⚠ <pre> Abilities Scores Modifier Defense Value Strength 18 +4 Fortitude 17 Constitution 15 +2 Reflex 12 Dexterity 13 +1 Will 13 Intelligence 12 +1 AC 17 Wisdom 14 +2 Insight 12 Charisma 10 +0 Perception 12

Health: 35 (Bloodied @ 17hp) Healing Surges: 11, 8hp

Fighter Class Features

 Armor:  Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; light shield, heavy shield
 Weapons:  Simple melee & ranged, Martial melee & ranged
 Defense:  +2 Fortitude
 Hit Points at First Level:  15 + Constitution
 Hit Points gained per level:  6
 Healing Surges:  9 + Constitution modifier
 Combat Challenge:  Mark an enemy.  If that enemy does not attack you, it suffers -2 on its attacks.  In addition, any attack not made against you provokes an opportunity attack from you.
 Combat Superiority:  Gain 2 opportunity attacks.  Your opportunities halt move actions.
 Fighter Weapon Talent (Two-handed Weapons):  Gain +1 attack with two-handers

Human Racial Traits

 Move 6, Medium, Normal Vision
 Languages:  Common, one other
 Bonuses:  One extra skill, feat, and at-will
 Defenses:  +1 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will

Trained Skills

 Athletics (Str) 9, Endurance (Con) 7, Heal (Wis) 7, Streetwise (Cha) 5


 Weapon Focus (Axes)


 Scale armor (+7, -1 move, 45g)
 Greataxe (+3, 1d12+2, high crit axe, 30g)
 Standard adventurer kit (15g)
 Lantern (7g)

At-Will Exploits (p77)

 Cleave, Reaping Strike, Tide of Iron

Encounter Powers

 Passing Attack

Daily Powers

 Brute Strike

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