
The Nobility

Chancels And Imperators


The Mythic World?

From The Tree?

Back to River Of Souls

The following excerpt has been taken from Doran's Cage of Words:
Upon returning from our 'meeting' with Justice, I decided to discover what others thought of this River. The Council of Four's opinion seemed to be most important in this. I have heard that Ananda is the easiest to approach, and so I paid a visit to Cityback. I was told to wait, and perhaps in an hours time the Dominus of Murder would be able to speak briefly. There are disadvantages to my reputation, and this was one of them. When I fianlly met with Murder, he was cool. He knew nothing of the River, but allowed me to join him in an interview with Justice. Justice informed him of the River and then returned to his work. On the trip back to Cityback, Murder admitted to a concern over the River. I assume that now he is gathering information, and that we can continue to cooperate. I was surprised upon my return to Locus Ythom to find my Familia still debating the merits of certain courses of action towards the River. I proposed to both search for the other entrance the River will be using on Earth as well as a more lengthy confrontation with Justice. We shall see what will come of it.