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Den Bao * And lo... there was a party. Getting the word out wasn't difficult; a few whispers here and there made sure that anybody who was anybody heard of it and was convinced that their foes and fellows would be attending. The actual setting itself, as well as basically everything provided, is part of an immense series of favors and loans that Den's either cashed in or made anew in order to facilitate the bash of bashes...

Den Bao * While the overall 'price' might have Den doing some jackass godling's dirty work for a decade or so, it's a small price to pay when what he does is ultimately for the good of the Celestial Hierarchy and the good of Creation. Den Bao would gladly bite that bullet anytime.

Den Bao * The lot of the debt, however, falls squarely in Elora's hands, as she's been gracious enough to allow Den Bao to let countless gods potentially trash her estate in a drunken rampage. The payment for this service is, wisely, open for discussion after the fact.

Den Bao * As for the five odd statues... they've been turned into harmless-looking, streamer-covered decorative poles... or covered outright in the case of the ones whose external functions might draw someone's attention. Fun for all.

Den Bao is casually mixing with the assorted godlings... while carefully avoiding any representatives of Amoth and the Bureau of Humanity. As much as he would like to verbally (and physically) smack the lot of infidels down, a party would make for the perfect place to properly assassinate someone, and as often as that happens, he'd like to not be the target.

Elora Elora looks extremely uncomfortable in the semi-elaborate formalwear that has clearly been provided for her use at this function, though her slightly mussed hair seems to indicate that she has fought valiantly to maintain her rough and tumble appearance.

Elora At the moment she's hanging out near the entrance to the manse and slowly nursing whiskey from her flask.

Autumn{v} Autumn dances on the world. They needed an event. They would have an event. He dances on the strings of love, politely severing them. Some names do not need to be in the book of love, and Sunipa's is one of those right now. The poor goddess of Lookshy lost her appeal and her Acacia.

Autumn{v} Acacia, the Chosen of Battles that had shared her bed... she did not know that yet, no. But love is cold. There is no love anymore. No atraction. No appeal. Two flowers planted on the ground. One, a Lookshyan flower, another, a Chayan flower. They grew up hating one another, entwining, thorns digging...

Autumn{v} Sunipa, War Goddess of the East, Patron of Lookshy. Misar, Blade of Morning, Sword-God of the East, Patron of the only grand Chayan Mercenary Company. They disliked each other, and that became a snapping hate. Hate

Autumn{v} And then, he wrote the names of Acacia and Misar on prayer strips, burning them in blue flame... and recited an epical poem of naughty whispers and deliciously sinful feelings for them. They would be together, tonight. Oh, they would...

Autumn{v} And then he waited, to show Sunipa the bedsport of Acacia and Misar...

Autumn{v} And see just how much of a scene two war-deities would make at a party.

Cassandra "Has anyone ever told you you're a troublemaker, Smiling Autumn?"

Den Bao pauses to take a breath, nursing the somewhat powerful glowing drink he holds in a pyramid-shaped glass. 'This will either be the best idea I've ever had or I will not see the morning,' he inwardly notes before putting on his fake smile for the passing god of overdue loans.

venus{A} lurks around the edges of the party, drinking 'soda' and listening to the ebb and flow of the party. She watches Autumn manipulate the three, impressed and slightly horrified by his skill and the ease with which he manipulates lives.

Elora looks around, waving to anyone she happens to know but otherwise largely avoiding any awkward socializing.

Elora frowns a little at a memory of a dream she had last night, and takes a long pull off of her flask.

Autumn{v} grins. "Why, teacher, all the time. They keep telling me that's why they love me, too."

Autumn{v} "You like my work tonight?"

Serpent decides to spice things up a bit. When Den Bao comes in range, the distant giantess sweeps him up into a dance, and the four of them converge on Venus and the young god with the impressive antlers that is trying to talk to her. "Hey. Let's play spin-the-gourd."

Cassandra closes one eye and holds up a thumb, surveying the party with an artist's gaze. "Oh, sure, it's pretty. But what are you trying to SAY?"

Autumn{v} "You asked me a question, dear mistress. I'm going to find the answer tonight. When they are in awe, all talking about love and war! It will be fun and glorious and naughty." He nods, "I'm not trying to say anything. This is a mirror, I want them to say it!"

Cassandra The antler-god eyes Serpent warily. "Don't kiss boys."

venus{A} looks up with a smile, "Oh, hi Serpent, Den Bao. I haven't played that in years."

Serpent winks. "Not a problem." He attempts to intimate that he's a big cheater and is willing to do antlers a favor...

Den Bao finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of distorted views and faerie dancing, which he doesn't mind except that it nearly spilled his drink. "Really, must we play such childish games? Of course, if there's more to it than just silly liplocking, I might be slightly inclined to join in."

Cassandra "Well. Good luck, sugar-muffin. Hope you don't wreck the joint. Statues like those can be expensive to make."

Cassandra Antler-boy raises an eyebrow speculatively, then looks back at Venus.

Autumn{v} "I will try to keep it nice." He blows her a kiss... "But I don't make any promises."

venus{A} grins, pushing her braids back out of her face, and shrugging, "Come on, it'll be fun."

