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pigeon OH YEAH

venus{A} yayyy

venus{A} wooo

Colapso O.o

venus{A} oh i just remembered

venus{A} i'm going to be washing my hair for the next 5 hours, so I won't make it to game

pigeon hahaha

venus{A} (whew, safe!)

pigeon so check in guys

dessertom hi

alsoquin hi

alsoquin bbiasm

pigeon I think david is like out now

pigeon since he has class

venus{A} i have twice the class as david!

venus{A} and also, brass!

pigeon darkheart?

pigeon shelby

pigeon shelby!

Darkheart01 BITCH.

Darkheart01 WHAT. D:

pigeon time to play!

pigeon so I guess you guys wanted to have a party

Darkheart01 YES.


Darkheart01 In which to spread a rumor so wide-spread and far-reaching that its effect will touch as many godlings as possible!

venus{A} party? oooh yes

Darkheart01 And by this... observe the living nature of Yu-Shan!

Darkheart01 This is Den Bao's idea!

Darkheart01 (It's crazy, but this is a crazy game.)

pigeon okay

pigeon how does everybody else feel about that

venus{A} sounds fun to me

alsoquin gr8!

pigeon I think maybe the venus mini happens right before the party

pigeon is that okay with you guys

alsoquin fine by me

alsoquin that means I get to find out soon!

alsoquin although it might be funny for everyone to try to hide it from the boss

venus{A} haha

venus{A} only Autumn knows, and Serpent might suspect

pigeon well

pigeon it IS a party about spreading a rumor

pigeon okay well

pigeon suit up peoples

pigeon and set the party!

Den Bao .... me? :(

venus{A} it wasyour idea!

Den Bao BAH! FINE!

pigeon where are you holding the party, anyway?

Den Bao It would have to be someplace kinda immense.

Autumn{v} Right, then. I'm going to make Acacia, Chosen of Battles, stop loving Sunipa, throw a Cash and Murder so HDL becomes angry with Misar of the Morning Blade, and use the prayer strip charm to make the Misar and Acacia become enamored and have sex during the party... and arrange things so Sunipa catches them in the act! \o/

venus{A} lol

Den Bao Since I imagine alot of people would show up. Perhaps a favor for the use of some serious C-Manse gardenspace in exchange for some really dreadful/embarrasing task.

Den Bao No anal this time, Den needs to be able to walk.

venus{A} haha

Den Bao Large Celestial Manse gardenspace work?

pigeon uh

pigeon well that's very detailed autumn

pigeon yeah that seems reasonable

pigeon I am not sure why you wouldn't hold it on elora's manse, now that I think about it

venus{A} well it does have evil statues around it

Elora yes

Elora that was also my thought

Elora the evil statues thing

Den Bao Cover them up.

Den Bao Seriously. :V

Den Bao Truthfully, that would work so long as you kept people AWAY from the statues, which I imagine wouldn't be too difficult.

Elora oh

Elora well

Elora it's fine if you want to do that

Den Bao I can write around that if it's cool.

Den Bao Good!

venus{A} haha

venus{A} make art around them

Elora I was just agreeing that it was a potential reason you COULD choose not to

Den Bao THERE. Lemme explain the statues, and then I'm DONE.

Elora yay

Den Bao You know what's a shame.

Elora what

Den Bao That you can't use Avoiding the Truth technique on written things.

pigeon you can actually

pigeon can't you?

pigeon with presence in absence?

pigeon or not wait

pigeon you need shreyas's linguistics tree

Den Bao It's an instant. :(

Serpent piat is charms-disallowed

pigeon that's sad

pigeon that was great

pigeon so

pigeon what are people doing

pigeon do stuff

venus{A} i sort of need to know how autumn is dealing with me to know what i'm doing

Den Bao ahem

pigeon okay

pigeon serpent, autumn?

pigeon autumn's got the crazy plan

pigeon since you guys are both just uh hanging out at the party I am uncertain of what I should do

Serpent mhm

pigeon autumn?

Autumn{v} Sorry ^^

Den Bao Whoo!

Autumn{v} I'm S Ting? a catchup game somewhere, so was a lil' slow

pigeon awesome

venus{A} holy crap that was long

venus{A} reads!

Autumn{v} Written in 4 mins :D

Autumn{v} Like Den can attest, it's more that another game is taking half my attention, sorry >.>

Autumn{v} Trying to finish a scene before they cut FIAT's power ;_;

venus{A} haha awesome

Cassandra oh, also

Autumn{v} 3 Manip+Socialize rolls... stuntie?

Cassandra where's venus!

Cassandra take +2

venus{A} i don't know!

Autumn{v} !exs 16 4

Sleepy Kraken Autumn{v} (16tn4) Successes: 14

Autumn{v} !exs 16 4

Sleepy Kraken Autumn{v} (16tn4) Successes: 12

Autumn{v} !exs 16 4

Sleepy Kraken Autumn{v} (16tn4) Successes: 13

Cassandra wow

Autumn{v} All EXTREMELY well-done :D

Cassandra well you're terrible

Cassandra declare where you are doofus venus

Den Bao Man.

Den Bao Den's going to have to give Autumn a cookie later.

