Underworld Astrology
Though the Underworld is a place of shadows, where the laws of reality as we know them are wholly different, there is a pattern to it all, a sort of weave to the place. This pattern is and is created by the Calender of Setesh. Powered by the prayers and rituals of much of the shaped Underworld, and in conjunction with the 25 constellations unique to the Underworld, it is capable of shaping fate.
While the very nature of the Underworld and its Fate are strange, it is within the purview of the Sidereal Exalted to master such. They are among the foremost weavers of Fate, and it is natural (though unusual) for them to see such power over the Calender within their grasp. It is more a matter of learning the similarities and differences of the astrology of the Underworld, than requiring any special authorization. Their Exaltation is authorization enough for any system of Fate.
As a note, what Sidereals refer to as fate and destiny are known as structure and design in the Underworld. These are subtly different things, as structure tends to not focus on guiding or predicting individuals based on their personalities, but on the patterns of the Underworld and those rituals and prayers that keep it stable. Design is more complex, being the way that the whole regions and Underworld work, including laying down the laws and taboos that enable the working of the Calender in conjunction with the prayers of millions.
A note, as they are not under the purview of the Calender of Setesh, Sidereals suffer naught from Paradox in manipulating it. But who knows if there might be other... prices for their power over it. Similarly, when performing Underworld astrology outside of the Underworld, treat it by the increased difficulties to normal astrology based on location.
The House of Passings
The Copper Coin
The Kraken
The Maelstrom
The Void
The Far Shores
The House of Peace
The Barghest
The Dirge
The Obelisk
The Ashes
The Whispered Prayer
The Whispered Prayer is where present and past touch, fluttering on the wings of words barely spoken. It is a past that exists only in the memory and form of that given to it by those memories. In it's Ascending form, these memories are quietly passed on through words, tales, and legends in ways that enhance the seeming of the ones spoken of. In it's Descending form, the memories are stolen, twisted, made to serve a base use other than to honor that which has had its time pass. This is the constellation of storytellers, minstrels, wise women and men, and those who are about to pass into history themselves.
Trappings: He always has a bag full of money close at hand. Her hands have small reddish stains on them. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The House of Violence
The Poniard
The Cloak
The Blood Money
The Spider is a lord of violence, with hands steeped in blood though they never touch it. They are the ones who decide who lives and who dies. In its Ascending aspect, the Spider works to reduce those whose blood is spilled in their cause. In its Descending aspect, they act only in their own best interest, for wealth and personal glory. The Shackles are the constellation of generals on the battlefield and kingpins of crime. It watches over patrons of gladiators and more vicious thieves.
Trappings: He always has a bag full of money close at hand. Her hands have small reddish stains on them. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The Thug
The Spider
The Spider is a lord of violence, with hands steeped in blood though they never touch it. They are the ones who decide who lives and who dies. In its Ascending aspect, the Spider works to reduce those whose blood is spilled in their cause. In its Descending aspect, they act only in their own best interest, for wealth and personal glory. The Spider is the constellation of generals on the battlefield and kingpins of crime. It watches over patrons of gladiators and more vicious thieves.
Trappings: He always has a way of displaying his wealth. She always carries a hook. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- King Recognizes Another, one Endurance: All are kings in their own way. By scanning a room or similar area, the Sidereal may identify all those who have at least four followers in said area.
- Fellow Leader Stance, two Endurance: The Sidereal may quickly ascend the ladder of power in an organization, presenting an image of someone too important to ignore. And so a lower member of the organization will lead them to the leadership. This works with legal as well as illegal organizations.
- Cannibalistic Young Sickness, three Endurance: By talking to a leader while at least two of his followers are present, you may impose a Compulsion on his web of servants, giving them the appearance that their leader is weak and inducing treachery among at least the Sidereal's Essence in followers.
The House of The Forgotten
The Mask
The Grave Goods
The Grave Goods is the placing stars that watch over those who dig into the past where their intervention is not wanted. Those who search endlessly, digging through tomb and secret tome alike, braving the guardians there... they are both blessed and cursed by the Grave Goods. In its Ascending aspect, it is given to those who subscribe to the belief that truth, knowledge, and power are things to be shared. In its Descending aspect, it rules over those who search without any thought to what may be unleashed with that which they find. This is the symbol of Scavanger Lords, grave robbers, and the like.
