The presence of the hornet is often unnoticed at first, only revealed when you blunder too near and it emerges to defend its nest. Stylists always have a rope dart stashed on their person, often wrapped around their waist with the dart itself disguised as a buckle for a rope-belt, and are trained to be able to go from 'casually walking down the street' to 'ready for combat' as quickly as a flight of hornets can emerge from the nest when threatened by intruders. Some call the style defensive, focused as it is on guarding territory, but those who have felt its sting often think otherwise.
Hornet Weapons: Hornet Style can only be used with a rope dart. Otherwise, the stylist cannot use the charms of this style to enhance her attacks or parries. Unarmed attacks are not compatible with this style.
Armor: This style is compatible with light and medium armor.