Elora !ex 8

Sleepy Kraken Elora (8) Successes: 6

Autumn{v} Cookie :D

Den Bao Celestial spin the bottle.

Den Bao Oh lawd.

venus{A} ~Five minutes...in the closet...with youuuuuu~

Elora haha

Elora you're missing a ... after "five"

venus{A} haha troo

venus{A} ~Five... minutes...in the closet...with youuuuuu~

Autumn{v} Using Faultless Ceremony, if I need to roll for it ^^

Autumn{v} It still ensures that fate-thing Nods

Elora wait

Elora misar just went IN and sunipa followed her...?

Cassandra sunipa threw misar through the wall

venus{A} misar got thrown through a wall

Autumn{v} Misar went in the room with Acacia

Autumn{v} Sunipa walked in her girl lover being fucked by a sword-god

Elora oh

Elora ok

Elora gotcha

Autumn{v} Said sword-god got thrown THROUGH the wall, and into the pillar

Autumn{v} You read enough claremont comics, quin. Super-jealous-fights :D

Elora gotcha

Autumn{v} Property damage! Characters thrown out of walls and angry jealous lovers walking out of the wall-hole!




venus{A} doing the thigns a TRIANGLE CAN

Cassandra so SPIN the GOURD

Cassandra hahaha

Autumn{v} Heeeeeeeeeh >.> <.<

Elora I haven't met Cassandra, right?

Cassandra oh, I'm sorry

Cassandra that wasn't cassie's line, that was misar

Elora oh

Elora wel

Elora I definitely haven't met him

venus{A} ok numbers! DB-1, serpent -2, venus-3, antlers-4

venus{A} #roll 1d4

Roll for venus{A} [1d4]: 4


venus{A} haha

Den Bao ... or not!

Serpent what is acacia's full name

Elora what's actually going on in elora's head has an implicit "... that got you into this fight?" at the end, but it is definitely funnier to be interpreted that way

Acacia Acacia Twelve Blossoms?

Autumn{v} ... she has HAMMERSPACE :D

Den Bao TO get. :(

Acacia oh

Den Bao Still, point made!

Acacia serpent, for the record, you know how you killed a sidereal once

Acacia that was acacia's sifu

Elora oops

Elora grammar

Acacia she doesn't like you

venus{A} haha

Autumn{v} ^_^

Serpent sw33t

Acacia also

Acacia are your fairy girls still with you?


Den Bao Ahahahaha, there goes Elora.

Serpent haha compassionate fists

Serpent yes they are

venus{A} wheeeelora

Elora omg venus

Elora haha

venus{A} hahah

venus{A} hey, i'm not getting between those two

venus{A} besides, the gourd.. i have to.

venus{A} nods solemnly

Elora haha

Den Bao YES.

Elora so

Elora do I need to do anything special

Elora or can sunipa win her fight with my assistance

Elora my radiantly compassionate assistance

Acacia actually if you get involved they'll probably both attack you

Acacia domestic disturbances and all

Acacia but

Acacia I uh

Acacia don't really want to roll out the fight unless you really want to

Elora oh

Acacia hahahaha

Elora I probably should have read this before I committed to hiting him

Elora oops!

Acacia no that's okay

Acacia roll it

Acacia or something

Acacia never mind

Acacia just knock him out

Den Bao Sometimes there is no need for dice.

venus{A} yeah

Elora yeah!

Autumn{v} El should totally get together with Sunipa later!

Elora hm

Elora stupid compassion

Elora elora has to at least try to stop sunipa from killing him

Den Bao Hrm!

Den Bao This might rat out Autumn... but then again, Den doesn't know what Autumn did!

Elora yes

Elora ok, that's my try

Elora I don't think elora will actually do anything much MORE than that to keep him from getting killed

Elora also, lol<3s @ denbao

Elora also also, how far am I from where spin-the-gourd is

Serpent hopefully not far

venus{A} yeah, we're like down the hall

Serpent i kind of intended it as a way to centralise the trouble

Acacia elora, per+awe

Acacia hahahaha

Acacia <3 serpent

Acacia never fails to surprise me

Autumn{v} ... Serpent is <3

Elora !ex 6

Sleepy Kraken Elora (6) Successes: 2

venus{A} hahaha

Elora omg

Elora serpet

Elora <3_<3

Den Bao We are all insane.

Den Bao Well, not Elora.

Den Bao But the rest of us are.

Elora that 2 probably won't do me much good huh

venus{A} i'm not!

Acacia no

Serpent oh dear

Acacia it did not do you much good

Serpent do i have dodge charms

Autumn{v} :O

Acacia uh

Acacia I hope so!

Elora can I retroactively channel, uh

Elora temperance

Acacia retroactive channelling

Acacia haha

Acacia uh

Acacia I guess so

Den Bao Duck Fate, plz. :V

Acacia you crazy person

Elora this game is amazing

Serpent oh shit i don't

Serpent wtf

Acacia what

Acacia are you kidding

Acacia how the hell do you expect to survive

Acacia buy some

venus{A} hahha

Serpent oh i have that low-level scorpion parry

Acacia we've had like ten sessions

Serpent i will

Elora well

Acacia so is this session going better guys

Elora can I

Elora oh god

Elora this is perfect

Elora IF you let me channel temperance >_>

Acacia yes

Acacia go ahead

Elora woo

Elora !ex 3

Sleepy Kraken Elora (3) Successes: 2

Elora woo

Serpent here we are

Serpent catacosmesis

venus{A} catwha

Serpent it's my parry-y-means-os-speaking-magic-words

venus{A} ooo

Serpent this is amazing session guys

Acacia hurray, catacosmesis

Den Bao Oooooh.