Cassandra Meanwhile, Autumn notices as Misar and Acacia, who've been exchanging looks all night, bump into each other at the punchbowl. Misar spills his drink all over Acacia's dress, and sets to trying to help her clean it up.

Cassandra Antlers shrugs. "All right. Don't we need a basement or something?"

Autumn{v} gives a messenger fox-godling a note for him to deliver to Sunipa, to go into a certain room to see something that will be really relevant to her interests... and then walks to a high spot and lifts an azure anima, beggining a speech about all those gods united there... united in love, united in war...

venus{A} "I know a couple good places..."

Autumn{v} ... a ceremony for all of Yu-Shan, for them to remember, for them to love, burning bright blue light, he tells them all how important is it that this harmony, that this unity, be part of Gods and Chosen, of Heavenly existence, forever... a speech, a ceremony, that reaches its apex... in the exact same moment two War Gods should explode out of a room, hot and sweaty and hard and wet and angry!

Serpent gives Venus a conspiratorial glance. "Lead the way..."

Den Bao snorts, but otherwise doesn't really say much. His drink is intact, and the game is afoot. All is well... for now, anyway.

venus{A} leads them to a secluded corner of the manse with room for four. And a couple of tapestry-covered nooks. Then she runs to the kitchen and comes back with a gourd, or something like it.

Cassandra Misar arrives first, hurtling through the alabaster wall and crashing into the column Elora is leaning against, shattering it. He sniffs, and arranges his pants.

Cassandra Sunipa leaps through the hole she's made, brandishing seventeen spears, but with only a single tear running down her cheek.

Elora attempts to duck out of the way of the debris without too much extremely obvious lack of coordination and grace.

Cassandra Sunipa: "You son of a bitch."

Cassandra Misar: "Fuck your mother, idiot."

Cassandra They fight.

Cassandra The party reacts with a certain alarm.

Den Bao suddenly has the feeling that awesome things are happening... but shrugs and figures that it's best he not be in the path of potential bloodshed. "Now then!"

Elora Nobody told Elora about this plan, so she's rather astonished to see two reasonably prominent celebrities get into a fight about a woman that appears to have begun INSIDE HER HOUSE.

venus{A} glances over at the sounds of the fight from the other part of the manse, and sighs. "So. Who goes first?"

Autumn{v} "Sorry about the wall. Cool, ain't it?" He appears close to El with a perpetually-grinning mask "The fact Mis never got the chance to pull his pants back is a nice touch. But they could work more on the coreography..."

Cassandra Misar launches a variety of interesting attacks that Sunipa evades in various ways, but do succeed in destroying three chairs, that table Elora really liked, and the Executive Administrative Manager for the Eastern Convention.

Elora "Hey, I really liked that table!"

Cassandra "Furniture is like the dawn, lady; quickly appreciated, soon gone."

Cassandra Antlers: "Well. You've got the gourd."

Den Bao "He has a point. Pretty lady first."

venus{A} leans forward and gives the gourd a good spin

Cassandra A stilettoed foot comes down on the gourd in the midst of its rotation, shattering it, as the foot's owner emerges from one of the curtain-covered nooks.

venus{A} "Hey! What'd you do that for?"

Den Bao "... how rude."

Elora looks crossly at Misar, largely unconcerned about the whole "fighting" thing. "What the cocksauce were you doing in my fucking house in the first place?"

Acacia Misar gives Elora a baffled look before Sunipa strikes him in the face, knocking him through a dematerialized road-god. "Lady. It's a PARTY."

Acacia smoulders, adjusting the belt of her hastily donned robe, and pulls a vicious-looking goremaul from nowhere in particular. Her eyes fix on Serpent.

Acacia "Serpent Ebb."

Acacia "Did you do this to me?"

Serpent gives her a mild look. "Acacia! I'm glad to see you made it."

Serpent "Um..."

Serpent "This? Do you mean your...evident romantic scuffle?"

Den Bao "My. Looks like you're about get fucked the intentionally painful way, my friend."

Elora notices the smoking remnants of the Executive Administrative Manager, hears Misar's response, and becomes very cross!


venus{A} grabs Antlers and drags him into a nook

Serpent "I know that my amorous overtures toward you have not always been the most...well-considered, but I promise this isn't one of mine."

Acacia stares at him, then breathes.

Acacia "I'm going to find out who did this and castrate him. And if I find out that you had anything to do with it, I'm going to castrate you, and then find a Solar who's good at medicine and have him heal you, and then castrate you again."

Acacia "So."

Acacia "You don't know who's responsible for this, do you?'

Serpent smiles. "So you do still want me. I can help you look!"

Den Bao "... are all your relationships this complex, Serpent?"

Acacia Antlers: "Hey, what the...well, okay."

Serpent "Den, do you have an answers spider like El does?"

Serpent "Um, yes probably."

Den Bao is still sitting, still drinking with that 'a fuck I do not give' expression firmly in place. "Need one?"

Serpent jerks a thumb at Acacia.

Acacia Sunipa: "Your infinitely compassionate what?"

Acacia Misar: "That doesn't make any sense."

venus{A} makes Antlers a very happy manlike being

Den Bao "Very well. Ma'am, state your issue in the form of a simple question. And afterwards, could you get me another one of these? They're quite good."

Elora delivers four carefully aimed Alabaster Strikes directly to Misar's smug face!

