Preludes in Return to Tumult will be little "Sub-Games", of which we will run the occasional scene now and again, even during the middle of a normal game. The purpose of these will be to tell additional stories with the context of the Return to Tumult storyline, with effects that can be illuminative on the main game.
The Student's prelude focuses on the Mask of Winters' early involvement in Creation, the Conquest of Thorns, and the various tasks that the Moonshadow and her former Abyssal Circle have performed for their master.
Characters in the Student Prelude
Characters for Student Prelude should be built as starting Abyssals, with 21 freebies and any Liege bonuses. You also have 25xp worth of character growth. The Manse background is not allowed, as this prelude starts before the Abyssals gain much power in Creation. The events of the Prelude take place 5 years before Return to Tumult.
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