Acacia sorry

Serpent haha catshits

venus{A} hee hee

Den Bao Den is basically, "I'll approach this better if I'm smashed."

Den Bao Avoiding The Truth, plz.

Acacia oh, awesome

Acacia well played

venus{A} na

venus{A} ha

Acacia man+soc or man+pre

Acacia with ess autosux

Elora oooh, points for charm use to den bao

Acacia I know

Serpent haha nice

Acacia I feel like I should give like

Acacia 1xp every time somebody uses a charm that isn't perfection in life

Elora hahaha

Den Bao 5 sux, and need a roll?

Serpent hahaha

Elora woo

Den Bao Hehheh!

Serpent Pi L? is so great

Elora like 18 free xp for elora every session!

Acacia just give me a quick roll, yeah

Acacia man+soc or man+pre

Den Bao !ex 7

Sleepy Kraken Den Bao? (7) Successes: 2

Den Bao 7 will suffice.

Den Bao I hope.

Acacia whoa

Autumn{v} I use lots ;_; Need exp.

Elora but yeah

Elora comforting sunipa in a way that uh

Autumn{v} used no less than 4 Social Charms today!

Elora hopefully will wrap up the situation quickly

Elora so that I can keep watching emo goth boy

Serpent what if we all pretended to be dune characters

Serpent i can tell from the wrinkles on your lips that you need to have a better sex life

Elora hahaha

Elora so yeah

Elora no rush but

Elora what's sunipa doin

Acacia man

Acacia I need more gms

Den Bao Ahahahaah, Impeding the Flow With a Goddamn Giant Mallet.

venus{A} haha

Den Bao Fuck, I need the name of a rival.

venus{A} smegly

Acacia actually autumn HAS a rival

Acacia I just don't remember his name either

Elora haha

venus{A} blame cassie

Elora oh god

Elora autumn >_<

Acacia hahaha

Serpent man, acacia's opinion of us is not going to improve

Autumn{v} Hrms

Autumn{v} Should I turn on Starlight Fugue Fascination, or not? :D

Den Bao Like it needs to. :D

Acacia you guys are the seinfeld of sidereals

venus{A} hahaha

venus{A} spin the gourd orifice

Serpent your terms are tempting.

Serpent seinfeld?

Serpent what

Serpent can we be coupling instead

Serpent i can be ...probably steve

Serpent and autumn will be patrick and den will be geoffrey

Serpent i don't know about vee and el



Serpent oh freaking solar charms

Autumn{v} ... I'd like to point out I was running towards vee anyways, as El has things well in hand and Acacia wants to kill me now... >.> <.<

Acacia actually

Acacia I'd really like you guys to come out of the alcova

Acacia because I've been waiting for you guys to all be in the same room for a really long time now

Serpent haha

Acacia oh that's right

Acacia den bao is in the front room getting drinks!

Acacia so it's just you serpent

Serpent done

venus{A} hahahah

venus{A} go autumn

Elora ;_; all my tables

Serpent ;_; all my children

Elora haha

venus{A} haha

Den Bao ...

Den Bao Well, shit.

Den Bao Lookshy got rolled. D:

venus{A} whoops

venus{A} guess you shuold have gone there instead of halta

Elora hahaha

Elora I can't believe we got ownzed so bad

Den Bao Aw, fuck, THEM.

Den Bao Den and Dace will have a HEADBUTT BATTLE.

Den Bao ...

Elora HAHA

Elora oh god

Elora oh god oh god oh god

Serpent i bet hj IS the black clad man

Den Bao imagines Den as a Nac Man Feegle.

venus{A} hahaha

Elora venus I am going to kill the hell out of you

Serpent practices the principle of conservation of npcs


Den Bao We got played.

Den Bao :D

Serpent haha

Serpent sw33t

Serpent at least we know exactly who she is

Autumn{v} ...

Autumn{v} @_@

Serpent hey

Autumn{v} Oh, GOD

venus{A} hai guise! I'm harmonious jade lol

Serpent disappears

Serpent what

Autumn{v} She had the same description

Serpent anyway yay

Autumn{v} And I NEVER NOTICED >.<

Serpent it's my favorite rapper

venus{A} haha

Serpent harmonious jde

Black Clad Man yeah that's the best part

venus{A} scattered sunlight attitude, yo

Black Clad Man she had the exact same description

Elora what really

Elora you're kidding

venus{A} no, really

Black Clad Man dark-skinned attractive woman with her hair in long beaded braids

Elora obviously I didn't read the description

Black Clad Man hahaha

venus{A} good archer

Serpent really guys

Elora because I didn't KNOW that venus LOOKED like that

Elora I'd like to THINK that I would have NOTICED OTHERWISE

Serpent ha

Serpent um

Black Clad Man hahahaha

Serpent we had a talk about how people look

Black Clad Man okay so I guess venus is floating around the room as tiny motes of sunlight right now

Elora also

Black Clad Man I don't know that she can actually stay sunlight for very long


venus{A} no, she's running the hell out the door

Serpent hahahaha

Serpent haha

Black Clad Man hhahaha

venus{A} damn you, black clad man!

venus{A} shakes her fist

Serpent end fucking debate

venus{A} i had a whole story about how all solars have to hide!