Acacia "Who's your friend, Serpent?"

Serpent "Coworker. Den Bao, meet Acacia. Acacia, Den Bao."

Acacia Misar sways, and collapses. There is a smattering of applause. Sunipa gives Elora an odd look, then shrugs. "Thanks," she says, readying herself to deliver the coup de grace to Misar's body.

Acacia "Charmed."

Acacia "Den Bao. Who told Sunipa where I was?"

Acacia "There are other questions I'd like to investigate as well, but we can start there."

venus{A} peeks out from behind the curtain, shrugs, and ducks back in.

Den Bao quietly spits out the spider, states the question, and sends it on its way. "By the way, your legs are quite sensual."

Elora looks back and forth between Misar and Sunipa quickly before speaking. "No problem, but, uh... are you sure you want to do that? I mean, he incinerated that guy from the Eastern Convention who was kind of nice!" She looks back and forth again quickly.

Elora "I have friends who could... probably arrange a much longer punishment for, uh. Whatever it is. That he did."

Acacia Acacia turns around and rummages through the nook she emerged from, coming out with a hair clip and a green beret, and begins putting up her hair.

Acacia "Thanks. Don't ever compliment me again or I'll kill you."

Acacia The spider returns rather quickly and gives Den Bao a look like "what the hell, don't you know what's going on in front of your own face?" before whispering the name of Smiling Autumn into his ear.

Serpent leans over and stage-whispers to Den, "Plays hard-to-get."

Den Bao "Will you kill me if I insult you, then?" Another sip, a listen... and a frown. A practiced frown.

Acacia "He stole. He..." a second tear begins to descend down her cheek, then a third, and then Sunipa dematerializes in a flood of weeping.

Autumn{v} steps in, still in his perpetually-smiling mask. "Great party, huh? Nice hammer, Cia."

Acacia (oops, that was Sunipa)

Den Bao "Seems that someone's actively obsfucating matters."

Acacia Elora catches sight of a rather familiar-looking maiden, raven-haired with an emerald sash, ducking into a nook in the distance. She looks back just once, and winks.

Acacia "Who's this freak? Why are all your friends assholes, Serpent?"

Elora widens her eyes for a moment before seeming to catch her composure and returning her attention to Sunipa. "Now... there... there...." she says, attempting rather unsuccessfully to pat the goddess' intangible shoulder comfortingly.

Acacia Sunipa tells Elora the whole story, as well as she knows it, and as well as she can while dematerialized.

Den Bao "And I am not an asshole. I am merely slightly drunk."

Serpent hides his face in his hands. He crumples onto the floor, fake weeping. "I DON'T KNOW ACACIA! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS CRUEL DESTINY!?"

Den Bao finishes the glass. "Something tells me that I should be fully drunk."

Autumn{v} "Freak? Dear, you wound me. I am an entirely normal Chosen of... well, ok, not."

Serpent gropes for Acacia's shapely leg. "Hold me."

Acacia Acacia's eyes widen. Then she brings the hammer down viciously towards Serpent.

Den Bao doesn't seem terribly bothered as he rises, quietly ambles outside, and returns quickly with three more glasses of glowing booze. Only then does he check to make sure Serpent's not dead.

Serpent pronounces a terrible chitinous word while trying to scramble, awkwardly, out of the hammer's path.

Acacia notices, through the blurry cloud that is Sunipa, a thin black-clad man calmly approaching the punchbowl. He has an almost dreamlike familiarity...

Acacia (blargh)

Acacia Elora notices, through the blurry cloud that is Sunipa, a thin black-clad man calmly approaching the punchbowl. He has an almost dreamlike familiarity...

venus{A} steps out of the nook, looking a bit disheveled, just in time to watch Acacia attempt to flatten Serpent.

Elora "Holy catshits!"

Elora <rephrase>

Den Bao "... really, Acacia, you shouldn't have to resort to violence. There is a solution to all things, but first you really must calm yourself and approach things with a clear mind."

Elora Elora is comforting poor Sunipa -- "Oh, you poor thing! That's terrible. I can't believe he would do such an awful thing. This truly is... holy catshits!" She notices something familiar and her eyes bug out a little again.

Acacia "Yeah. I'll tell you what. I don't tell you how to keep secrets, you don't tell me how to fight battles. Does that seem fair?"

Den Bao sips at one glass, the other two perched perfectly on his wide shoulders. "... although a furious mind is a good alternative. Care for a drink?"

venus{A} looks at the scene "I'm going to go get a new gourd." She wanders off.

Acacia "...yes."

Acacia Serpent's unyielding exclamation knocks the hammer aside, incidentally.

Acacia grabs a drink from Den Bao's shoulder and throws it back.

Acacia "So. What did the spider say?"

Autumn{v} "But dear, this is not a battle..." He jumps at Acacia and begins tickiling her! "This is a PARTY!"

Serpent gets back up and takes a drink from scary crow parts girl.

Elora "...I'm really sorry. Why don't you come by tomorrow afternoon and we'll have tea?" Elora says to the weeping goddess, keeping a vigilant eye constantly on the pale dude.

Acacia Crow girl: "Lovely party."

Den Bao "It was Smiling Autumn," he states, quietly making the truth sound like a total lie to Acacia's ears.