Trappings: He always has a pry bar close at hand. He carries a cryptic book of notes. Her clothing is rugged but also has a sense of humble richness. He is cunning and is used to disabling traps in strange ways.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The Burning Book
The Burning Book is a symbol of knowledge purposefully hidden or destroyed. It is done with passion, be it planned or blindly. In its Ascending aspect, it is done to protect those who are unwise or not ready or to keep it from the hands of misuse. In its Descending aspect, it is done both maliciously and with active rage. Those who cover their tracks in crime and destroy out of a belief in censorship are both governed by the Burning Book.
Trappings: He always has a bag full of money close at hand. Her hands have small reddish stains on them. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The Monarch
The Monarch is a collector of knowledge that shall be hoarded and never shared, and rarely if ever used. In its Ascending aspect, it is given to collecting things for their eventual need out of a sense of benevolance. In its Descending aspect, it is a matter of greed, pure and simple, to collect for status or appearance. This constellation watches over hoarders of the most valuable of knowledge.
Trappings: He always has a bag full of money close at hand. Her hands have small reddish stains on them. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The Master
The Master is the last of his kind. He knows things which no other know, and likely never know. He feels his knowledge must be restricted, and so teaches it to few if not only one. In its Ascending Aspect, the Master searches for that student who is deserving. In its Descending Aspect, the Master will die alone and without passing on his valuable secret knowledge. The innovator of martial arts or the creator of new thaumaturgy are commonly guided by this constellation.
Trappings: He always has a bag full of money close at hand. Her hands have small reddish stains on them. Her clothing is genteel but always carries a threat of menace. He is clever and has an almost preternatural sense for danger and traps.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Convenient Troubleshooter Summons, three Endurance: The Sidereal must wander the area aimlessly while troubled by a problem, with a pouch full of money, for at least twelve hours. At the end of it, they will be "introduced" to someone willing and able to "solve" the problem for payment. The form of the solution or payment required may be surprising sometimes.
The House of Returns
The Shackles
The Shackles are those burdens we take on willingly. They are the things we collect and the same with the people we draw into our lives. They are friends, memoriam, and the like. In its Ascending aspect, it is those things in pristine condition. In its Descending aspect, the objects are shattered and friendships have rotted away. The Shackles are the constellation of the man who has lived a full life, the cat lady, the collector of knickknacks.
Trappings: She carries a bag all places. She is given to wearing a symbol of a cat upon her. He has glasses though may not wear them. He will gladly prattle on about his loves. Given a chance, will ogle or buy related things to their love.
- Desperate Bond Collection, one Endurance: The Sidereal may add their Essence in dice to any attempt to collect or buy an object they so "love".
- Old Friend Return, one Endurance per week: The Sidereal may convince a mortal that they are an old, dearly close friend who recently returned as an Illusion. This can result in place to stay freely, a reduction in MDV versus the Sidereal, among other things.
- Converstation Derailment Manacles, two Endurance: When making a successful social parry, the Sidereal may force the conversation onto any other topic of their choice which continues for 3 actions before changing. Note that this requires the Sidereal them self abide by this choice. This is a Compulsion effect.
The Beloved
The Beloved are those forces, those emotions and beliefs which drive a person beyond reason. In its Ascending aspect, it is just beliefs, love, and pure ideals. In its Descending aspect, it is mad emotion, wicked drives, hate, and spite. The Shackles are the constellation of the young firebrand, the idealist, a lover, vengeful warriors, and those who sacrifice all else for one thing.
Trappings: He has a mad gleam in his eye. He carries a sword or writ with which to support their beliefs. She wears a fresh flower. She speaks little but acts upon her beliefs instead.
- Idealist's Fierce Words, one Endurance: The Sidereal may subtract their Essence from the pool to determine MDV in a social attack where they use Charisma as their words frighten the other side into compliance.
- Vengeful Foe-slaying Strike, two Endurance: When striking a target which they have a negative intimacy for personally, they reduce the target number for damage by 2 and 10s give double successes.
