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Androdyne (True)

While not an actual "Race", the Androdyne Neurovirus managed to be widespread enough to make a mark on the Galaxy. Actual Androdyne initially varied greatly in genome, coming from many different genetic lines and branches of panhumanity, but over the course of the Androdyne Sphere's history the Androdyne attained a sort of uniform individuality via use of the Proteus Nanovirus and Cyber-Augmentation. Except for the basic template outlined below, each Androdyne's path to evolution was unique (if guided by the Androdyne Philosophy).

The Template

 [186 points]
 Attribute Mods: IQ+4 [80]
 Secondary Mods: Basic Speed+3 [60], Per-4 [-20]
 Advantages: Danger Sense [15], Eidetic Memory [5], Intuitive Mathematician [5], Less Sleep 4 [8], Mathematical Ability 4 [40],
 Racial Memory (Active) [40], Resistant to Neurovirii (+8 to HT) [5], Versatile [5].
 Disadvantages: Callous [-5], Fanaticism (Extreme) [-15], Intolerance (the Unevolved) [-10], Selfless (15-) [-2],
 Targeted Epidemic [-20], Workaholic [-5].
 Features: Taboo Traits: Mental Instability, Taboo Traits: Psionics.

These traits are only those given by the Neurovirus. Individual Androdyne will also be heavily modified via Proteus Nanovirus and Cybernetics, and have a variable amount of points in Martial Arts. Many Androdyne have Trained by a Master, Weapon Master (Force Sword), and a full slew of Cinematic abilities. Even many people without this template suffer from Social Stigma (Minority Group), if they're recognizably descended from Androdyne eugenic experimentation.


 Targeted Epidemic

If there's one term that fits the Androdyne better than any other, it's "persistent." The Androdyne were defeated twice during the Galactic Wars, only to return and very nearly conquer their only rival and take over the galaxy. Remnants of the Empire of Man, the Void Dancers, the Merchant Clans, and OGRE all joined together to overcome the Regulan Androdyne and their joint efforts created the Hunter-Seeker Pathogen. Best described as a Biological Neurovirus, the Hunter-Seeker virus is harmless to non-Androdyne and 100% communicable. By now, most ever human in the Galaxy is a carrier, and when any of them come in contact with the Androdyne the virus targets the Neuroviruses links to the memory centers of the brain. Some of those affected die, but most are simply rendered... no longer Androdyne, to one degree or another.

There are multiple variants of the pathogen with vectors of Blood Agent, Contact Agent, and Respiratory agent. Most carriers have all three. You must make a HT-8 roll to resist the disease, which has a incubation period of 72 hours. It inflicts 1 point of Toxic damage each 24 hour cycle, for a total of 7 cycles and is Highly Contagious. Non-Androdyne who take at least one point of Toxic Damage from the disease become carriers. The precise effect the virus has on Androdyne is discussed, to some degree, under the Hunter-Seeker Survivor lense below. To date, there is no known treatment for the Virus, which is rumored to be of alien origin and was largely developed by the Void Dancers of Hole System.


  • Androdyne Descendants don't use this template at all. The Androdyne Neurovirus was not genetic in basis; the only trait many people descended from the Androdyne have is "Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]", though a few extra points of IQ, Callous, Eidetic Memory, Intuitive Mathematician, Mathematical Ability, and Selfless do seem quite common within the population. A person with all of these traits is frequently considered to "true blooded". None of these are considered part of a racial template, however.
  • Regulan Androdyne were caught within a Stasis Field for hundreds of years, and had a less advance strain of the Neurovirus, closer to the original strain at the end of the Autumn Wars. They only have IQ+3, Basic Speed+2, and Per-3. This lowers the cost of the template by 35 points, to [151].
  • Hunter-Seeker Survivor' was once a True Androdyne, but was infected with the Hunter-Seeking pathogen. This always results in the former Androdyne losing Danger Sense, Racial Memory, Resistant to Neurovirii, Selfless, Targetted Epidemic and both Taboo traits, reducing the cost of the template to [148]. About half the time, it'll remove Fanaticism and Intolerance as well, but give the target Partial Amnesia and Mild Shyness, adding ten points to the above cost. In these cases, though, the subject loses at least 10 points of skills and often other traits from the template as well.

Androdyne and Other Templates

The effects of the Androdyne Neurovirus on a baseline human are easily arbitrated, but many Androdyne belong to different branches of panhumanity. In any case where the Androdyne template and another template overlaps or conflicts, use the traits from the Androdyne Template. This limits racial average IQ to 14, replaces the Ishtar's racial Selfish with Selfless, and so on. The sole exception is the "Mental Instability" taboo trait; some mental disadvantages attached to a racial template are eradicated by the Androdyne Neurovirus, occasionally removing other linked traits from the template as well, while other times an unwanted trait proves able to resist the influence of the neurovirus.

For most Androdyne, though, "how they were born" is only a starting point.