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Backgrounds: Dusk Rose, Iron Blossom, Nerine, Rook, Silent Song, Stepper in Pale Shadows

Abyss Mastery *
All Abyssals have been touched by the cold hand of Death, but all have bested him within his own realm. What few of them understand is that Death is but one aspect of the force known as Oblivion, the Void, the Abyss True. In their conquest they proved their mastery of this force. While it is not theirs to command, they can coax knowledge from its depths.

Artifact ****
Shadows Cast At Dusk is a most puissant long powerbow, able to fire arrows that move as if dancing in an intangible wind.

Artifact **
Soulsteel hearthstone bracers.

Artifact *****
Death's Dark Wings a pair of wings in from Stepping on Pale Shadow's shadow's back normally, that burst into dark wings as the shadow attaches itself to Stepping.

Contacts ***

Familiar *****
Loki, the mighty horse whose swiftness is that of a flickering wildfire across the plains.

Resources *****
Gained from many years of theft, up to the present! And now boosted by the fact that Stepper is the owner of the House of Knucklebones and Pips.

Artifacts n' Wonders


  • Poor (Caring Affection)
  • Shenarra, Nerine, Canae, Slumbering Kitten (Want to make happy)
  • Loki (Mutual Friendship)
  • Traveling to new locations (Enjoyment)
  • Mela (Playmate)
  • Aszixoth (Kindred Spirit)
  • Song (Bromance)
  • Laughter (Trust)

(Stepper Story?)