Serpent can i do that

Black Clad Man probably

Black Clad Man what does end debate do

Serpent abruptly ends a discussion

Serpent basically i want to make everyone totally shut up

Serpent and preferably, not go anywhere

venus{A} antlers is now thinking "damn, i made out with a notorious solar. awesome."

Serpent haha

Serpent that is awesome

Black Clad Man hm

Black Clad Man okay

Black Clad Man you can indeed use end debate to end discussion

Black Clad Man however I think that that will not lead to everybody not going anywhere

Black Clad Man most of the people at the party will probably just go home

Black Clad Man it's not END DISAGREEMENT

Serpent heh

Serpent yes

Serpent well, we'll try

Black Clad Man oh

Black Clad Man that is a good try

Black Clad Man okay +2 roll man or cha + bur or soc?

Serpent i'll look it up

Serpent it is bur

Serpent let's call it cha, i forgot i dunno where my pdfs are

Elora ok

Black Clad Man oh

Elora so what happens to

Elora ...

Serpent !ex 8

Elora harmony

Sleepy Kraken Serpent (8) Successes: 5

Black Clad Man nice

Serpent uh



Black Clad Man hahahahahahaha

Serpent i am hoping she is a law-abiding citizen

venus{A} hahahahah

venus{A} oh man

Black Clad Man oh yeah

venus{A} don't hate the playa

venus{A} hate the game

Black Clad Man change your damn nick venus

Elora did she rematerialize again yet

Harmonious Jade{A} Venus is tallish and athletic, with rich cocoa skin and black hair done up in multiple tiny braids, each fastened with colored beads. Her outfit is as skimpy as her trade would suggest, in translucent layers of red trimmed with gold. She clasps the 'leash' end of the scarf near where it circles her neck, to keep it from pulling too much.

Elora man

Elora <-- fuckowned :(

Serpent so the funny thing is

Serpent because of Iria Zeiram

Black Clad Man uh

Black Clad Man so unless you guys object

Serpent i sort of believe that all ladies in exalted wear beads in their hair as a matter of course

Black Clad Man I think that the abyssal and hj can probably roll something to try to resist serpent's order

Black Clad Man although they do still have to shut up

Elora prob'ly

Serpent that seems reasonably

Black Clad Man okay

Harmonious Jade{A} i'm most of the way out the door anyway

Black Clad Man abyssal's channelling temperance because he is tired and wants to go home

Black Clad Man roll willpower I guess

Elora I thought you got knocked out of the air

Black Clad Man !ex 13

Sleepy Kraken Black Clad Man? (13) Successes: 6

Elora oh, wait

Elora my bad

Harmonious Jade{A} i love it when you're like "roll imaginary stats"

Black Clad Man hahahah

Serpent hahaha

Black Clad Man just roll 8 dice already

Black Clad Man plus a channel if you want it

Black Clad Man harmonious jade has at LEAST 8 wp

Harmonious Jade{A} oh i'll just roll it straight in case i need my damn wp

Harmonious Jade{A} !ex 8

Sleepy Kraken Harmonious Jade{A} (8) Successes: 5

Elora goddammit

Black Clad Man hm

Elora stupid useless yellow abilities

Black Clad Man hahaha

Black Clad Man okay how about this because you rolled the same sux

Black Clad Man you have to stop and talk to them unless they try to catch you

Black Clad Man then you can run

Harmonious Jade{A} okay

Serpent she even told us to call her harmony

Serpent ><

Harmonious Jade{A} >.>

Black Clad Man it's hard for me to know what to say because on the one hand

Black Clad Man obviously I sympathize

Black Clad Man and on the other hand

Harmonious Jade{A} i dropped hints like crazy, but without the major fact, they were really obscure

Black Clad Man she told you to call her HARMONY

Serpent yeah

Elora yeah

Serpent i'm like

Elora I do think that uh

Serpent clearly we have developed a SKILL

Black Clad Man hahahaha

Elora perhaps she should have described her appearance more often BUT

Serpent of ignoring evidence so as to be surprised better

Elora I do not deny we were quite legitimately Jaderolled here

Black Clad Man hahaha

Black Clad Man man what if that DID become an exalted game tradition

Serpent what

Autumn{v} I had that described to me TWICE

Serpent of being just dumb enough to be surprised

Black Clad Man having NP Cs? in games randomly turn out to be harmonious jade

Harmonious Jade{A} jaderolled

Harmonious Jade{A} hahahaha

Autumn{v} And you know, my thought was 'damn, she has the Jade-look! That's rare!'

Black Clad Man yeah jaderolled

Harmonious Jade{A} that's the bomb

Elora let's start it!

