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Sheets: Dusk Rose, Iron Blossom, Nerine, Rook, Silent Song, Stepper in Pale Shadows

Iron Blossom					Vengeful Street Urchin
The Dead (Duty)                     	        Prevent any other kid from having a childhood like mine.
Child of Silence (Midnight)			A great dark purple and ebony moth with bloody eyes and wings

Strength	000		Charisma	0000		Perception	000
Dexterity	000		Manipulation	000		Intelligence	00
Stamina		000		Appearance	0000		Wits		00

Archery	00000			Integrity 000			Craft (Water)	000
Martial Arts			Performance 000			Investigation 000
/Melee/ 00000			Presence 00000			Lore 000		
Thrown 00		       	Resistance 000000		Medicine	
/War/ 00000			Survival 00			/Occult/ 00000		

Athletics 000			Bureaucracy	                Occult (The Dead, Fey)
Awareness 000			Linguistics 000			Survival (In the South)
Dodge				Ride 0			        Socialize (The Dead)
/Larceny/ 00000		        Sail				War (Guerilla Action)
Stealth	0000		        /Socialize/ 000			Performance (Flattery, Advice)

Languages: Flametongue (Native); Old Realm; Low Realm ; Rivertongue
Extra Specialties: Presence (Counseling +2); ; 

Compassion 000			Conviction 000	
Temperance 00			Valor 000		
Willpower	5		"Oblivion"
xxxxx				DEATHLORD
Composure	0
x				MDV:	6 (--)

- - - - - | - - - - -		PDV:	6 (Melee, Echoes)

20	Personal		14/14 (0 commited)
50	Peripheral		35/35 (0 commited)
Health Levels---
-0	-1		-2		-4	Incap		DYING
|	|||||		|||||||		|	|		|||

Move-	4 yard/tick			Join Battle-  4
Dash-	10 yards/tick
Soak & Armor
ArmorL-SoakB-SoakHardnessMob. PenaltyFatigue
Vs. Piercing1L3B   
Type of ProtectionL-SoakB-SoakA-SoakTypeCost
Natural Soak1L3B natural 
  • Includes the use of Resilient Corpse Body with Flesh As Marble Stance.
Echoes Long Forsaken14L/4 (+11)11 (+3)1PDV 8+4/2(+0)5
Whispers of the Past+4L/210 (+4)22506