Acacia Giant girl: "Eh. They all dress like it's the First Age. Hell-ooo?"

venus{A} stops by the punchbowl for a drink, making idle small talk with the people there to avoid having to go back to the scene with Acacia

Acacia The man in black's eyes meet Venus's.

venus{A} smiles and offers him some punch

Serpent locks eyes with Den Bao for just an instant. Den Bao can conclude from the motion of his eyebrows that Serpent is surprised and either pleased, disappointed, or both, about Autumn's involvement.

Acacia The black-clad man is still for a moment...then takes the punch.

Acacia "

Acacia "Ah. This IS an unexpected pleasure."

Acacia (dammit)

Acacia (black-clad man)

venus{A} "If you like unexpected pleasures, you should meet Autumn."

Acacia Acacia has had enough, and impedes Autumn's flow with a giant goremaul, sending him staggering against the wall.

Den Bao looks at Serpent for a second... then downs his drink and reaches for the remaining one. "What."

Acacia "Listen up, cowboy. I don't know WHY you would be trying to convince me to deck your friend, but okay."

Acacia "Who was it REALLY?"

Serpent "What, I didn't say anything."

Acacia Sunipa continues to cry, floating onto and then through a couch, curling up in a small ball of divine ectoplasm. She may have had too much to drink.

Serpent "I bet it was Cinnamon Horse. He's been trying to get in your pants ever since that time you pantsed him on the archery field."

Autumn{v} "NO FUN!" Autumn says... and begins to dance. "Oh, he's telling the truth, I told Sunipa where to find you. I loooooove a good scandal!" He dances around Acacia, trying to push her on Serpent!

Serpent takes a sip of his drink.

Acacia breaks out another parry, and points the hammer at Autumn's face. "Try to touch me one more time and I'll put this thing inside an orifice chosen at random. Possibly with spin-the-gourd."

Den Bao "... can I get one more drink? I'm going to need it."

Autumn{v} "Your terms are tempting. Let me think."

Acacia (black-clad man) "As it happens, I was hoping to make some friends here at this mixer. As always, you're one step ahead."

Acacia (black-clad man) "So. Fight to the death?"

Autumn{v} thinks

venus{A} sips her punch, toying with the gourd in her other hand. "Maybe later. I'm a bit busy at the moment."

Serpent Conveniently, giant girl has ordered a tray of fresh beverages and they have just arrived. Serpent downs two shots of something that looks like peach brandy, takes a tall drink with a tiny lion dog in the bottom, and passes the try over.

Autumn{v} pokes Acacia. "... no!" And then he runs away!

Elora 's bugged eyes are joined by a mouth that gapes open, then closes, then opens once more.

Den Bao is already getting up, a bit unsteadily, and turning to grab one more glass of brain-slaying brew, answer or no... while quietly calling up another spider and keeping his voice down. "Acacia's three greatest heavenly rivals."

Acacia (black-clad man) "Let me rephrase that."

Acacia The black-clad man pulls an enormous two-handed soulsteel sword out of nowhere and cleaves the table and a couple of gods in two -- but he's aiming for Venus, of course.

venus{A} "Oh hell."

Acacia "Well, I do hate Cinnamon Horse...what the fuck. Okay, that's it." Acacia rolls up her sleeves and stomps out of the alcove, chasing Autumn.

venus{A} flips backwards, pushing off the flat of the sword as it whistles past her. "Quit ruining the party!"

Serpent waves bye. "I like her. She has a -spark.-"

Acacia (BCM) "I'm not ruining it. What would a party be without a good scandal?"

Den Bao "That saves me the trouble." He looks down at the table, and the spilled drinks. "What the fuck."

venus{A} "We already had one scandal, thanks. I'd like to point out that I have friends at this party, and you don't."

Serpent "Come on, let's get back to the punch pool."

Serpent takes his girls and wanders back.

Autumn{v} laughs like a maniac as Acacia chases him, towards venus... then sees venus, the soulsteel-sworded man... and does the only thing he can! He slides on the ground, and between the guys' legs, hopefully making Acacia get acquainted with him instead!

Acacia (BCM) "Somehow I doubt these friends know you quite as well as I do."

Den Bao "... you spilled the fucking glowing booze. You prick."

Elora has her staff instantly in hand and she charges over towards the table. "I liked that table even better! You stupid drippy asshole!"

Acacia Elora feels a very slight tugging at her sleeve as she charges away. It's Spattle, the head of the Central Convention's non-Sidereal forces.

Serpent , arriving, takes in the fray. "All right, FIGHT!"

Elora stops and looks over quickly. "Spattle? What do you want?"

Black Clad Man stomps down on Autumn casually as he tries to dive under him, sliding backwards with his momentum and away from Acacia.

Den Bao finishes his last glass and ambles on over, keeping the bile from rising long enough to not puke out the delicious snacks he had previous to getting sloshed.

venus{A} smirks slightly, "Well, they are NEW friends. But I rather like them."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Uh, listen, I really hate to bug you, and I know you're having a party, and lots of stuff is happening, so I'm really sorry, but, uh..."

Elora is listening to Spattle and starts to nod when she notices Acacia and blinks a few more times. "Ok, you have five seconds. Fast!" She snaps to illustrate.

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Lookshy just got conquered by a gang of Solars, and since the Roseblack is supposed to be attacking it this week, the Eastern Convention says it's our problem to clean up."

