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Sphinx's Chrysalis

Level Three Artifact
Soulsteel and Prayer Strip Reinforced Buff Jacket

Formed from the cocoon of a Death's head dragon moth thing, Silent Song did gather it to protect himself from the deadly flames released from its death when he dropped a stalactite on it. This armor appears to be formed from folded and bound together prayer strips with a strange black metal that Silent Song doesn't quite recognize at first, but learned later to be soulsteel, woven through the strips rather than ink. A thick white hood with arcane symbols that can be buttoned up to hide all but the eyes of the wearer is part of the coat.

It seems to have been formed from his old ragged coat, but this one protects like something harder than steel. It is truly a wonder of the Underworld, or is it? The ghosts he has spoken to say they've never heard of such a dragon before. If it wasn't the Underworld he was in, where WAS he? A mystery to be solved.

NameL. SoakB. SoakMob. PenaltyFatigueHardnessAttune
Sphinx's Chrysalis+9+12-006/63

The armor removes the 1 mote surcharge to use Flesh as Marble Stance to make Resilient Corpse Body compatible with armor. Also, the armor is attuned to the element of Prayer and focuses those prayers which are given towards the wearer, effectively raising their Cult rating by 1, as the prayers are refined into their purest essence.

The soulsteel bonuses have already been factored into the above statistics. If not fully harmonized, reduce the armor's Soaks by 2 and hardness by 1 each.

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