Rapyese and Defann

⚠ <b>Familiar •••••⚠ </b>

Motivation: See Those the Mistress loves mended of their hurts/To grant others the Mistress loves the strength to defend themselves.

Strength 1, Dexterity 6, Stamina 3; Perception 6, Intelligence 6, Wits 4; Charisma 1, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3

Athletics 3 (Flying/Running Fast +3), Awareness 5, Dodge 4, Integrity 1 (Unshakable Loyalty + 3), Linguistics 1(Old Realm), Lore 4, Martial Arts 2 (Eye Peck/Ankle Bite +1, Flying Rake +2), Occult 5, Performance 3 (Guidance +3), Resistance 3 (Iron Stomach +3), Stealth 5, Survival 3

Compassion 5, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 1

Essence 4, Willpower 8, Health Levels 0*1, -1*3, -2*4, -4*3, Incapacitated

Dodge DV is 7. Soak is 3B/3L/0A. MDV is 6 (8)

Peck: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 2L, Defense -, Rate 1
Claws: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 1L, Defense -, Rate 2

Both are able to communicate effectively with their Mistress and share senses with her out to a mile away.

Defann is capable of moving unseen as long as he can resist the urge to grin (with a successful Temperance roll every 10 minutes under stress), lest his teeth show his position. He is also able to transfer a Willpower from himself to his Mistress or anyone he believes needs it (usually on her request). This usually requires a short time (it goes faster the less willpower they have currently) of stropping, purring against, and nuzzling the target. This can be done once per day per target.

Rapyese is capable of seeming completely insignificant... as long as he doesn't see someone his Mistress likes in pain, then he must fail a Compassion roll or go to their side. Rapyese has the unique ability of being able to Defend Others' minds (with MDDV) while resting on their shoulder. His own strength of will and essence buoys them with a sense of caring peace that drowns out the arguements of others, even as he might suffer the effects instead.