Autumn{v} pushes the swords away from him effortlessly, using twin toothpicks! "... YOU KILLED MY TOOTHPICKS!"

Elora "Well fucksticks. I'll get on it as soon as I deal with all of this."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Well, no, wait, listen."

Serpent sits down, accidentally landing in some drunken goddess's lap. Okay, whatever.

Black Clad Man Spattle: "The Solars that conquered it are called the Perfect Circle, right? I checked up on this."

Autumn{v} "No, no, el. Toopicks. Not fucksticks. That's for lonely girls."

Elora "Okay, okay. C'mon, hurry!"

Den Bao "Now... as I was saying." Den, close to Venus, pauses. "What was I saying... beh, being a Secret is a pain in the ass sometime. You hide things even from yourself..."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Everybody's heard of them. Dace, Panther, Arianna, Swan, and Harmonious Jade."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Except Harmonious Jade wasn't AT the battle of Lookshy. So I pulled her thread, and...she's somewhere in Yu-Shan. Right now."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Apparently she's been gathering intelligence on Heaven, by spying on a gang of Sidereals, disguised as a God-Blood or something."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Pretty stupid Sidereals, I guess."

Elora 's jaw hits the goddamn floor at about the same time that the fire that bursts from her head hits the goddamn roof.

Black Clad Man Spattle: "Anyway, I was thinking that if you guys started now, you might be able to get her before she gets away."

Black Clad Man Spattle: "The only question is where to start looking."

venus{A} flicks her wrist, and an ornate Orichalcum bow materializes in her hand. She draws the string back, and fires five motes of sunlight at the black-clad man, and then disappears in a flash of light.

Elora After she composes herself for a moment, she simply blinks, nods, and says "...thank you. I am sure that will prove extremely useful."

Den Bao "... Venus? Dear? What the fuck?"

Autumn{v} "Oh, yeah, um..." Autumn scratches the back of his neck... "About her..."

Den Bao "Autumn. Am I going to have to kill you now?"

Den Bao "Really. Am I?"

Black Clad Man Acacia: "Okay, what the fuck is this?"

Black Clad Man neatly bats the five sunbeams away, scattering them around the room, and laughs.

Black Clad Man "Thanks for the punch, folks, but I think I'd better walk it off."

Autumn{v} "That depends. Is harboring anathema as subs under your nose something you'd kill me for?"

Serpent reluctantly extricates himself from the goddess's embrace, after making a note of her appearance.

Serpent "I hate doing this."

Black Clad Man saunters towards the door.


Elora "Acacia, uh, this may sound awkward but uh, do you have something to tell me?"

Black Clad Man Acacia: "Uh....I like what you've done with your hair. Did you cut it yourself? That's hardcore."



Den Bao sighs, and then quietly backhands Autumn. Hard.

Den Bao "There. You're dead. Change masks and let's sort things out... once I'm sober."

Serpent "Thank you all for your cooperation, guests. Boss, guys, what just happened?"

Autumn{v} takes off the cracked mask, and puts one with an even greater grin. "Right! Can do."

Autumn{v} looks for Venus, or Jade, or whatever!

Harmonious Jade{A} materializes across the room, her bow held warily at her side. She looks... sad. "I'm sorry, I can't let you arrest me."

Black Clad Man The guests settle down into their chairs and mostly stay quiet, cowed by Serpent's bureaucratic prowess.

Serpent "Poopsmoothies. Uh, are you a Solar now?"

Den Bao "It is nice to see that your kind remain ever resourceful."

Harmonious Jade{A} nods, "The other guy, The Disciple of Seven Forbidden Wisdoms - he's an Abyssal." she offers, hoping that will make her look slightly better.

Den Bao scowls. "... at least the party was a rousing failure of a success."

Serpent "Thanks for that helpful update."

Serpent looks irritated.

Autumn{v} "This Disciple's a douchebag."

Elora Elora is really hurt that she bought Harmonious Jade a soda.

Harmonious Jade{A} "You might want to stop him."

Den Bao "Nonetheless, I will say this much. I am patently insulted that you managed to pull the wool over even my eyes... and that is mostly my fault, so I'll likely have to answer for this later. Nonetheless, this leaves the problem of this Disciple... and you."

Black Clad Man Spattle looks confused.

Black Clad Man Acacia looks pissed off, but she's sitting and drinking some punch.

Den Bao "... I say 'nonetheless' too much. Someone get me some coffe."

Black Clad Man Serpent's fairies are still pretending to be bored. Or maybe they're actually bored. It's really hard to tell with faeries!

Elora covers Spattle's eyes and ears with her hands. "Sorry, I'll get back to you in a minute."

Serpent "Uh, you don't have to be arrested if you don't want, I guess, but maybe you want to continue being our guest? I for one appreciate your fresh outlook on life."

Harmonious Jade{A} "I'm sorry I lied to you, but you know how it is. We're hunted everywhere we go, no matter what we're trying to do."

Black Clad Man doesn't break stride on his way out the door.

Serpent "Also, this Disciple is officially Not My Problem. There is the Convention on Underneath Matters for that, iirc."

Black Clad Man "I recommend you NOT stop me."

Black Clad Man "That's just my vote."

