Prelude for Kalushtar Flametongue

Preludes in Return to Tumult will be little "Sub-Games", of which we will run the occasional scene now and again, even during the middle of a normal game. The purpose of these will be to tell additional stories with the context of the Return to Tumult storyline, with effects that can be illuminative on the main game.

Kalushtar's Flametongue will focus on the Father's occupation and rule over the city of Chiaroscuro, and the reconquest of the city by the Realm, focusing on Kalushtar's circles activities prior to most of their deaths.

Characters in the Kalushtar Prelude

  • Young Kalushtar Page - the younger and less experienced Kalushtar, chosen of the Zenith sun.
  • Suni Ya Page - Suni-ya, love interest and potent Twilight Necromancer for the sun!
  • Mikaro Page - Strong & Deadly Pirate of the South, and skulking Dawn caste.
  • Taleen Page? - Cunning Mistress of the Dark Harbour gang, and dashing Night caste.

Characters for the Kalushtar Prelude should be built as starting Solars, with 21 freebies and 7 "bonus" freebies to assign after you complete character creation. You also have 150xp of character growth. The events of the Prelude take place at about the time the characters in Time of Tumult went off to discover the Golden City of Del Roh.

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