
Arcadians (half-elves) are the product of a merging long ago made between an elven and human kingdom. Arcadians have the diversity of humanity and the raw fey quality of Elvenkind. Arcadia is a large city-state and was once sister to Fomor before the latter was rent by a vicious cataclysm during the old wars. Arcadians are governed by the Collegiate, which is a representative cell structure organization that is largely based on debate and philosophic impetus.

The Ruins of Fomor: Whirlng Walls?, The Tempest?, Adamant Anchor?, City Of Lights?

Characters: Hellgirl, Teleporsche, Holy Habanero, SarcastElf, Warmidget, OverpoweredBard, Human Fighter

Cultures of Arcadia and Tartarus:

Beasts of Arcadia and Tartarus: