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Stuff here for the moment is primarily my notes for what I plan to do with it; it'll get replaced with a proper write up as I go through the list.
The Noctis form a bloodline of faith; faith in the divine power that guides them to apotheosis. As Cainites are above man, the Noctis say, the Noctis are above all Cainites. Knowing well the power of faith, the Noctis have taken to attempts to command the worship of mortals, with various degrees of success.
Though they are supposedly the allies of the Ventrue, many Noctis struggle to turn the dozens of cults against rule by the Emperors, and put it in the hands of a religious figure; using such methods, they hope to eventually command the Triumvirate. Their efforts in such arenas have led to the extreme propogation of blood cults and the occasional witch hunt, but the Noctis are not deterred from their course. After all, they command the very essence of Night; such surely places them ahead of all creatures within it.
Sobriquet: Heirophants
Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Potence, Obtenebration?
Clan Weaknesses: Heirophants, despite their divine aspirations, are commonly described as "soulless." Given such a condition, it comes as no surprise to many that upon looking into a reflective surface, the Heirophant remains perfectly invisible, casting no reflection.
Faction Affiliation: Imperials