
Vampire XP costs

New Ability: 3
New Discipline: 10
New Path (Thaumaturgy): 7
Attribute: current rating x 4
Ability: current rating x 2
Clan Discipline: current rating x 5
Other Discipline: current rating x 7
Caitiff's Disciplines: current rating x 6
Secondary Path (Thaumaturgy): current rating x 4
New Background: 8
Backgrounds: current rating x 4
Virtue: current rating x 2 (does not increase Humanity or Willpower)
Humanity: current rating x 2
Willpower: current rating
Merits: Freebie point cost x 7
Flaws: Freebie point payment x 2 (maximum of 7 Freebie points, ever)
Flaw removal: Flaw point cost x 5 and subject to GM approval