Harmonious Jade{A} sighs and fires several more areas in his direction.

Harmonious Jade{A} (arrows)

Den Bao "... mng. Damned common sense."

Elora That done, Elora looks up. "Acacia, there's two promotions just waiting for you if you go stop the asshole in black."

Serpent looks around for BIS and the Girl In Bones. Why aren't the useful Conventions ever at parties?

Elora "Autumn, if you don't ALSO go stop him I am going to eat your fucking testicles, I swear to Sol himself."

Den Bao calmly pulls the scarf from his neck and ambles towards the man, still looking slightly sloshed as he drags the scarf along behind him.

Den Bao "... and you, fellow, still owe me for spilling perfectly good booze."

Autumn{v} "You've become a sun-worshipper already? Wow, Harm, you're really something!"


Harmonious Jade{A} "I'm a quick learner."

Serpent "Goodness Elora, language."

Autumn{v} sighs and throws Elora a bar of soap and a toothbrush... before running after the Abyssal!

Black Clad Man "Would you quit firing arrows at me already?"

Elora drags poor unfortunate Spattle headfirst along with her as she walks towards Harmonious Jade. "You."

Black Clad Man parries them, strikes the doorframe with his sword, collapsing the wall.

Autumn{v} describes an arc in the world, rushing to the Black Clad Man with more speed than he really ought to have, sliding right in front of him! "I have a deal for you, mr. Soulsteel."


Harmonious Jade{A} watches Disciple with a frown, and looks up at Elora as she approaches. She looks down again, and shifts from one foot to the other. "Me."

Elora "You are in deep yeddim shit with me, young lady."


Harmonious Jade{A} "Oh please, if I had come here with my true name, you would never have let me in. And might I point out that you people kidnapped me. None of this was my idea."

Serpent whispers to the fairy girls, "Let's get this party moving again. You, dance floor. You, bar. Mix something that has never been mixed before."

Disciple "Oh yes? What's your deal?"

Elora blinks. "What? YOU CAME HERE TO DISTRACT US FROM CONQUERING LOOKSHY! Don't use your weird Solar talky magic on me!" She waves her hands around in the air and squinches her eyes up tight to make it clear she will not be charismatically swayed into compliance!

Serpent slides behind a column, turns into Cobra Maiden, and starts to mingle. "Oh! That nipple flower looks excellent on you! Have you lost weight? How are your thousand children?"

Harmonious Jade{A} "No I didn't! I suggested you GO to Lookshy! Several times!"

Autumn{v} "Alright. You're in Yu-Shan. You're NOT getting past the Lions. Or us. But I can grant you safe passage. If you give me some prestige." He whispers. "A couple punches in, you take in some nice hits, and I dump you through a gate and out of here."

Harmonious Jade{A} "Well, after you started talking about going stranger places with MALFAENS and things."

Disciple The fairy girls roll their eyes. The crow girl hits the dance floor and begins dancing with four other copies of herself. It's actually pretty impressive. The other one starts doing something complicated with liquor.

Disciple Acacia looks mildly alarmed when Serpent turns into a girl.

Den Bao "How about kill just kill the bastard and be done with it?"

Elora "Then why were you here in the first place?!"

Cobra doodles a swirl of blue glitter on her forehead and makes two spots on her cheeks with the same. She conducts herself like a consummate party animal.

Den Bao is still dragging himself along, getting into range to whip the shit, flesh, bones and other assorted bits out of the Disciple.

Harmonious Jade{A} "I came to find out why the GODS weren't getting WORSHIPPED properly!"

Elora blinks again. "What."

Den Bao suddenly stops at that... and then turns to Jade. "Say that again."

Den Bao seems to have also totally forgotten about the Abyssal. Jade's talking about HIS fucking line of work. His attention is THERE.

Harmonious Jade{A} keeps her eyes averted from Elora's in case she uses any crazy social fu on her, which essentially leaves her staring at elora's chest. "Heaven didn't used to work like this. It was different in my memories."

Den Bao "There is a proper measure of which god gets what, and to upset the balance would allow for the terrible upheavel of a system that, while being pathetically ridden with squabbling and paperwork and the occasional blowjob, WORKS."

Disciple "Okay."

Disciple "First you let me hit you."

Den Bao jabs a meaty finger into Jade's chest. "If you have a better method, I am listening."

Disciple 'It wouldn't be a very good fake battle otherwise."

Cobra moves from circle to circle, passing bits of gossip along as fast as Exaltedly possible. She tells the musicians what to play. She calls in little favors - a dragonfly god papers the sky in glittering wings, constellation deities send brightly-coloured beams flickering across the crowd.

Elora "And hey! Stop changing the subject from Lookshy!"

Cobra finds herself organising a wet-loincloth contest with some of the warrior gods and younger Sidereals.

Autumn{v} "What? No way in hell. You can trust me, I'm not trusting an ASSASSIN."

Harmonious Jade{A} "How much does the Unconquered Sun get, then? Why is everyone worshipping the Dragons? I," she says, staring down at Den Bao's finger on her chest. "Didn't even know they were going to conquer Lookshy. Last I heard from them, they were in an inne."

Autumn{v} "It's up to you, either you let me beat you, or I will beat you for real with Lion-help."

Den Bao "The Sun gets far mroe than you know, girl. It's just funneled from the others. Just because there aren't a million churches doesn't mean he's not drowning in ambrosia. Of course the fucker is likely in the Dome putting his shining golden dick in Mar."

Den Bao "Again."

Harmonious Jade{A} "Mar?"

Den Bao [Mars. BEH.]

Harmonious Jade{A} "Mars?"

Elora blinks. "You... don't... know who Mars is."

Den Bao "... you don't know very much about the workings of Heaven nowadays, do you?"

Harmonious Jade{A} "I just...hadn't thought of the two of them together."

Disciple "Counterproposal." The Abyssal vanishes.

Harmonious Jade{A} "Oh shit, I hate it when he does that."

Harmonious Jade{A} glares in the direction of her recently-vanished nemesis

Autumn{v} sighs "... I hate assassins."

Cobra leans over and says to a nearby turtle fox, "I really don't like that guy."

Den Bao "Sol's a bit of a free soul. Trust me on this. Anyway. Listen, girl. You likely mean well, and I'll grant you that much. As much as I want to hate you, I cannot, mainly because you seem to be a fair-minded girl and you're pretty enough to even get my attention. BUT... leave Heaven's work to the professionals. You want to help? Fine. Help."

Elora "Dammit! What happened?" Elora looks around and doesn't see anything, so she frowns. "How the hell is the Roseblack supposed to conquer Lookshy now?"

Harmonious Jade{A} "Why does she want to conquer Lookshy?"

Den Bao finger-jabs a few more times. "... a bit larger than I imagined. Anyway."

Disciple Under Cobra Maiden's ministrations, the party picks up and becomes even more exciting than it was previously. Everybody's happy! Except for Acacia, who is sitting in a corner, drinking her drink and looking forlorn and depressed.

Elora "She doesn't want to conquer Lookshy! She needs to!"

Harmonious Jade{A} swats at Den Bao's finger

Cobra finally notices Acacia and sits down next to her. "Hey, babycakes, what's got you all down in the dumps?"

Harmonious Jade{A} "Why?"

Elora "Because... fate says so!"

Elora blinks.

Acacia looks at Cobra.

Den Bao "... wait. Waitwaitwait. Lookshy was... what?"

Harmonious Jade{A} sighs

Acacia "You know...I have a name. I'm not some hypothetical feminine object for you to stick your dick in. Or your...whatever. I don't know why you changed into a woman and frankly I don't WANT to know. But you could treat me with some fucking respect once in a while."

Harmonious Jade{A} mutters under her breath, "I hate you, Dace."

Cobra "Sorry. Acacia. Long story about the girl thing."

Cobra "So, seriously, I want to help. What happened over there earlier?"

Harmonious Jade{A} "Will you excuse me for a moment? I'll be right back." She walks off.

Den Bao "And if you're not?"

Acacia "What's got me all down in the dumps, since you asked, is that until last week I was living with Sunipa, war-god of the east, and now...now I don't feel anything for her. Everything we had, all the love I can still remember...just gone."

Autumn{v} A scarf goes around her arm. "No, not excusing you."

Acacia "I'm not stupid. I know a Sidereal did this to me."

Den Bao replaces the scarf, wiping his mouth and suddenly wishing that he was sober.

Cobra "Have a bite of this quiche, I think. Emotional distress makes me so hungry."

Cobra hrms.

Acacia "I just don't know why. Why would somebody do that to me? What did I do to them?"

Harmonious Jade{A} twists her arm, "I told you I'll be right back."

Acacia "I know I'm not the friendliest person, but I try to get along, and do the best job I can. Why does shit like this have to happen?"

Acacia "Whoever the fuck I pissed off, why the hell didn't they just COME to me and TALK to me instead of PULLING THIS SHIT...sorry."

Acacia "I'm upset."

Acacia "I'm going to find that person.

Acacia "And I'm going to teach them a fucking lesson about playing with my heart."

Den Bao "... let her go, Autumn." Den grumbles and finally finds a nice place to politely evacuate the contents of his churning stomach.

Autumn{v} "I am going with you, or you are not going at all."

Cobra "That fucking sucks."

Acacia looks at Cobra.

Acacia "Yeah. I think so too."

Acacia sighs, and sags.

Cobra "Lemme tell you a secret. Serpent's kind of a dickface, but I'm not. Or at least, I try not to be when I'm me and not him. Uh."

Cobra "Sorry. I'm still figuring that out."

Cobra "Anyway, I got your back, okay?"

Acacia laughs a little. "Okay. Thanks. So who are you?"

Acacia smiles, but just a little.

Cobra "I'm using 'Cobra Maiden' right now but it's not really a proper name."

Harmonious Jade{A} shakes her head, the braids rattling musically. "I need to be alone. You can let me go and I'll come back, or you can try to keep me and I won't."

Elora "Autumn. Stop while you still have some testicles to enjoy."

Acacia A familiar figure comes out of the kitchen, drinking Elora's whiskey.

Acacia Cassandra: "So how did your plan go, Autumn?"

Elora "Harmony." Elora looks at the Solar with harsh eyes. "If you do not come back then we WILL come after you. For your sake you'd better not be lying."

Autumn{v} "Elora, stay the hell out of this." the scarf comes out, then he holds it on his hand, curling it into a fist until it goes red, looks at Cassandra...

