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Lunar Sight-enhancing Charms

Heightened Vision Method (Revised)

  Cost: 1 mote per success
  Duration: Indefinate
  Type: Simple
  Minimum Perception: 3
  Minimum Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: None

A Lunar with this charm can enhance his innate sense of Vision, becoming as sharp eyed as soaring raptor and able to spot even the most minute of details. For every mote he commits to this charm, he converts one die of his Perception attribute to an automatic success. The Lunar only has to roll what dice are left over from his pool. These automatic successes remain as long as the Lunar keeps the motes commited, but only apply to sensory type rolls that are actually based on Vision. A Lunar does not, for instance, gain these automatic successes in Sorcery spells that require a Perception roll or to Hearing rolls. This charm is fully compatible with Sense-Sharpening Change, though the Lunar can only convert his natural perception and any Perception that he's gained from Deadly Beastman Transformation gifts or purchase of the Savage God-Body charm.

Other Charms

  • Fish-Eye Technique: A Lunar with this charm can also see underwater without any loss of visual acuity of any kind.
  • Night is Day allows the Lunar to see in low-light conditions without difficulty, and treats night-time conditions as daylight. Ignore the "partially colorblind" note. This charm still doesn't allow the Lunar to see in absolute darkness. See Lunars, page 178.
  • Perceiving the Hidden World is part of this tree. See Lunars, page 178.

Over to Perception, Hearing And Touch, or Smell And Taste.