- Passionate Love's Understanding, three Endurance: When you love something so, you understand it better than any other. The Sidereal may double the dice granted by any specialty in Lore, Occult, or Linguistics, as well as double the dice or successes granted by an Excellency (up to their normal limit) as long as they have a specialty that is applicable in that roll.
The Sacrifice
The Sacrifice is the constellation of loss with meaning and purpose, be it as an act of charity or by which to secure something else. In its Ascending form, the sacrifice is made unequivocally for purposes of a greater good than ones' own. In the Descending, it takes its form in bribes and extortion. The Sacrifice watches over philanthropists, those who are being blackmailed, over generals who must decide who lives and who dies, and those made to make untenable choices.
Trappings: She is well-dressed, but carries little to no money. Instead, he carries heirlooms and collectibles. He is shod in sandals.
- Kindness Pays Tenfold, one Endurance per week: No matter where the Sidereal goes, they find that even the meanest acts of kindness result in a repayment of fate's debt. In effect, they will find people who give them food, room, and board for free with minor acts of charity, and with greater acts, they may gain +1 Resources from the equivalent work or sacrifice.
- Shifty-eyed Watcher, one Endurance: When searching for someone to bribe, the Sidereal gives a look, that while innocent seeming enough, lets him identify anyone within his line of sight who is looking for a bribe... and furthermore, it alerts all those identified that the Sidereal seeks to do some bribery in return for favors.
- Honorable Extortion's Contract, two Endurance: Should someone being bribed be convinced or willingly agree to a certain payment in return for their help or quiet... they receive a Compulsion effect costing (House rating) wp to keep to the spirit of the contract.
The Mind-Knife
The Mind-Knife is the constellation of self-destruction and rending ones' very nature apart. In its Ascending form, it births better people through giving up and destroying their worst qualities to make room for better ones. In its Descending form, the pull to see oneself ended has no limit, leading to death and perhaps worse. It guides and stands watch over the heroes of Creation and Underworld, and the suicidal.
Trappings: He is dressed in rags. He is bleeding. She is manic but given to strange calms. Lastly, he notices naught his wounds.
- Stony Pain Reeducation, one Endurance and bashing per dot: There are times when even the best prepared among the Sidereals is caught off-guard and without necessary skills. By taking a bashing and paying one Endurance per difference in dots, the Sidereal may switch the ratings of two different abilities.
- Body Hardened by Suffering, one Endurance per week: By forcing themselves through a terrible training regimen, a Sidereal can reduce the time in months to raise an attribute to equal numbers of weeks. While it can't be further accelerated, they CAN train multiple attributes at the same time for only one Endurance for each week.
- Ending of the Sun-born Pain, four Endurance: Should a mortal be broken mentally, the Sidereal can give suicidal commands without them being unacceptable till the end of the scene. While they can give the manner of how a victim should kill themselves, they can not force them to be quick or effective at it. After the scene, the mortal simply remembers the pain of life being too much to handle anymore and not how they got there.
The Babe
The Babe is simply death and through it rebirth with a clean slate. In its Ascending aspect, it is given to a change into a better life, if one you know nothing of. In its Descending aspect, it births a horror or monster from the original form. Those who are within the purview of the Babe are actual babies, those who take on new lives completely different from their old one, and those who are driven mad or struck to becoming fools.
Trappings: She seems clumsy and ignorant as if she was fresh to the world. She is trusting and wears the simplest clothes in the colors of white and black. He carries a toy on him.
- Luck Before Skill, one Endurance: When making a roll in which the Sidereal has 1 or 0 dots in the skill, they can double successes on 9s as well.
- Fool Understands Nothing, one Endurance: When attacked socially with Natural Mental Influence, the Sidereal may automatically succeed at a dodge, and furthermore is rendered unable to be swayed by similar arguements for the rest of the scene as they just can't understand it.
- Child's Merciful Guardian, three Endurance: Fools and children are given to having those who take it upon themselves to act as a protector. When reduced to the -2 health levels, the Sidereal may twist fate to bring a guardian swiftly to their aid. This guardian will act to protect and remove the Sidereal from the current threat.