Elora rewrites tomorrow's SI

Harmonious Jade{A} hhahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} oh god

Serpent haha

Harmonious Jade{A} i have to tell you

Harmonious Jade{A} when geo told me who i really was (which was shortly after i'd decided to call myself venus)

Harmonious Jade{A} i about shit my pants

Elora hahahahahaha

Den Bao ... Jaderolled.

Serpent hahaha

Elora did disciple get away?

Harmonious Jade{A} you know, the coffee that I bought you

Black Clad Man oh shit my abyssal

Black Clad Man that's right

Serpent i guess you're right

Serpent we're like

Serpent this sad combo of seinfeld and gilmore girls

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

Black Clad Man hahaha

Elora hahaha

Black Clad Man so uh

Black Clad Man I would PREFER that the abyssal gets away but if you guys really want to kill him you can probably work it

Black Clad Man I mean I guess you are all uh

Black Clad Man upset

Black Clad Man you want to take it out on something

Black Clad Man that's reasonable

Elora oh sure

Elora I won't complain if he gets away

Harmonious Jade{A} well I want to kill the fucker

Serpent haha

Harmonious Jade{A} he broke the punch bowl

Elora I want my subordinates to DO THEIR JOB and chase after him

Den Bao Den is pissed about the booze.

Den Bao He could be passed out on the floor right now!

Den Bao And not have to DEAL with this!

Den Bao Damned sobriety!

Elora argh my slate!

Black Clad Man hahahah

Elora now I know how zahara feels :/

Black Clad Man yes

Black Clad Man totally

Den Bao So... uh... hm.

Elora well

Elora I guess I know where we're going next session

Serpent can i use faultless ceremony to make the party better

Serpent <.<

Serpent >.>

Harmonious Jade{A} hahahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} slate

Elora haha

Elora also

Den Bao Heheheh.

Elora plz to be making the party better

Elora omg

Elora so many funnies

Black Clad Man uh

Black Clad Man so I assume you are sliding out the door BEFORE the disciple collapses it

Black Clad Man and now INTO the rubble

Black Clad Man or under the door AS he collapses it

Black Clad Man er, and not

Elora omg autumn is BETRAYING ME

Disciple can abyssals tell when you're lying

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} probably

Harmonious Jade{A} but more in a "you are lying" than "you are not telling the truth" way

Elora I don't think so

Elora I think they can only tell when you're being melodramatic

Cobra mildly alarmed

Cobra man

Disciple oh den

Elora emo-detecting glance, 2m, instant

Autumn{v} They have charms to tell it ^_^

Disciple the wall is collapsed

Disciple are you like

Cobra i guess this whole magical girl thing is like

Autumn{v} And I am NOT lying

Disciple knocking it down or something

Cobra going to wreak havoc on my girl prospects

Autumn{v} Abby Socialize, liam

Cobra unless i date ONLY creative bi girls

Disciple cool thanks

Autumn{v} And as I said, Autumn's not lying ^_^

Disciple uh

Disciple you're going to have to sell it cobra

Autumn{v} He's just gonna punch Disciple

Cobra on it

Autumn{v} And use the charm in Bitter Flower to 'learn stuff', all his secrets

Autumn{v} Then dump him out and go back to tell people 'bout what he finds :D

Elora haha

Elora the fanbase is busy fervently masturbating while plotting out this week's elora/hj slashfics as we speak

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} that's for you, Casey!

Elora haha

Harmonious Jade{A} it's not boy gay, but hey

Elora wow

Elora I am totally going to give you all of the Salary that I have taken away from Autumn, Serpent

Disciple hahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} lol

Disciple gimme man+soc +2 serpent

Elora also

Elora yes

Elora I am well aware that ELORA changed the subject from lookshy

Den Bao This is just such a messed-up session. :D

Autumn{v} ... bastard

Autumn{v} Can I find out if someone is lying?

Autumn{v} checks books

Disciple hahahaha

Autumn{v} ... fuck ;_;

Cobra haha

Cobra looks

Harmonious Jade{A} you're not trusting assassins? :(

Autumn{v} NO

Cobra !ex 6

Sleepy Kraken Cobra (6) Successes: 4


Disciple don't forget jade

Harmonious Jade{A} but i <3 you

Disciple the immaculate faiths don't actually exist

Elora inne!

Disciple although uh

Disciple I guess they do now

Disciple to some degree

Elora BSUA!

Harmonious Jade{A} pfft

Harmonious Jade{A} well if you want me to know what i'm here for, you shuold tell me

Disciple hahaha

Disciple you're doing fine!

Elora haha

Elora yeah I assume that people are still not worshipping the sun, right

Disciple just imagine you're a solar pc

Disciple the world sucks!

Disciple why?

Elora just not as fervently as in canon

Cobra i guess i should buy socialise

Disciple I dunno

Disciple it's YOUR JOB TO FIX IT

Cobra since AGAIN i am playng off-caste

Den Bao Mars. BAH.

Disciple you're here because the sidereal npcs in your campaign are CLEARLY INSANE

Disciple actually hold on

Harmonious Jade{A} haha

Harmonious Jade{A} why don't you tell me IN A PM

Disciple I think I will

Elora haha

Cobra i see we did nothing to disabuse you of that notion

Harmonious Jade{A} hahah

Autumn{v} ... gah >.>

Disciple technically he's just invisible

Disciple you could still try to fight him if you really WANTED to

Disciple but then I have to make up SI abyssal charms and frankly it's a pain

Elora haha

Harmonious Jade{A} you could use bri's aybssal charms, haha

Cobra i like emo-detecting glance

Elora haha

Cobra this will be a fascinating debrief next week

Den Bao Yes.

