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Charm List: Dusk Rose, Iron Blossom, Nerine, Rook, Silent Song, Stepper in Pale Shadows

Charm Table
Charm NamePage #TypeCost (duration)Keywords
Malfeas Charms    
First Malfeas Excellencyib. 104Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK
Malfeas Mythos Exultantib. 107Permanent-- 
Hardened Devil Body x 2ib. 108Permanent--Stackable
By Pain Reforgedib. 108Reflexive1hl (scene)Combo-OK
Scar-Writ Saga Shield x 3ib. 109Permanent-- (permanent) 
Purity of Madness Defenceib. 108Permanent-- (1 Limit) (permanent) 
Pathetic Distraction Rebuke x 2ib. 111Reflexive (2)3m (instant)Combo-OK
Invulnerable Wounding Futilityib. 111Reflexive (9)3m (instant)Combo-OK, Counterattack
Cecelyne Charms    
Transcendent Desert Creatureib. 121Permanent-- (permanent) 
She Who Lives In Her Name Charms    
Factual Determination Analysisib. 130Reflexive2m (instant)Combo-OK
Cosmic Transcendence of Valourib. 132Permanent-- (permanent)Combo-OK
Kimbery Charms    
Intolerable Burning Truthsbwc. 40Reflexive (1,2)1,3m (Instant)Combo-OK
All Things Betraybwc. 41Permanent-- (permanent)Compulsion, Stackable
Martial Art Charms    
Ravenous Fiend PreparednessPL 2?. 24Reflexive2m (instant)Combo-OK, Obvious
Green Sun ScourgePL 2?. 25Simple3m (instant)Combo-OK, Obvious
Insidious Emerald ConsumptionPL 2?. 25Supplemental4m (instant)Combo-OK
Hellfire Ballet FormPL 2?. 25Simple5m (scene)Obvious, Form-type

Dusk Rose's Malfeas Charms

First Malfeas Excellency (Infernals 105) ^
The fallen King of the Primordials is arrogant, cruel and given to excessive displays of obvious force for the chance to show off and the sadistic joy he feels when enemies and allies look upon him in awe and terror. He is vast and full of hate toward those who betrayed and imprisoned him, seeking vengeance with indiscriminate callousness to the collateral damage he inflicts on the innocent. The Demon City is resilient and strong enough to lift the world or crush it underfoot. The green fires raging in his heart blight the very Essence of everything they touch, marking the world with his wrathful glory. He holds authority over all things wise enough to bow before the world’s creators.

Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they choose the ostentatious or overkill approach over merely adequate solutions. Any intentional subtlety or display of restraint makes this Excellency inapplicable, including adding less than half the maximum possible dice bonus to a roll (rounded down). Note that force does not necessarily equate to violence. A forceful seduction in which an Infernal confidently orders a prospective paramour to accompany him rather than cajoling or flattering her can benefit from this Charm just as readily as a stomp delivered to a prone enemy’s face. Strangely, the power of Malfeas may also enhance any Performance action to dance or create music. These are the secret pleasures of the Demon City that embarrass Ligier.
Cost: 1m/die; Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK

Dusk Rose's Martial Arts Charms

Ravenous Fiend Preparedness (Custom) ^
This Charm supplements a Join Battle action, adding the hellfire dancer’s (Martial Arts) dice to the roll, so long as it was she who initiated the conflict.
Cost: 2m; Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Green Sun Scourge (Custom) ^
This Charm supplements an attack with one of the style’s form weapons, doubling its raw damage, and allowing the dancer to count tens twice on the damage roll.
Cost: 2m; Type: Reflexive; Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Insidious Emerald Consumption (Custom) ^
An unarmed Martial Arts attack supplemented by this Charm gains the piercing tag. Furthermore, if this attack is made against a target that is a subject of one of the hellfire dancer’s negative Intimacies, it ignores armor altogether.
Cost: 4m; Type: Supplemental; Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-OK

Hellfire Ballet Form (Custom) ^
While this form Charm is active, the hellfire dancer may use her hellwands to make hand-to-hand attacks (wielding the butt of the gun as a club or cudgel); mechanically, the gun-butt uses the traits of a tonfa. The dancer may allocate a number of bonus dots equal to her (Martial Arts) among the weapon’s Rate, Accuracy, Damage or Defense. Additionally, Speed can be reduced, but doing so costs two dots and cannot lower the Speed bellow 3. No trait can be raised or lowered by more than two points. These boosts to the weapon’s melee stats do not benefit the weapon’s use as a ranged weapon. As a final benefit of this Charm, the hellfire dancer may add half her (Martial Arts), round up, to her DDV pool against ranged attacks.
Cost: 5m; Type: Simple; Duration: Scene Keywords: Form-type, Obvious


Green Sun Shines Through Darkness!
[2nd Malfeas, Ablation of Brass and Fire, Insidious Emerald Consumption and Green Sun Scourge] (10xp)

Things happen to show off Song's power!

Base Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Optional: 1 mote per die added.
Effect: A simple allows a near instant investigation dramatic action without ripping apart the scene (-1 diff to harmful scenes, +1 to all others), and a reflexive adds dice.

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