equipment bonus to Open Lock or Disarm Trap, 20g)
 Rations (10 days, 5g)

At-Will Powers (2)

 Sly Flourish:  Martial, Weapon
  Standard Action	Melee or Ranged weapon
  Requirement:  You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling.
  Target:  One creature
  Attack:  Dexterity vs. AC
  Hit:  1[W] + Dexterity modifier + Charisma modifier damage.
   - Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier + Charisma modifier at 21st level. 

 Riposte Strike:  Martial, Weapon
  Standard Action	Melee weapon
  Requirement:  You must be wielding a light blade.
  Target:  One creature
  Attack:  Dexterity vs. AC
  Hit:  1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, you make your riposte against the target as an immediate interrupt: a Strength vs. AC attack that deals 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
   - Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier and riposte to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level.

Encounter Powers

 King's Castle:  Martial, Weapon
  Standard Action	Melee or Ranged weapon
  Requirement:  You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling.
  Target:  One creature
  Attack:  Dexterity vs. Reflex
  Hit:  2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
  Effect:  Switch places with a willing adjacent ally.

Daily Powers

 Trick Strike:  Martial, Weapon
  Standard Action	Melee or Ranged weapon
  Requirement:  You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling.
  Target:  One creature
  Attack:  Dexterity vs. AC
  Hit:  3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
  Effect:  Until the end of the encounter, each time you hit the target you slide it 1 square.

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