Den Bao OH god yes.

Elora hahaha

Elora elora is going to have such a hangover

Elora hey

Elora only you can communicate in sign to us, right

Elora not vice versa

Elora ?

Elora you = cobra

Cobra um

Cobra hmm

Cobra i think it establishes a two-way link

Harmonious Jade{A} are you trying to stop her, or just asking what happens if she doesn't come back

Autumn{v} is stopping her!

Acacia hm

Acacia well, that lifts the restriction, I guess

Den Bao Den is asking, Autumn is stopping!

Acacia you're free to run away now

Cobra so my backscroll went away

Cobra what eactly did autumn do

Harmonious Jade{A} consider that a normal dodge then

Harmonious Jade{A} <Autumn{v}> Right, then. I'm going to make Acacia, Chosen of Battles, stop loving Sunipa, throw a Cash and Murder so HDL becomes angry with Misar of the Morning Blade, and use the prayer strip charm to make the Misar and Acacia become enamored and have sex during the party... and arrange things so Sunipa catches them in the act! \o/

Cobra hdl?

Elora man

Acacia he used whatsiscalled

Elora it's a good thing that elora doesn't know about that plan

Acacia shun the smiling lady

Acacia on snuipa

Cobra right

Autumn{v} The screwed had to be a Sid

Acacia hey

Acacia it was YOUR idea

Autumn{v} Since Sids are the only ones who can be importantawesome at Ess4

Elora what was my idea

Acacia ah I see

Acacia no I meant autumn's idea

Autumn{v} People with Ess5(Autumn's) don't lose love

Elora oh

Autumn{v} nods, it was!

Autumn{v} Just explaining why she had to be a Sid :D

Autumn{v} A Sid can be importantawesome at ess 3-4, Gods can't

Elora so like

Elora there's no reason to believe I can remotely affect hj's ability to escape here right

Acacia I don't know what you're asking me

Elora sorry

Elora that was rhetorical

Cobra nice vomit, den

Harmonious Jade{A} if you can thwart a perfect dodge

Elora yeah uh

Elora not really

Elora yeah

Cobra woot

Elora what's sad is that elora doesn't even care about her whiskey right now

Cobra cassandre

Elora :/

Acacia man

Acacia I understand a lot better why quin prefers to have one speaking npc per scene

Cobra yeah

Cobra this looks like it's driving you mad

Elora yeah

Elora I had this discovery once

Acacia oh geez

Acacia poor autumn :/

Cobra also

Elora it's too bad I have this idiot savant gming style where I cannot usefully convey what I have learned to other people

Elora ...

Cobra kisses dice

Elora oh dammit

Cobra thanks dice

Elora way to use elora's secret weakness


Autumn{v} Love was close to the surface, Cassandra showed up

Autumn{v} Her seeing love on Autumn = FUCK ME, PLEASE >.>

Elora hahahahaha

Elora man

Elora this reminds me of parties I went to at college :/

Harmonious Jade{A} haha

Harmonious Jade{A} aww

Harmonious Jade{A} i stayed away from parties at college

Elora so what color is a

Autumn{v} Red!

Den Bao Urgh.

Den Bao Out of gaming steam. x-x

Elora you've done enough :P

Elora I kind of assume we're almost done, though, like

Den Bao Den will likely get sloshed and wake up in some strange bed.

Elora I guess I want to at least get the info on yu-shan out of that whole debacle

Acacia hope you had fun shelby

Cobra i think we're winding down

Acacia hhaha

Cobra don't feel bad

Cobra that was fun buns

Elora yes

Elora excellent work from all involved

Den Bao I had a blast!

Elora yay

Elora yeah this session was the bee's knees

Den Bao Den considered that party a roaring success.

Den Bao If totally batshit insane.


Cobra i gotta go to bed in like half an hour

Harmonious Jade{A} ha

Harmonious Jade{A} parallel planes, like i said!

Acacia yeah actually you nailed that one

Harmonious Jade{A} \o/

Acacia I realize now that I should've given you guys some hints when you said that :/

Acacia next time

Elora haha

Elora that's cool

Elora oo

Elora awesome

Elora wow, I'm so excited by that

Elora thanks for making a completely different cool planar cosmology for exalted so I can have the fun of exploring one

Acacia hahaha

Elora is WHO for real?

Acacia no problem

Cobra A

Elora ah

Autumn{v} Woo, Sunipa knows stuff? :D

Autumn{v} Great!

Elora so

Elora is there anything that undoes St SL??

Acacia no

Elora elora is, at heart, a weepy romantic

Elora :(

Acacia I mean there probably is somewhere

Acacia but canonically

Acacia no

Acacia I know isn't it evil

Acacia it's the evilest charm ever

Harmonious Jade{A} cut her hair..hahahah

Elora :( :( :(

Autumn{v} And Serpent was all 'how can you not get love, autumn?' Autumn knows that charm. He's had to do that before >.> <.<

Autumn{v} So he's all jaded

Harmonious Jade{A} man, that shit should wear off after a while

Acacia should but doesn't!

Cobra i am not sure but i think we have made an ally

Elora well, I think the active no one can love you effect goes away when you uncommit it

Elora hmm

Acacia albeit

Cobra i think uh

Elora there must be, like

Harmonious Jade{A} yeah, i could see you having to start over from scratch

Acacia an ally who is determinedly trying to hunt down and kill one of the other members of your circle

Cobra once the charm is over, love can happen again

Elora invasive love potions or something right

Acacia well

Acacia I think that they can fall in love again theoretically

Acacia but like

Autumn{v} Yeah, you don't FORGET about the love

Autumn{v} It can happen again

Acacia it is at least as difficult as falling in love with somebody that you had a horrible and vicious breakup with

Acacia and probably significantly worse

Cobra well, yes a flawed ally

Acacia however yese

Autumn{v} Acacia: Not really, it's not vicious, it's just... cold

Acacia the next stage of the investigation could in fact be a hilarious romantic comedy scheme to get acacia and sunipa back together

Cobra yes!

Cobra we rUlE

Autumn{v} readies more social ^_^

Cobra anyway uh

Elora yes

Cobra i think you can undo stsl using the prayer strip

Elora I would LIKE that to be the next stage

Cobra what is that called?

Elora also, actually

Elora SI solar charms can do it

Acacia oh yeah

Acacia I forgot

Elora but yeah

Elora like I said

Elora weepy romantic

Elora compassion 5

Harmonious Jade{A} too bad you don't have any solar friends

Acacia sidereals actually have a "hilarious romantic comedy" prayer strip charm

Acacia that's totally cheating

Cobra hahaha

Cobra well

Cobra we have to LEARN it

Elora inasmuch as she can afford to do so without dooming all of existence, elora will probably make this a priority

Cobra and then apply it

Cobra and uh

Acacia true

Elora Acacia: which charm is that again?

Cobra i think that RD powers will be better

Acacia wanting and fearing prayer

Elora what exactly does it do?

Acacia choose a new social and emotional relationship between two targets

Acacia while you commit essence everything that happens pushes them towarrds having that relationship

Autumn{v} has used that Prayer Strip Charm to make Acacia bang Misar

Acacia yeah

Acacia autumn knows!

Autumn{v} I'll just use it again to get them back together :D

Acacia man

Acacia autumn is cold-blooded

Autumn{v} So go talk to him! Tell him it's desireable!

Elora ok

Acacia jade

Elora I will probably want to, uh

Acacia where ARE you

Cobra sooo

Elora mini with several people

Elora this week

Elora but

Elora wow

Elora great fucking session

Cobra i am setting up a new/old blog

Acacia hurray

Cobra yes minimini

Acacia I am glad everybody had fun

Acacia please do mini

Elora casey was like "wow"

Cobra should i call it raven swallows the sun again

Acacia call it swallows RAVEN the sun

Elora "that must be a great session, you are totally engrossed"

Elora also, yes

Elora that's a great name

Harmonious Jade{A} me?

Acacia are we done?

Acacia I guess it seems like we are

Acacia but you left the room and never came back!

Elora oh

Elora I thought she meant like

Elora tomorrow

Harmonious Jade{A} look, i'm back

Elora oh

Harmonious Jade{A} just like i said

Elora guess not!

Harmonious Jade{A} i just had to pee

Harmonious Jade{A} you know, it was all exciting

Harmonious Jade{A} it was really hard not doing the pee pee dance

Acacia we can like cut here and come back to this next week if you guys want to

Acacia but I feel like we can like finish the jade thing at least

Harmonious Jade{A} there's a "finish"?

Elora yeah

Elora I am not clear what "finish" means in this context

Acacia uh

Acacia I guess I don't know either

Elora haha

Acacia either she leaves

Acacia or she doesn't

Acacia but I think it should be resolved which one

Elora well

Elora ah

Elora ok

Elora I can talk to her for a minute

Elora I guess uh

Harmonious Jade{A} ok

Elora autumn went to cry

Elora and den bao passed out

Elora so it might just be me

Harmonious Jade{A} :(

Autumn{v} Actually, Autumn's going to punch stuff >.>

Cobra i'm sorta here

Cobra ish

Cobra wait no

Acacia I should point out here that sunipa knows about the sea, but acacia's the one who knows about planar cosmology

Acacia I mean

Acacia not that she knows a ton

Acacia I don't want to take all the fun out

Elora yes

Elora I was hoping to talk to both

Elora although probably, like

Elora separately

Elora to start with

Cobra haha elora liar

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

Den Bao Damn you people!

Den Bao having your FUN. >O

Acacia aw haha

Elora haha

Elora I don't think I punctuated that right

Acacia penis

Elora haha yay

Elora I was really proud of that

Den Bao Great line.

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

Harmonious Jade{A} i <3 you guys

Harmonious Jade{A} so much

Elora woo

Elora I feel really good about all our ALLY BUILDING this time

Elora also about our discovery of PIECES OF INFORMATION

Elora those both ROCK

Elora also I'm cool with heavenly law in making allegiances with solars right

Elora I mean there isn't even a bronze faction right

pigeon nope

pigeon technically heavenly law says that solars are good I think

pigeon since the gold faction was the faction last in power

Elora ok cool

pigeon before they discovered that dur, there aren't any solar any more


Elora go me

pigeon hmm

pigeon maybe we can cut here and mini jade/autumn?

pigeon hereish

pigeon I actully need to eat

Elora yeah, let's cut here

Harmonious Jade{A} yes, that's a good place to cut for minis

Elora woo

Harmonious Jade{A} unless something goes horribly, i will be findable by anyone

alsoquin coo'

pigeon well awesome

pigeon I am glad that went so well

pigeon hurray for parties

pigeon also seriously

pigeon can I convince anybody to do the logs but me

pigeon can I like

pigeon give kraken xp for doing it or something

Harmonious Jade{A} if you

Harmonious Jade{A} make my whole sheet

Harmonious Jade{A} i will put up logs

pigeon hahahaah

pigeon okay okay okay

alsoquin I think I got sent a copy of the scripts

Harmonious Jade{A} i would like some sneaky, some archy, and some social pls

alsoquin to do it with

alsoquin haha

Autumn{v} Aws, El isn't going to look for Autumn to suggest ze plan?

Harmonious Jade{A} i think that will be a good mini

pigeon probably that should also be a mini

pigeon yeah

pigeon minis for all

pigeon oh man

alsoquin yes

pigeon I left cassie onstage

pigeon I hate when I do that

alsoquin I will mini that

Harmonious Jade{A} haha

alsoquin yeah

alsoquin now she is just sitting there

pigeon yeah

alsoquin for anyone to take advantage of

pigeon boo

pigeon maybe I'll edit her leaving into the logs

alsoquin yeah

Harmonious Jade{A} well, action it out

Harmonious Jade{A} then it'll be in the logs

Harmonious Jade{A} like magic

pigeon no I need her to leave TWENTY MINUTES AGO

alsoquin why's that

Harmonious Jade{A} ::The lingering laugh of Cassandra echoes through the manse, even now, TWENTY MINUTES AFTER SHE LEFT.::

alsoquin hahaha

pigeon hahahah

pigeon well I mean there's no reason for her to still be here when autumn is gone

pigeon she doesn't know any of you

pigeon oh that reminds me

pigeon I need to keep a list of sid npcs

Harmonious Jade{A} the jaw hitting the floor, and the fire shooting from elora's head

pigeon and keep reusing them

alsoquin yes

willows yeah

Harmonious Jade{A} that will remain with me always.

alsoquin hahahahaha

willows i kind of named like four or so today <.<

pigeon frankly, I treasure the ooc log of that more

willows haha fire

pigeon can we like transcript that in

Harmonious Jade{A} hahaha

alsoquin what did I say?

alsoquin I don't even remember

Harmonious Jade{A} i think you proclaimed my imminent death

alsoquin oh righr

alsoquin yeah

Harmonious Jade{A} and catshit

willows someone in #indierpgs used to have a script that merged channel logs

alsoquin we should annotate the log with footnotes

pigeon I appreciate also that yu guys are not pissed off

pigeon about the whole getting tricked thing

Harmonious Jade{A} yes, I was kind of worried

willows afk i stink

Harmonious Jade{A} and, yaknow. was convinced i was going to hell.

alsoquin wow

alsoquin why were you worried

alsoquin I mean

alsoquin it is obvious that you provided MORE THAN ENUFF CLUES

Harmonious Jade{A} well i did flat out lie both ooc and ic

pigeon see

pigeon I can't really judge the quality of the clue-giving

pigeon because I knew all along right

pigeon so of course to me I'm like DUH DUH DUH GUYS

Harmonious Jade{A} like when you asked if i was really ahlat's daughter and i was like 'oh yes. and check out this background story"

alsoquin oh

alsoquin right

alsoquin well

alsoquin it helped that we got it in stages

alsoquin I think I might've been annoyed if it had just been

alsoquin "I was a skrull all along! BOOYAH"

Harmonious Jade{A} haha

pigeon hahahaha

pigeon okay I need to eat now

Harmonious Jade{A} does it help that she feels kinda bad about it

pigeon see you guys later

pigeon thanks for the awesome game

Harmonious Jade{A} and didn't like run off laughing

alsoquin np

alsoquin enjoy eating

alsoquin that helped ic

Harmonious Jade{A} bye, have good dinner!

alsoquin but I mean

alsoquin elora is way more upset about being tricked than I am

Harmonious Jade{A} yeah, I <3 you guys

alsoquin anyway, yeah

alsoquin good game

willows yep yep

Harmonious Jade{A} i had fun!

Harmonious Jade{A} omg the drama

willows i enjoy rolling well on something where my abilities are weak

willows it tells me where to buy next

Harmonious Jade{A} autumn caused so much trouble

Harmonious Jade{A} it totally ruined spin the gourd though!

willows hahaha

willows i have like

willows a small rosebush's worth of tarragon

willows what to do

Harmonious Jade{A} hmm i don't know what to do with tarragon at all

< Jade Rolled | Logs | Idealism Is Contagious >