Charm Table
Charm NamePage #TypeCost (duration)Keywords
Melee Charms    
Savage Shade Styleab. 127Supplemental1m (instant)Combo-OK
First Melee Excellencypg. 183Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK
Blade-Summoning Gestureab. 129Reflexive1m (instant)Obvious
Void Sheath Techniqueab. 129Reflexive1m (indefinite)Combo-OK
Elegant Flowing Deflectionab. 130Reflexive2m (instant)Combo-OK
Vengeful Riposteab. 130Reflexive3m (instant)Combo-OK, Counterattack
Ravening Mouth of Meleeab. 122Reflexive3m (scene)Combo-OK
Five Shadow Feintab. 129Supplemental2m per DV (instant)Combo-OK
Unfurling Iron Lotusab. 129Simple3m (instant)Combo-OK
Melee Essence Flowpg. 187Permanent—— (Permanent) 
War Charms    
First War Excellencypg. 183Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK
Morale-Shattering Methodab. 135Simple (3 LT)7m, 1wp (instant)Combo-OK, Social, War
Arise and Slaughterab. 135Simple (5 LT)10m, 1ahl (scene)Combo-OK, Obvious
Glorious Carnage Typhoonab. 136Supplemental5m, 1wp (instant)Combo-Basic, Obvious, War
Forging of Death's Footsoldiersab. 137Simple (Dramatic Action)10m, 2wp (week)Obvious, Touch, Training
Burning Soul Prowessab. 137Permanent-- (week)Obvious
Archery Charms 
First Archery Excellencypg. 183Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK
Integrity Charms 
Undying Stagnation Defenseab. 138Reflexive5m, 1wp (one day)Combo-OK
Linguistics Charms 
Blood Calligraphy Techniqueab. 127Supplemental4m (instant)Combo-OK
Occult Charms    
Shadowlands Circle Necromancyab. 162Permanent-- (instant) 
Terrestrial Circle Sorceryab. 162Permanent-- (instant) 
Spirit-Sensing Meditationab. 162Reflexive3mCombo-OK
Spells - Iron Circle    
Rune of Sweet PassingBlk. 32Spell15 
Raise the Skeletal HordeBlk. 31Spell10m + 1m per zombie 
Flesh and Bone WindsBlk. 34Spell18m 
Summon Corpse-ElementalCustomSpell15+m 
Spells - Emerald Circle    
Mists of EventideWh. 53Spell15m (Instant) 
Corrupted WordsWh. 41Spell10m (Instant) 
Infallible Messengerpg. 254Spell15m (Instant) 
Presence Charms    
First Presence Excellencypg. 183Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK
Mad Fervor EnlightenmentCustomSupplemental5m, 1wp (instant)Combo-OK, Emotion, Social
Dread Lord's Demeanorab. 144Supplemental5m, 1wp (scene)Obvious, Social
Poisoning the Willab. 143Reflexive10m, 1wp (Char in days)Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social, Stackable, Touch
Driven As The DeadCustomSupplemental—— (Permanent)Emotion, Social
Presence Essence Flowpg. 187Permanent—— (Permanent) 
Resistance Charms    
Corpse-Body Resilience x 3ab. 149Permanent—— (permanent)Stackable, Tiered x2
Athletics Charms    
Raiton's Nimble Perchab. 164Reflexive3m (scene)Combo-OK
Corpse Might Surgeab. 165Reflexive3m per point (scene)Combo-OK, Obvious, Stackable
Larceny Charms    
Chains Cannot Holdab. 169Supplemental3m (instant)Combo-OK, Mirror (Lock-Opening Touch)
First Larceny Excellencypg. 183Reflexive1m/die (instant)Combo-OK


Dreadful Consuming Maw of the Void
[Five Shadow Feint, Elegant Flowing Deflection, Savage Shade Style, >Mastery<] (13xp)

Iron Blossom's sword flickers through the air, leaving trails of inky blackness behind as she strikes, merging with her anima to form a great maw of some underworld beast falling upon her foe.

Base Cost: 1m/attack, 1 willpower
Optional: 2m per point of DV decreased per attack, 2 motes to negate penalties to PDV, 4 motes to perfectly parry an attack, 3 motes to counterattack.
Effect: A supplemental charm doubles the raw damage, a reflexive negates penalties to PDV or can perfectly parry an attack, and a final reflexive charm allows counterattacks, also CAN add any one charm desired.


  • The Dead (Duty)
  • Guild (Dislike)
  • Fey (Dislike)
  • The Circle (Friendship)
  • Deonine (Cooking Teacher-Respect)
  • Oouluna (Girlfriend? At least Friend.)
  • Deathlords (Enemies and fools.)

Experience (XP!)

  • 16 xp, Essence 3
  • 8 xp, Shadowlands Circle Necromancy/Rune of Sweet Passing
  • 8 xp, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery/Mists of Eventide
  • 8 xp, Vengeful Riposte
  • 8 xp, Death-Deflecting Technique (Compassion)
  • 8 xp, Raise the Skeletal Horde/Arisen Legion
  • 8 xp, Flesh and Bone Winds
  • 8 xp, Infallible Messanger
  • 8 xp, Corrupted Words
  • 8 xp, Summon Corpse-Elemental
  • 6 xp, Athletics 1 to 3
  • 4 xp, Socialize 1 to 3
  • 8 xp, Corpse Might Surge
  • 8 xp, Ravening Mouth of Melee
  • 8 xp, Five Shadow Feint
  • 8 xp, Unfurling Iron Lotus
  • 6 xp, Archery 1 to 3
  • 15 xp, Presence 2 to 5
  • 15 xp, War 2 to 5
  • 2 xp, War: Guerilla Action
  • 6 xp, Investigation 1 to 3
  • 6 xp, Stealth 1 to 3
  • 16 xp, Larceny 1 to 5
  • 8 xp, Chains Cannot Hold
  • 8 xp, First Larceny Excellency
  • 24 xp, Essence 4
  • -20 xp, Meditation
  • 6 xp, Valor 2 to 3
  • 8 xp, Dread Lord's Demeanor
  • 8 xp, Poisoning the Will
  • 8 xp, Mad Fervor Enlightenment
  • 8 xp, Driven as the Dead
  • 8 xp, Heart-Stopping Mein
  • 8 xp, First Socialize Excellency
  • 8 xp, Injury-Absorbing Discipline
  • 8 xp, Corpse-Body Resilience
  • 2 xp, Upgrade: EFD ↔ DDT
  • 8 xp, First War Excellency
  • 8 xp, Morale-Shattering Method
  • 8 xp, Arise and Slaughter
  • 8 xp, Glorious Carnage Typhoon
  • 8 xp, Forging of Death's Footsoldiers (alternate Hardened Killer Style)
  • 8 xp, Burning Soul Prowess (alternate Soul-Numbing Prowess)
  • 8 xp, Eye of the Tempest
  • 6 xp, Linguistics 1 to 3
  • 10 xp, Screaming in Silence
  • 8 xp, Ever Ready-Killer's Tools
  • 8 xp, Death Well-Remembered
  • 32 xp, Essence 4 to 5
  • -26 xp, Meditation
  • 8 xp, Second Performance Excellency
  • 8 xp, Time Scything Technique
  • 8 xp, Broken Toys Riposte
  • 8 xp, Cadaverous Torpor Technique
  • 6 xp, Performance 1 to 3, Flattery
  • 2 xp, Lore 2
  • 3 xp, Integrity 3
  • 5 xp, Stealth 3 to 4
  • 8 xp, Shadow Cloak Technique
  • 8 xp, Shadows Fade Into Darkness
  • 11 xp, Splinter of the Void (Dream-Shattering Spite, Imposition of Agony)
  • 8 xp, Tracing the Collar and Leash
  • 8 xp, Labyrinth Circle Necromancy/Shaping of the Smaller Soul
  • 8 xp, Ash Child's Requiem
  • 8 xp, Allied in Hate Discernment
  • 8 xp, Supreme Perfection of Melee
  • 7 xp, Occult 4 to 5
  • 8 xp, Through Dead Eyes
  • 8 xp, Visionary Void Missionary
  • 40 xp, Essence 5 to 6
  • -32 xp, Meditation
  • 21 xp Resistance 3 to 6
  • 8 xp, Second Resistance Excellency
  • 8 xp, Spirit-Hardened Frame
  • 8xp, Walking Cadaver Grotesquerie
  • 8xp, Wound-Eating Invulnerability
  • 8 xp, Wounds Mean Nothing (Valor)
  • 8 xp, Hidden Soul Qipoth
  • 6 xp, Archery 3 to 4
  • 9 xp, Awareness 0 to 3
  • 0 xp, Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference - ST Gift Choice
  • 9 xp, Craft (Water) 0 to 3
  • 6 xp, Compassion 2 to 3
  • 8 xp, Heart of My Soul
  • 8 xp, Ox-Body Technique
  • 7 xp, Archery 4 to 5
  • 2 xp, Splinter of the Void (Bloodthirsty Arrow, Hundred Paces Bite)
  • 10 xp, Ravening Mouth of Archery
  • 10 xp, Relic Arrow Method
  • 10 xp, Pulse of the Prey
  • 8 xp, Victory or Death
  • 6 xp, Performance (Advice), Presence (Counseling +2)
  • 24 xp, Stormwind Rider, Gentle Call of Lethe, Necromantic Counterspell
  • 16 xp, Calling the Wind's Kiss, Flight of Separation
  • 8 xp, Celestial Circle Sorcery/Travel without Distance
  • 16 xp, Vermillion Plague Conscription x2
  • 8 xp, Twice Risen Warriors of Death
  • 4 xp, Lore 2 to 3
 736 xp total
 -736 spent
 -0 meditation
0 xp remaining

XP Table - Edit

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