House Rules

House Rules for The Witching Minute, a Skype/Roll20 game of Vampire the Masquerade.

Cast of the Game

Game Sessions

  • Session1 -- First Session (5xp)
  • Session2 -- Second Session (4xp)
  • Session3 -- Third Session (5xp)
  • Session4 -- Fourth Session (5xp)
  • Session 5A -- Fifth Session (premature end) (3xp)
  • Session5 -- Fifth Session (10xp)
  • Session6 -- Sixth Session (3xp)

Extra Systems

  • Library - New background for research and information.

Playable Clans

  • Brujah
  • Cappadocians
    • Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude
    • Weakness: Necrotic Aura -- Cappadocians exude a spiritual blight as a result of their innate closeness to death. Insects die if they come too close and plants wither at the touch of a Graverobber. Extended periods of time in physical contact with a Cappadocian cause inexplicable weakness and fatigue, inflicting one level of Bashing damage per hour. This unnatural Aura of Death unnerves mortals and even vampires, adding 1 to the difficulty of all Social rolls not based on Intimidation. Finally, Cappadocians may never spend blood to appear more human; they are far closer to a corpse than a living being and cannot pretend otherwise. (Hand of Hades Flaw)
  • Gangrel
    • Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
    • Weakness: Bestial Visage -- A Gangrel's Beast displays itself in times of stress. Whenever a Feral would make a Frenzy check, they must make an additional, separate Self-Control check at the same difficulty. If they fail this roll, their Appearance is reduced to 0 for the rest of the scene as the Beast twists them into an animalistic monster. Gangrel with Instinct assume the Bestial Visage whenever a Frenzy roll would be required, unless the difficulty of the roll is less than their Instinct score. (Face of the Beast Flaw)
  • Malkavian
    • Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate
    • Weakness: Eternal Madness -- Afflicted with an incurable Derangement. (V20)
  • Nosferatu
    • Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
    • Weakness: Soul's Visage -- A Nosferatu's maximum Appearance is equal to 1/4th of their Morality rating, rounded down. Even those Nosferatu with an Appearance of 1 or 2 are disfigured and project an unsettling air. Their appearance-related Social rolls have a permanent +2 difficulty, unless related to Intimidation. (new)
  • Toreador
    • Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
    • Weakness: Entrancement -- Falls into a trance when confronted with beauty. (V20)
  • Ventrue
    • Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
    • Weakness: Selective Thirst -- Able to feed only on a single, specific type of mortal. (V20)


  • Each character may take one defensive and one offensive action in a turn, or activate a Discipline.
  • Extra attack successes do not add to damage rolls.
  • Grapple - All attacks made against a grappled or grappling character are at +2 difficulty and botches will result in the attack hitting the other character.




Blood Sorcery

Teaching Disciplines

  • An instructor must have a rating 1 higher than the level of any power he is attempting to teach.
  • In-Clan Disciplines can be developed on one's own, given sufficient time and practice.
  • Physical Disciplines do not require an instructor, even if they are out-of-Clan.

Discipline Curses.

A rating of 4 or more in a Disciplines may impose some penalty on the vampire.

  • Criteria
    • One Clan Discipline has more dots than the other two combined
    • An out-of-Clan Discipline has more dots than any Clan Discipline
    • Knowing multiple powers of the same level
    • Reaching your maximum potential in a Discipline without at least 5 in another
    • Multiple recent botches of a Discipline
    • Multiple recent excessive success with a Discipline
    • Relying heavily on a Discipline, even when not required
  • Any vampire who meets 3 or more of the criteria for Discipline Derangements gains a Temporary Derangement.
  • Any vampire who meets 5 or more of the criteria for Discipline Derangements gains a Permanent Derangement.