Autumn{v} ... and looks so small, any body language disappearing within the mask.

Den Bao decides to finally just sit down and find something else to sip on. After about a minute, he pauses. "... this was actually a pretty decent party."

Autumn{v} "Shut up."

Elora "The fuck I will!"

Autumn{v} "Shut up all of you!"

Harmonious Jade{A} smiles a little, "Don't worry about me. I'll be back." And she slips off, disappearing down a hallway.

Elora 's fire goes out a little, and she even looks a little sorry. "Autumn, are... are you okay?"

Autumn{v} "No." He walks out, on the opposite direction from Jade

Elora breathes in a big, deep breath and holds it for about thirty seconds before letting it out in a huge, gigantic sigh.

Elora Most of her other problems now "resolved," Elora walks over to where Cobra and Acacia are sitting.

Elora "So, uh, I'm, like... sorry you got wrapped up in this, or whatever?"

Acacia "Wrapped up in...what? Is this somehow connected to what happened to me?"

Acacia "I assumed this was just the most disastrous party ever."

Elora "Well, uh, it's all at my house, so, uh... y'know, good hospitality and all that." Elora shifts uncomfortably to one side.

Cobra "You have not -seen- a disastrous party. This was...somewhat bad. Everyone even survived."

Acacia "Oh, that reminds me. Is Sunipa okay?"

Elora "Except for the Executive Administrative Manager for the Eastern Convention," Elora adds helpfully.

Elora "Also, I think Sunipa will be fine once she gets a good night's sleep. Or two. Or three."

Acacia "I actually really wanted to talk to her."

Cobra "Thanks, El. Yeah, sorry Acacia. Come join us for a julep sometime? Elora has a great drinking porch. With chairs and everything."

Elora "I think she's curled up under... that thing." Elora points.

Acacia "She knows a lot about the Sea of Mind, and I was just talking to a friend of mine about how the Sea and Yu-Shan are both parallel planes...I was hoping she could tell me a little about it..." she looks lost.

Acacia "I dunno."

Elora drops her jaw open wide again.

Acacia gets up, stretching. "Maybe...maybe now's not the best time."

Cobra "..."

Elora Immediately afterwards, she performs the universal gesture of praise to the maidens

Elora "Acacia!" She jumps up and makes a huge grin.

Elora "Did I ever tell you how happy I am to have you around?" She looks back and forth a couple times. "Just let me know whatever you need, if this party, like, inconvenienced you in any way, and I'll make sure it works out for you. Okay?"

Cobra runs her fingers through her hair in surprise. =Is she for real?=

Acacia "I, uh...sure, I guess. Uh."

Elora nods a few times.

Acacia "I mean, I'd kind of like to find out who destroyed my love for Sunipa. And who sent her into the room where Misar and I were."

Elora "I'll get right on that!"

Acacia "Those are probably my biggest priorities for now."

Acacia 'Also, maybe you could cut my hair sometime."

Cobra "Let me and (pause)...Spattle get Sunipa inside and put her to bed. I'll see she gets the necessary care."

Elora "Sounds great, Cobra. Acacia, uh, sure, I can, uh, I can do that."

Cobra waves to Spattle and they assemble a makeshift gurney from a demolished table.

Acacia "I think I'm heading home though. Uh, thanks for the party." She awkwardly hugs Cobra and Elora, and heads out, disconsolately swinging her goremaul.

Harmonious Jade{A} reappears at the entrance of the hallway she'd disappeared down, watching the aftermath with a frown.

Elora "You DID come back."

Cobra beams.

Harmonious Jade{A} nods to Elora. "I said I would."

Cobra "Sunipa's all bedded down in the newly refurbished guest room."

Elora "Good, I think we'll have to talk with her at length when she wakes up." Elora looks back over to HJ. "Well. Good. I think my position is pretty straightforward."

Harmonious Jade{A} "What's that?"

Elora stops for a momnet to figure out what her position is.

Elora "Well, um, obviously that, uh..." Elora looks back and forth furtively for a second before finishing her sentence.

Harmonious Jade{A} 's bow is no longer in evidence, and she again refuses to meet Elora's eyes.

Elora "I know for a fact that something extremely fucked is going to happen to Creation if we do not get fate on track, and your 'friend' there is one of the main fucking people involved. So, uh..."

Elora shakes her head as if clearing it, for a quick second.

Elora "If you care about that, you should help us fucking fix that."

Elora "(And also stop goddamn fucking lying,)" she adds, under her breath.

Harmonious Jade{A} "I told you before I wanted to help. But if you want my help, I might need some help of my own after." she looks askance at the crazy sidereal. "...maybe just information though."

Acacia #op

pigeon #op

pigeon changes topic to 'Elora blinks. "What? YOU CAME HERE TO DISTRACT US FROM CONQUERING LOOKSHY! Don't use your weird Solar talky magic on me!"'

Elora nods slowly. "We can... probably arrange that, yes." She smiles, just a little bit.

Harmonious Jade{A} "Where did Autumn go? I need to talk to him."

Elora "I'm... not sure. He's gotta be around here somewhere..."

Harmonious Jade{A} touches the blue stone in her collar, and sighs. "This is not how I wanted things to happen." She runs her hand through her hair, and goes to look for him.

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